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warnings: swearing

You walked along the corridor, next to Rin. "You're not nervous right?" you ask Rin as you turned to look at him and scoffed. "No. It doesn't matter who the opponent is, we're going to win," Rin replied. You sighed as you shrugged your shoulders, "whatever you say." With those words, the gate opened and you saw the other 5 on the other side. You waved to Luna, Loki, and Blake before you switched your language to English and smiled at them.

"Good to see the three of you again. It's been a while," you said. Loki smiled back and waved, "you too (Y/N)." Blake stared at you before nodding his head and greeting you while Luna nodded his head and waved back to you.

Silva laughed, "they're scrawnier than I imagined! Also what's a player like you doing here? (Y/N) (L/N)." You looked at Silva as you nodded your head in greeting. "My cousin is the organiser of this program, so I've been...forced to participate," you answer him.

Blake looked to Silva, "I told you the Japanese aren't known to be muscular at all. Now you owe me 10 grand." Silva looked to you, as if analysing your appearance only for you to cross your arms and stare at him. He smirked before he turned to Blake, "you're just gonna use it to play around with women right?"

"Shut up, you came all the way to Japan to work part-time," Blake snapped back. You sigh as you walk towards Loki and smile at him, "it's been a long time since we talked. Especially played against each other."

"I'll have you know I improved," Loki said with a smile. You chuckled, " I don't doubt that. But so have I." He extended his hand to you as you took and the both of you shook hands. "Looking forward to playing against you again," he said. You smiled slightly, "Ego gave me some...restrictions in the past games...this'll be the first time in a while since I've played with 0 restrictions."

Loki raised his eyebrow at your words before you gestured to the suit, "he made the suit way heavier than it's supposed to be, so I've been having a tough time moving around and I get exhausted more easily. Before this he made me wear weights around my wrists. So now I'm finally wearing normal clothing with absolutely no restrictions." The boy laughed at your words, "well that's going to be a surprise. I'm going to be honest, I heard news that you were going to be part of the program but I didn't think you'd actually be in the program."

You sighed as you ran your fingers through your hair, "that was the initial plan but Ego decided to switch things up." But the conversation between the two of you paused as you suddenly felt the tension increase. You turned around as you saw Luna put himself in front of Rin and Silva. You sigh, "I should go cool them down too, knowing that guy he'll stir up some trouble." Loki just chuckled, "alright."

You walk to Rin and placed your hand on his shoulder and shook your head, telling him to cool down. Luna turned to face Rin. "You're Rin Itoshi right? I've heard the rumours from Ego."

Rin just looked confused, "what?" You sigh as you know where this is going to go. "You're Sae Itoshi's little brother aren't you? Your brother is pretty well known within the organisation," Luna continued on. You looked to Rin as you spotted the fear in his eyes at the mention of his brother. "If you're really his brother, you also probably have amazing talent. I was eagerly anticipating you," Luna said. He turned around to look at you, "of course I want to play against you too (Y/N), I want to see how much you've improved since back then. Especially now that you're world-class."

You look to him and smile politely, "don't have your expectations set too high." He just laughed in response to your words, "anyways, this is a pretty interesting idea. To develop such a project to make Japan the best in soccer....although Spaniards becoming the next sumo grand champions sounds more plausible. To waste this much wealth on such a fruitless expedition...Japan must really be a thriving country."

𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖎𝖙 {𝖇𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗}Where stories live. Discover now