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warnings: swearing, mention of a character not shown in the anime yet

Everyone's eyes widened as they saw (Y/N) walk onto the field, a grin on her face as relief flowed through her body as she hummed. "Ah thank god we've finally reached this point of the game. Do you know how long I had to wait for this?" she said, the question being directed to the twins and Kuon. The twins frowned and paled in horror, "that's not fair!" Keisuke yelled in protest. She looked at him, the grin remaining on her face as she raised her eyebrow, "oh? It's not? But don't you technically have one extra number? Hm?" She smirked, her voice highly teasing and mocking, "don't tell me you're afraid of some girl." The twins stiffened, their expressions turning into a glare as they finally realised she was mocking them. "Although it's a pity I've been given restrictions~ But I can still win if I really want to. Too bad you aren't deserving of my effort. So I'll let my team handle you three."

'Chigiri needs to face them himself, until then...it seems as if I'll just have to go on standby. Damn it, c'mon Chigiri, for your sake and mine and everyone else on Team Z', she thought to herself. She tuned out Kuon's voice, not knowing the reason why he decided to betray the team. She stood still as she turned around to see another goal being scored and Isagi's frustration increasing. She nodded her head, 'good. Become more desperate, to the point where you have nothing left and go all out.'

But she had to do something, if not she'd be useless and she didn't like being useless. She supposed she could just wait for the right moment, it wasn't as if it was going to come in more than a few minutes. Her eyes glanced at Chigiri, she noticed his frustration building up but all of a sudden he gave up. She grit her teeth as she shook her head, sprinting at Keisuke and appearing behind Chigiri, pushing him, "RUN CHIGIRI! IT'S NOT OVER UNTIL WE WIN." She said as she sprinted past him. A feral grin on her face as Kunigami stole the ball from them and the ball landed by her feet. Her determination was evident as she stared at the opponents in front of her, quickly scissoring past all of them in a flash. She grit her teeth, god damn these people were like pests to her and because of her limiting herself, the ball was stolen from her, Junichi kicking it away. She scoffed as she chased after the ball. The ball heading towards Chigiri, "WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE LIKE A DUMB FUCK. YOU HAVE LEGS CHIGIRI. USE THE GIFT YOU USED TO BE SO PROUD OF." She yelled at him. She sighed in her mind, now she had to act like a total asshole for the sake of his development. As Chigiri stoped the ball she glared at him, "IF YOU'RE NOT GONNA HELP. SHOVE OFF." She said, grabbing his shoulder as she passed him, stealing the ball for herself.

Isagi was now by her side, she looked to him and nodded her head, his eyes widening, somehow understanding what she wanted him to do. She passed the ball towards him and he nodded his head, taking it, running towards the goal. And all of a sudden he knew why (Y/N) had passed to him, his eyes darting towards Chigiri who was sprinting towards him. Finally smelling a goal. (Y/N) grinned to herself as she saw Chigiri finally putting his legs to use.

She smiled widely as she watched Chigiri pass everyone, shocking everyone on the field at his sudden speed. She laughed, muttering to herself, "thank god...all that was worth it." Her eyes widened as she saw Keisuke and Junichi chase after Chigiri, she sprinted towards the two, blocking them with a scowl, "nuh-uh. You're not ruining my hard effort." They bared their teeth at her as if they were dogs. The poor dogs, they didn't deserve to be compared to these pieces of trash. She turns around and looks at Chigiri, a rush of adrenaline pumping as she watches him score and the clock chiming, signalling the end of the game. She grinned as she quickly made her way towards Chigiri, rushing towards him to congratulate him, no thinking of her actions and genuinely happy for him, she hugged him. "I knew you could do it!" she laughed as she hugged him.

Chigiri's eyes widened before she got off of him and smiled widely at him. He looked at her and sighed, "...it's all your fault. Because of you and your silly words, I got so fired up and before I knew it...I was sprinting. So...thank you (Y/N). I'll keep running until this leg falls apart." She smiled at him, tilting her head, "it's my pleasure. I'm glad you finally realised it. Now you can finally be the best."

𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖎𝖙 {𝖇𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗}Where stories live. Discover now