
730 31 22

warnings: none

You stretch on the field, getting yourself ready before starting your training with the ladders. You hear a grunt to your right as someone seemed to be stretching too. You look up and turn to your right to see Baro, someone you haven't talked to in a long while. His face set in a permanent scowl as he stretched next to you.

You look back down, deciding not to say anything and stick to yourself as you resume your stretching. But midway, you got bored of the silence. "Wanna train with me? Keep me company," you say out of the blue and the guy lets out a grunt as he looks to you with an annoyed expression. "Why the fuck-," he started before realising it was you asking and paused before looking away, his scowl deepening. "Sure."

You nod your head in confirmation as you stand up, "alright then, let's start. C'mon, you need this anyways, last I checked, your footwork isn't the smoothest." You say as you cock your head sideways, stretching it as you wait for him to finish up and stand up. Once he did, you walked towards a ladder, standing in front of it as you thought of what to do.

Sighing, you look to Baro, "copy me." You tell him as you step into one of the boxes before moving up, right leg out, left leg in, right leg in, left leg out. Then you picked up the pace, careful not to trip over the lines as you envision dribbling a ball in front of you, scissoring past the defender. Then as you reach the end of the ladder, you stop and pause to turn to face Baro. "Think you can try that?" you ask him with a slight grin.

The boy scowled as his eyebrows furrowed, trying to figure out what you had just did. You pause before shaking your head, "nah, forget it. That's not your style. Just keep it simple, run through three boxes in the ladder, move back one then repeat till you reach the end and reverse it." You walk towards him as you demonstrate what you had meant as Baro watched intently.

As you finally reach where you had started, you look to Baro, "sounds simple enough right? 75 times should be good. 25 reps, 3 sets. 10 seconds break in between." Baro glared at you as he placed his hand on his hip, "the fuck, you plan on having me drop fucking dead?"

"What else is training for? C'mon, I'll do it with ya," you say a devious grin. "Or what? Are you too chicken shit to do it?" you challenge him, raising an eyebrow at him as you await his response. He scoffs, "never." You rolled your eyes as he started on his own ladder, albeit a bit choppy but he'd get the hang of it eventually. You let out a breath, closing your eyes as you mentally prepare yourself before you open your eyes and you start the set.

1 set down. You were alright so far, panting slightly as you breathed through your nose, counting down the seconds in your head before you started the second set. You look to your left to see Baro panting also, breathing through his mouth. "Breathe through your nose, you actually get more oxygen that way and your mouth won't feel so dry," you tell him as you stare at him as he shoots you a glare before taking your advice. "I'm only listening because it's to my advantage, don't get any fucking ideas," he shoots as you before you nod your head with a slight grin. "Whatever keeps you asleep at night," you shoot back to him before you start your next set.

Your legs were burning, but you could still do that one final set. Baro was still on his second as you counted down to 10, controlling the breathing through your nose as you readied yourself for the last and final set.

The second you finished your set, you grabbed your bottle and slowly drank from it, slowly drinking sip by sip as you picked up your phone, setting a timer for 5 minutes, allowing you to rest before you sat down and started to stretch once more. You look at Baro who was sweating as he continued on with the set, to his credit, majority of people would've dropped dead by now so his stamina was something else, especially for that build of his, it would require more energy than what you yourself require.

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