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warnings: sort of insult to chinese temples (im chinese)

(Y/N) looks at the team in front of her, "alright. So as you all know, the next team we're going against is Team W. On that team, the key players are the Wanima twins." She paused as she clicked to the next slide and visibly cringed at the sight of the twins before letting out a sigh, "if I had to be honest, I'd be highly ashamed of all of you if you lost to twins were one looks like a chimpanzee and the other those chinese monkeys statues you'd see in front of those temples." She stated plainly, the rest of the team laughing at her analogy of the two. She ran her fingers through her hair as she let loose another sigh, clicking onto the next slide where a short footage of their play against Barou's team. "On a more serious note. The twins speciality is combination plays. They had won against Team X, Barou's team. Having a two lead score.

"Unfortunately, they're a different type of weirdos where the timing of their plays match up perfectly. However, if we were to separate them, or block one from the other, they wouldn't be able to use their weapon. That's the key to defeating the team, get it?" she said as she stared at them. Actually, she had more than just that data on them, but giving too much for them would put them at an unfair advantage. Her eyes flicked to the sound of the door opening and she saw Kuon standing there, it seemed as if he just finished showering, however something appeared off to her. She sighed as she shrug it off and continued to look at him, as he explained his lateness. "Sorry I'm late. I was trying to think of a name for tomorrow's strategy. How's it going here...?" he asked the rest of them.

(Y/N) narrowed her eyes at him, wondering what kind of excuse he had just given them. Instead she pretending as if it was nothing and smiled at Kuon, "just going over some footage." She stared at Kuon, trying to figure out exactly what made him seem so off. Perhaps it was the way he acted, perhaps it was the sweat he had on his face although the room was powered with AC and even if he did just finished showering, his hair was somewhat dry, too dry to just be done with showering and the towel on his shoulders seeming dry and untouched with water. 'Maybe I'm just overthinking it...but I'll keep an eye on him. Even if what he does wouldn't affect me,' she thought. Kuon made his way towards the rest of them and wiped his face with his towel, "for this next match...we'll use the strategy we've been practising that we had devised after looking back on our last match. Where we'll change the formations three times, giving thirty minutes each to groups of three whose weapons are compatible. And it's name is...'OPERATION 3X3 ALL STARS'!"

(Y/N) deadpanned at its name before silently scoffing, she had yet to voice her opinion on the strategy or offer a strategy of her own. Iemon looked slightly down, "so...am I gonna be the goalie forever?" She laughed softly as Raichi and Igaguri stared at him weirdly. She looked at him, "we depend on you. Without you, who else to save the opponent's goal?" A small smile on her face as she looked at him. He seemed to brighten up at those words, a small blush on his face, "t-thanks..." She smiled at him and nodded her head, "no need for thanks." In the end those were all just empty words meant to flatter...she snapped back to reality as she caught ear of Isagi's and Chigiri's conversation. Sighing slightly at Chigiri's neutral response, which diverted attention from himself. She looked at Chigiri and frowned slightly, from what she knew, Chigir had a certain...history with the Wanima brothers. For quite a stupid reason at that, it was one of the reasons why she disliked the twins, that and their odd looks with their odd personality as the cherry on top.

She saw Chigiri staring at Kuon, an aloof expression on his face as if he was holding his suspicion against Kuon. Of course...it was always the quiet ones who stayed back and observed. She let out a huff as she leaned against the wall and listened to the team cheer. Once all of them were about to leave the room and she was able to follow suit were it not for someone calling out her name. Chigiri looked at her, a frown on his face. "Yea, you need something?" she asked, turning around to face him.

𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖎𝖙 {𝖇𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗}Where stories live. Discover now