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warnings: slight (?) angst, mention of insomnia

You walk out of the toilet, dressed in a simple t-shirt and shorts that went down to your knees. A towel slinged around your neck as you groaned to yourself. You look up to see the clock, "...it's 6 o'clock already...huh." In Blue Lock, you were finally starting to lose track of time considering there were no windows here. You click on a button as your door opens and you head towards where you remembered the dining hall to be.

As you walk towards the dining hall, you start to smell as sorts of scents and you try sniffing the air before giving up after not being able to guess what sorts of food people were getting. As you finally reach the dining hall, you scan the area before spotting a table occupied by six. You grin as you head towards them, "I see the six of you are still sticking with each other. Not gonna bother socialising?"

You look at Igarashi who seemed to have a large sprawl of food and you look to Bachira who was happily eating his food. Raichi looked at you and narrowed his eyes as he stuffed his face with food, "what's the point in socialising. All the bastards here are sticking to the people they know." You shrug your shoulders to his question, "well I dunno, maybe scour the competition. After all, you're all going to be going against each other to get onto the starting team right?"

"I think most of us are just focused on eating right now. Scouring the competition will be done after," Isagi spoke up after he swallowed whatever it was he was eating. You nod your head, "seems reasonable enough."

"Neh, (Y/N)-chan. What did Ego call you in for when you went with the other 6?" Bachira asked you before he took another bite out of his food. Chigiri perked up at the topic before he nodded his head, "yeah, you guys were gone for quite a while. Everyone was wondering what was going on."

You shrug your shoulders as you look at Chigiri, "nothing much. Just had a simple game, first to 5. The top 6 against me and a special guest, Michael Kaiser. You guys heard of him?" Igarashi choked as he ate his food, Gagamaru quick to the rescue as he patted Igarashi's back. "Michael Kaiser? The Michael Kaiser? The one part of New Generation World 12!?" he freaked out. You look at him and blink before remembering this would be a big deal for them as you nod your head, "yeah. That's him."

"No wonder Rin came out looking so pissed. I'm guessing you won?" Isagi asks before he takes another spoonful of rice. You nod your head, "yeah. 5-3, they were pretty good considering most of them are strangers to each other's playstyle." Chigiri nodded his head as he continued listening, "I see...that explains it I suppose."

You nod your head as you let out a breath, "anyways I'm starving. Seems you guys are just about to finish so don't let me keep you waiting- I'll see you guys around." You say as you offer the six of them a smile and a wave before walking off to get food for yourself.

Gagamaru, Igarashi and Raichi left the table, off to do their own things leaving Isagi, Chigiri and Bachira to themselves. Isagi looks to Chigiri as he swallows the food in his mouth, "don't you think (Y/N) is slightly different from before? More relaxed, more friendly." Chigiri stared at him before shrugging his shoulders, "well I guess now she's no longer our coach, there isn't a line of authority now as there was before. So she's more relaxed and more herself."

Bachira nodded his head eagerly, "I like this side of her. Seems more fun, she always seemed quite stiff at times." Isagi let out soft 'hm' as he stared blankly at something in front of him.

You take your food as you look around to find a place to eat. Only to see Nagi, Rin and Shidou eating together on a table. You visibly faltered, now that was an odd sight you would've never expected. Nagi seemed to be playing on his phone, Rin and Shidou bickering over something related to food.

𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖎𝖙 {𝖇𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗}Where stories live. Discover now