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You run and watch as Rin kicks the ball to Bachira and he tries to get past with a max speed scissor feint. But it seemed as if Isagi wasn't planning on letting Bachira get past him so easily. You noticed his situation and ran towards the open area only for Baro to show up in front of you. "Didn't you learn last time?" you asked him. He frowned in confusion. "Your blocking doesn't work against me," you say as you slipped and slid underneath his legs, hearing him curse under his breath as you get back up in a flash. You looked to Bachira and nodded your head, he nodded his head and quickly passed the ball to you. But Nagi was now in your way.

"You have to be fucking kidding me," you scoffed as you thought of a way to get passed him before doing your usual and kicking the ball up high into a arc, Nagi stared at you, waiting for you to run after the ball. You laughed, "are you serious? Look around Nagi. You forgot one important person."

His eyes widened as he turned around and saw Rin receiving the ball. "Thanks," he muttered under his breath. You just chuckled as you retreated back to your position in case anything extra happened. And just like that, since their defence was completely broken thanks to you, with Isagi, Baro and Nagi chasing after Rin, Rin shot the ball into the goal. You grin as you gain one point. You look at Bachira, "look around. I'll be there if you're in a sticky situation." He grinned, "thanks~" Rin made his way back as you gave him a high five, "nice one Rin!"

"Fuck. I let her get past me," Baro muttered. Chigiri looked at him, "don't mind. We'll get the point back. This time Isagi started off with the ball but Bachira was already marking him and it didn't take long for him to steal the ball from Isagi after a couple feints. You were on the opposite side as Aryu ran, but he was being marked by Chigiri and you were being marked by Baro who seemed pissed. "OI BOB CUT!" Baro called out, distracting Bachira. But it didn't work, instead he had just passed to Aryu. "Nice one Bachira!" you called out to him as you continued to run, Baro right behind you. You watched as Aryu caught the ball and quickly passed it to your direction. "Could you leave me alone?" you yelled at Baro as he tried to push you away. But he ignored your words and you were able to get a one touch and pass it in front of you. "Rin you better get that or I'll wring your neck later!" you yell at him.

He ignored your words and caught the ball even though Nagi tried to intercept it. You glared to Baro, annoyed at him since he was marking you tightly. But you saw Bachira catch up and you let out a sigh of relief as you turned around and jogged to a certain position, making it seem as if you were about to receive a pass from Rin. Baro rushed to you, ready to intercept the ball. Only for Rin to not pass the ball at all and shoot it in the goal.

You looked to Baro, "you have a better chance at getting a point by not marking me y'know?" He scoffed and just glared at you. You shrugged your shoulders before you look to Rin and walk towards him. "Nice one," you congratulated him as you pat his back.

"Get some goals, you're getting lazy," was all Rin said in return. Your eyes twitch, "it's not my fault I have a gorilla marking me at all times! Anyways...they're going to pick up their pace and start their counter."

Rin looked to you with a bored look, "I know." You sigh and shake your head. "In any case, we'll do as always. I mess up their formation and you can get that point. Of course I would be happy if you could get Baro off my tail," you say as you give him a thumbs up. "Do it yourself," he said as he rolled his eyes.

You just scoff as you shake your head as the two of you walk back to your own half and you wait for the kickoff to sound. This time it was Nagi starting as he passed the ball to Chigiri but Aryu was in front of Chigiri. Rin positioned himself and you started running. You watched as Nagi kept running but so did Isagi. You hummed softly as you looked at Baro who was now too caught up in his ego and went after the ball, only for it to be intercepted by Rin. You started sprinting to get a head start as Rin continued to dribble the ball forward, ready for him to pass to you if he so chose to. He did exactly that as he passed to you since Baro left you unmarked. "You know what to do," he said. You nodded your head sharply.

𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖎𝖙 {𝖇𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗}Where stories live. Discover now