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warnings: none

You supposed you were thankful that Ego kept to your request. He ensured to the best of his abilities that you had yourself puking for the first 3 days of training. It was the first time in a long while you found yourself sleeping for a full 8 hours. You stretched your muscles, groaning at how sore they felt. It was safe to say that you were absolutely wrecked. You were unsure whether to be thankful or...yeah.

You had to grip the side of the shower, your legs had lost all strength and were as good as cooked noodles. It was all pretty hilarious to you, the way you would take so long to do the simplest of tasks. Even changing clothes was a pain. But today was the last day, you had just finished eating and you looked up as you saw the door to your side open.

"Fun?" Ego asked you as the door opened, revealing himself. "...I can't wait to leave," you murmur under your breath before you slowly stand up, clenching onto the table in order to have your knees not cave in. "Got you crutches, today only, your legs should be fine to walk on their own by tomorrow," Ego said and you smiled at him. Before you roll your eyes, "more like Anri-san got me crutches. But either way, I appreciate the gesture." He passes you the crutches as you take it, standing up and feeling the urge to swing back and forth using them but controlling it.

You walk towards him, trying to get used to the crutches before you bite your tongue, "I supposed I did ask for this huh." Ego nodded his head as he observed you and stepped aside, allowing you to pass. "It's 6:03 in the evening, everyone else is having dinner. You have an hour and a half to prepare before giving that analysis on the defence of the Japan U20 team," he reminds you.

You scoff before you roll your eyes, "oh please. Like it'd take me that long." You enter his office, giving him a glance before you shoot him a grin, "I'll see you later. I'm off to enjoy my well earned rest~"

With that, you wobbled off with the crutches, almost falling at one point as you swore under your breath before going at a slower pace.

You walked into the dining hall, the first one to notice you was Bachira and unfortunately, the word, 'careful', wasn't in his dictionary. The first thing he did was jump onto you on the spot and you let out a yelp as you fell on the floor, crutches falling out of your grasp.

"(Y/N)-CHANNN! YOU WERE GONE FOR SO LONG!" he says with a wide grin and normally you would've laughed but now you were just wincing in pain. He literally knocked the air out of you. Rin had to pry him off of you. "Caan't you fucking see she's in pain," he said as he glared at Bachira he just stuck his tongue out at Rin. Chigiri extended his hand to you and you took it, "thanks."

He laughed for a bit, "no problem. You look as if you've been through hell." You let out a groan as you shake your head, "you have no idea." You bend down to pick up your crutches and put it underneath your arms once more.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" Isagi asked as he looked at you with a concerned frown and you just nodded your head as you waved him off. "Just sore muscles, no broken leg or anything. I'll be able to walk without the crutches by tomorrow already," you say as you look at him.

"That means you've been training then," Rin pipes up and you flick your gaze to meet his. "Mhm, asked Ego if he would come up with a training program for me. Left me puking my guts out the first three days," you mutter as you look at him to which he almost fights back a laugh out your suffering.

You look around to see Baro walk up to you with a pissed expression, "you owe me one training session." Blinking a few times, trying to recall exactly why you owed him a training session before you bite your tongue and smile a bit, "right- my bad. Consider it to be an apology for leaving you hanging. Cause I don't owe you shit."

𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖎𝖙 {𝖇𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗}Where stories live. Discover now