To say that I wasn’t surprised at the fact that Andy was taking me out for breakfast with the rest of the band would be an understatement, I was completely shocked. And so I ended up making a fool out of myself. The thing is I get very shy with people that I don’t know at all or very well.
Making a fool out of myself in front of BVB, check!
Leaning against Andy I tried to pay attention to the TV that was showing some Batman cartoon. Andy had argued with Jake and Jinxx about what to watch for a good ten minutes before Ashley took the remote and told me to pick a channel. Of course I was in the mood for cartoons so he put this on, but Batman was on. And I had no idea what the hell was going on. I wasn’t a fan of Batman at all; it just confused the crap out of me.
Andy was happy while the others groaned when we saw what was on. Turning my vision away from the TV I looked out the window. The trees and buildings were passing by quickly causing everything to merge together into one giant multi-color blur. Just watching them pass by I could feel my hand start to itch. I wanted to draw something. My hand would always get this itch when I got bored or saw something that made me think of something that I could draw out on paper and capture the emotion, but what could I draw about the passing trees and buildings and the occasional person here and there?
Looking behind me I saw the closed eyes of my kidnapper sleeping. His dark long eyelashes hit his cheek bones before curling up. His lips were barely parted as he slowly breathed in and out. His black bangs falling into his face made his pale skin pop out in contrast to the rest of his clothes which were also black. His face held this look of just utter and complete peace and carefree, as if there wasn’t a problem that he had to deal with.
He looked so much younger than his twenty-two years.
Skipping back to the window and at Andy, I got an idea, but it was risky, it would involve me leaving his arms without waking him up.
Slowly, almost as slow as a snail, I slipped my body out from Andy’s arm doing a quick five second dance, not at caring that Jinxx, Jake, and Ashley were watching me. Slipping my sketch book and pencils out I quietly sat down in front of Andy and, well, started drawing him. Looking around me I noticed Ashley looking at me every few seconds but I ignored it, concentrating on getting Andy’s perfectly chiseled face drawn, and shading when needed. Once he was done I worked on the scene behind him, the fast moving scene outside the window down to the crumpled up papers that were on the floor in a random corner to the couch that he was on.
Sighing I put it back in my bag and leaned against the couch watching what the weird ass show was now called, Gumball? What the hell is that? I can tell you right now that there was the blue rabbit and things that looked like they cut and pasted onto the show. Rolling my eyes I looked at Ashley who looked completely engrossed with what was being shown.
“Ashley, please tell me that you’re not actually watching this?” Turning towards Jake who was now coming out of the kitchen with a beer in hand with a slice of pizza, I turned back toward Ashley who was shaking his head.
“There is nothing on.” He pulled his cowboy hat down lower so he wouldn’t have to watch the horror that was continuing to be played.
“Ashley, there’s this wonderful thing could changing the channel. Why don’t you do that?” Jinxx muttered as he snatched the remote from where it had fallen to the floor. Ashley just shook his head and went into the front where I guess CC was. Going to keep him company I guess. But he didn’t leave without ruffling my hair up.
“Hey!” Reaching up I quickly fixed it only hoping that it was still parted evenly on the side where it belonged. Hearing Jake sit down where Ash once was and Jinxx flipping through the channels at light speed I looked behind me to see if Andy was still asleep.
He met my dead grey eyes with his lightning bolt blue ones.
He so wasn’t sleeping anymore.
“What the fuck are you doing on the floor?” Without giving me a chance to speak he picked me up and placed me in front of him back on the couch, but this time I was facing him.
“You were sleeping and I got bored with Batman so I drew you.” I answered. He raised his eyebrows at me, his lips turning into a smirk.
“Did you just say that you were bored with Batman?” He obviously had to put emphasizes on ‘Bored’ and ‘Batman.’ I guess he thought that I liked it, but truthfully, it’s so confusing.
“Yes, it’s confusing and boring to me.” I stated. He gasped and jumped over me and down a hallway.
“Dafug happened? I’m gone four minutes and he’s flying?!” Lifting my head over the couch I saw Ashley with his eyebrows touching his hairline. He was shocked just like I was.
“Well, you know someone’s tall when they can jump over a person while lying down behind them and stick the landing.” Jake piped up.
“What did you say to him?” Jinxx added, putting his two cents in.
“Just that I found Batman confusing and boring,” The look on their faces were priceless too. I was in the middle of an eye roll when Andy came bounding back in, but this time with his arms full of what looked like DVD’s. He had the look of a mad man, I didn’t know whether to be scared or what.
“Three words, batman, marathon, tonight,” was all he said.
“Actually that’s five words,” Jinxx and I said.
“Jinx knock on wood,” I said, quickly knocking on the pencil that I had in my hand. Grinning I could just see Jinxx shaking his head and looking up at the ceiling as if asking why.
Andy and Ashley were snickering as Jake rolled his eyes trying to hold back a smile.
“HEY, if you want food then get out of the bus. I found us a diner.” CC called out while running outside. This is going to be very interesting now.
Hey guys, the picture is the closet thing that i could fine, but his hairstyle is what he has today though, hope you like this and sorry for it being so short

Saviour A Black Veil Brides Love Series #Wattys2015
FanfictionRaven is the outcast in her school. She’s the quiet one, the one that stays to herself and really has no friends. Her father doesn’t even look at her. Everyone in her school has labeled her as the emo goth one, the one that doesn’t fit in. But who s...