“Raven wait for me,” turning around I stopped and waited for the pink haired girl I’ve come to know since I’ve first arrived in Texas. Tapping my foot I noticed that she was pushing a baby carriage with a little boy.
“Morning Lisa,” I said. Lisa nodded as she tried to catch her breath.
“Hey Raven. I haven’t seen you here before?”
“Didn’t know there was a park in walking distance from where I’m staying.” I looked down at the boy in the stroller and smiled at him. He had a mop of brown hair on his head and blue eyes. He looked adorable in his blue sweater and jeans.
“This is my son, Jace; he’s only a year old.” Jace as if he knew his mom was talking about him smiled and hid his face behind his hands making Lisa and I giggle.
“He’s such a cutie Lisa,” I said.
“Thanks, he gets it from his daddy.” Her smile got sad but didn’t fade away. “He’s in the army and got sent out the day after Jace came to this world. At least he got to be there to see him born unlike so many dads.” I nodded my head and instantly felt somewhat sad, Lisa only gets to have so much time with him before he’s taken away for duty.
“Raven, aren’t you hot in that?” Lisa asked. Looking down I was wearing what I normally wore, jeans, boots, a band t-shirt and my black hoodie. I shook my head and crossed my arms biting my lip as I put pressure on my arms. That night I couldn’t bare the pain and thought if I did one it wouldn’t be anything. But one turned into two, and then two turned into four, and four turned into every time I thought of Andy. I had broken my promise to him to stop, all the hard work we had done so I was clean ruin. I got right back into that old habit.
Lisa looked at me as if she wanted to press me about it but seemed to change her mind.
“Do you want to go get something to eat? Jace and I haven’t eaten much except for breakfast and a snack not long ago. You want to join us?” For only twenty one she had that feeling as if she was older and wiser.
“I don’t want to bother you and I left my money back home.” I said. I didn’t want to eat any way.
“Nonsense, besides I invited you. Here you can watch Jace while I go to the sandwich shop just across the street and we’ll have a picnic right here. I’ll be right back.” Without letting me say anything she was already heading towards the sandwich leaving me with her baby.
“Is your mother always like this?” I asked. Jace smiled and giggled, “I’ll take that as a yes.” Glancing around I saw a tree that had a big shaded area. Taking hold of the carriage I pushed Jace towards it making him laugh. Rolling my eyes at his silliness I got us to the tree and with a little luck, found a blanket hidden in a compartment in the back of the carriage. Taking Jace out of the carriage I sat down leaning against the tree with Jace in my lap. Not able to help myself I moved his arms as if he was punching someone.
I sighed for probably the tenth time today and looked up to see if Lisa was making her way back. Sadly she wasn’t anywhere in sight. Feeling movement in my lap I looked down to see Jace trying to stand up in my lap. Letting him grab onto my thumbs and fingers he managed to stand up laughing.
“Good job Jace. You’re a big boy,” He gurgled making me laugh as he stomped his legs on the grass. Pushing some of his hair out of his eyes I put him back down letting him crawl around on the blanket, but instead of exploring he crawled into lap and rested his head on my chest his fingers playing with my locket. Kissing his forehead I wrapped my arms around him and started thinking about Andy. We had talked about maybe having a life together. Taking in a shaky breath I closed my eyes and tried not to cry.
Why couldn’t I stop thinking about him? Why did I just have to love him so much to chase after him only to have my heart broken? Just why couldn’t I catch a fucking break? Maybe Andy and I weren’t meant to be together after all.
“Raven, honey?” Opening my eyes I saw Lisa sitting on the blanket with the food in a bag. Her brown eyes were filled with concern as she continued to look at me.
“Oh, how much do I owe you Lisa?” I asked rubbing my eyes grateful that I hadn’t started to cry.
“Nothing, it’s my treat. Wow, Jace seems to like you.” Looking at the bundle I brushed back some hair as he grabbed onto my finger.
I smiled, “He’s such a sweetie.” Lisa smiled and started to take the food out.
“I got you a turkey sandwich and some chips; I wasn’t sure what you would like.” Lisa said as I sat up and placed Jace on the blanket.
“That’s fine,” I unwrapped the sandwich and started breaking the Doritos and placing them on the sandwich as well. We sat there just eating not needing to talk; it was nice to be in the company of someone and not need to talk the entire time. Using this time I took in my surroundings and smiled. There was a play set a little ways off on the right side of the park and a nature walk on the other side.
The sky was a bright and had no clouds in sight; the sun reflected itself in the duck pond making it too bright to look at times. A very soft and light breeze would come through every couple minutes to keep it from being too hot and uncomfortable. I chuckled as Lisa glared at the air as it danced through her hair blowing it in her face and food. It’s funny how I’ve been in Texas for two weeks now and this my first time actually enjoying the time I’ve spent here.
“Can I ask you a question?” Turning to Lisa I swallowed and nodded my head.
“What’s keeping you in Texas?” She put down her sandwich and played with her fingers before taking Jace into her lap.
“I don’t understand what you’re asking?” I said, completely confused.
“I mean, what are you waiting for? Why aren’t you moving on with your life? You came here out of nowhere and all of the sudden you’re working at Bill’s. You clearly aren’t from here, so what’s keeping you here?” Oh, that’s what she wanted to know. Licking my lips I swallowed hard and looked up at her from under my hair.
“It’s a long story,” I finally managed. I pushed my hair back and took a sip of my soda and stared at the ground. Not looking up when I heard movement I saw a hand cover mine and give it a squeeze.
“I got time, and I’m all ears honey.” I looked at Lisa, I mean really looked at her. Behind the tan skin, brown eyes, and pink hair she just oozed the feeling of understanding. As if she could relate to me in a way only one other person has been able to do. I took in a shaky breathe and closed my eyes for a minute before reopening them.
“It all started when I got a phone call not meant for me to hear in the first place.”

Saviour A Black Veil Brides Love Series #Wattys2015
Fiksi PenggemarRaven is the outcast in her school. She’s the quiet one, the one that stays to herself and really has no friends. Her father doesn’t even look at her. Everyone in her school has labeled her as the emo goth one, the one that doesn’t fit in. But who s...