Here it comes

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Hello to all of my Rebels out there, first off once again I would like to thank everyone that reads Saviour and comments, and votes, you really do make my day when I see the votes, comments and reads go up. It truly is amazing and i am enternally grateful to everyone who clicks the read now button.

But I think we all know why this note is in place.

Remember back in the last note where I promised that I would tell you when the end of the book was coming, like the last few chapters?

There is, offically, one chapter left, and then an epiloque.

Then Saviour, is compeletly and utterly, done.

Please put the pitchforks and fires down though.

Once everything is done, I plan on going through all the chapters and editing, taking things out and maybe adding things, but if I were to add chapters that aren't at all in this book, would you like be to do a book called Saviour's Extra's? Or just put them right in? That's up to y'all.

But then after i do all the editing, i will proceed with book 2.

*Happy dancing starts*

So I have a question for all of you guys, who do you think book two is about and what do you think the title will be? Please tell me in the comments if you have an idea, and you could just put Bacon for the title, (which it could be but I'm not saying anything.)

So overall there's really only one chapter left and then an insight of their future and BOOM, book two is on the loose!

So I guess that's all, I hope you guys aren't mad at me for ending Saviour, but even the greatest things have to end eventually. So, comment, vote, and read I guess.

Goodnight my awesome Rebels!

Oh, and do you guys like the name Rebels? I just thought with all of us enjoying Black Veil Brides it sort of just fit, you know?

Sooooooooo, night!

Saviour A Black Veil Brides Love Series #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now