During fourth period an announcement was made.
“As of right now students please head to the auditorium for a special event,”
Looking up at my teacher I frowned, what could be so special for everyone to go to the auditorium? Packing my things up I slipped my backpack onto my shoulder and made my way to the desk where my teacher was. Mrs. Sadwick was the only one who seemed to understand me in this hellhole.
“What’s going on?” I asked.
Mrs. Sadwick smiled. “The school raised enough money to get a band to play for us, Black Veil Brides Miss. Quillet.” I stared at her only to realize that she wasn’t lying, she was serious. My eyes grew wide as I walked as fast as I could down the hallway.
My town Allfaith Utah, for some reason had a big community of Black Veil Brides fans. Jocks and popular girls liked them but after a while I found out that the girls liked them only for their looks and the guys. Some of them actually listened to them but a lot of them liked to hate on them, they liked Black Veil Brides, but for just all the wrong reasons.
It’s a wonder on how the school was able to pay to have them here, the last time I checked to see how much it would cost for them to do an event, it was over three thousand dollars, no way the school could have pay for them to come and give us a concert, unless they were doing it for free. For the first time in two years a smile was starting to form, but it quickly faded when someone yanked on my hair, causing me to cry out in pain and shock. Turning around I could see that it was some blonde hair football player who looked really pissed.
“You have a lot of nerve of hitting my girlfriend this morning, slut.” Inwardly I cringed at the word he threw at me, but on the outside I stayed calm and showed no hint of emotion on my face, keeping it hard for anyone to read.
“What are you talking about, I didn’t hit anybody.” I shot back, I could feel my anger rising.
“Yes you did and now you’re going to pay for it bitch.” He snarled, pulling me away from all of the people that were still in the hallway. He dragged me to a corner where there weren’t any cameras and threw the first punch.
“What ever happened to never hitting a girl huh?” I yelled as I tried to get back up form where I was on the ground.
“I didn’t know that you were a girl.” He punched me in the face and continued to do that until I was on the ground where he started to kick me. And through all of this I just curled into the fetal position and tried to keep my head covered as much as I could. Suddenly he stopped and so I slowly lowered my arms down, looking at him to see what was going on. He was looking at the speakers and slowly I heard the noise, it was the beat of someone playing the drums like they’ve played them for years.
The guitar started playing and I could hear someone screaming. It was Andy Biersack, singing Perfect Weapon. I looked back at him and saw him staring at me and then something that was behind me, I was in too much pain to look behind me to see what was going to happen next.
“I can’t have anybody find you and then have you rat me out,” He didn’t finish what he was saying, he just kicked me out of the way to open the door and pick me up my hair and threw me inside the janitor’s closet.
“Have fun at the concert.” He smirked, slamming the door shut. I stayed where I was, half on an egg crate and half in a trash can that was on its side for some reason. Moving out of the trash can proved to be much harder than I thought that it would be but soon I was standing only having to hold my side and bend over slightly to be comfortable. Every time I moved I had to stop because the pain was so unbearable. I would have to stand still and breathe until I could see straight again to move again only to have to stop and do the same thing over again once I moved five steps from where I was. All I wanted was to go to the concert, that was it and instead this shit happens.
Leaning against the door I shook the door handle to open it, but it wouldn’t open, it was locked.
“You have got to me kidding me,” I growled, realizing that this was the janitor’s closet that locked from the outside instead of the inside like all of the others. Taking a deep breath in I started banging on the door, hitting it as hard as I could.
“Help, somebody, help me!” I shouted, hoping that somebody, anybody, would hear me. The pain started to flair in my arm that was hitting the door so I had to stop before starting up again. I kept on shouting and banging and stopping in an order. But I knew it was useless, nobody was in the hallway and even if they heard me only a teacher would let me out, the students would just open to see who it was and once they saw me they would shut the door again.
“Please, somebody help me, please.” My vision was blurry so I wiped at my eyes until I could see normal again. My body was sore, I knew he broke skin and was bleeding in some areas, my face felt swollen and my ribs hurt like hell like they were on fire so one had to be broken for sure. My legs finally gave out and slowly I slid down the door, banging my head as I sat down on the ground, my back supported by the door. I closed my eyes and shifted only to have the pain intense in my ribs causing me to whimper out in pain. This had to be hell, it honestly had to be hell there was no other choice or reason.
I could feel myself drifting in and out of consciousness when I heard footsteps coming this way. As they got louder I could hear a talking and I knew that this was my only chance. I started banging on the door with my right arm and my head at the same time.
“Somebody, please help me! SOMEBODY, HELP ME!” I screamed at the top of my lungs causing the burning to increase. I didn’t care at that moment, I pushed myself up and swayed side to side barely able to see, but turned and started pounding on the door as loud as I could, screaming out as loud as I could. I couldn’t hear the footsteps anymore and that’s when I stopped screaming so I could breathe. I started pounding once more as the door swung open.
Shocked I stumbled, “Help me, please.” I whispered. I saw someone familiar standing in front of me with four other people standing behind him, all of them male. The last thing I saw was him lunging towards me as I collapsed to the ground, finally falling unconscious.

Saviour A Black Veil Brides Love Series #Wattys2015
Hayran KurguRaven is the outcast in her school. She’s the quiet one, the one that stays to herself and really has no friends. Her father doesn’t even look at her. Everyone in her school has labeled her as the emo goth one, the one that doesn’t fit in. But who s...