In Loving Memory

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Time and location unknown

"So... before we start, I just wanted to mention that, back in our world, we usually have scripts for these kinds of things. But, since we're doing this here, I guess we should follow this realm's traditions," I said from the podium.

I took a deep breath in, and a deep breath out, before beginning my speech.

"At first... we didn't understand him. To be honest, none of us could. After all, we never truly knew him. He was hurting too much to truly get to know us, despite how much he wanted to."


"But, eventually... he changed."

"Obviously, none of us knew that at the time. Honestly, how could we? He was hiding from us, too afraid to truly show himself," I explained, my voice slightly choking.

"And, by the time he came even close... it was too late."

"In the end, the only way to be forgiven..."

"Was through his own sacrifice."

Ah yes, the classic trying to add tension before you start the actual story. (Don't mind me, I just like making fun of my work, no matter how good or bad it is)

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