Chapter 21

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After falling through the gap in space that Gojo created, you land on a hard wood floor. Gojo falls on top of you. Even in the dark, you can see the childish grin on his face.

"Wasn't that fun?" he says.

"Admittedly, a little bit... but can you give me a bit of a warning next time?"

He frowns. "Why? That would ruin the most fun part."

You sigh. Well, there's no helping it. Gojo will be Gojo, and you will continue to be taken by his unconventional ways.

You look around and try to investigate the space you've landed in. It is fairly dark, but you get the sense that you are in an open-plan space. There is a lightness in the air, along with the smell of fresh timber that new apartments take on.

You turn your gaze back to Gojo, who still refuses to move from on top of you. In the dark, the weight of his presence is even more intimidating, especially with the way he is looking at you right now.

The longer you stare the more you feel helpless underneath him. If you didn't know better, you would guess that you've landed in the middle of an electric current because of the way every nerve in your body is buzzing right now.

This is probably the time you should ask him to get off, but you don't want to.

"So... is this considered kidnapping?" you say after a while.

"Possibly. You won't report me, will you?"

"Not as long as you take care of me..."

Gojo considers this. "In that case, what do you prefer, ropes or chains?"

"W-what!?" Okay, there's no holding your composure after that one.

You blush and turn your head away from his prodding gaze.

He laughs. "Just kidding... but you looked a bit excited."

"Mmm, was not."

Gojo stares at you for a moment longer, and then he sighs and collapses into your shoulder. "[M/C]," he mumbles into your neck. "Did I say I was taking you out tomorrow?"

Oh no, is he going to take it back?

"You may have mentioned something like that," you say.

"I take it back." Gojo pushes himself up to look at you. "Can I take you out tonight instead?"

You melt into the floor, which at this point might as well be lava. "S-sure," you stutter.

He smiles. "Good, because I'm not a very patient man." Gojo sits up at last, pulling you with him. "Oh, and don't get me wrong," he says. "I'm still kidnapping you tomorrow too."

You blush. "Okay..." It's not like you have a choice.

Gojo stands up and snaps his fingers, and the room illuminates around you.

You were right, you're sitting in an open concept living space. The place is rather modern, with stone-grey walls, sleek furniture, and soft white LED lights. And it's clean. Clean to the point of not being lived in.

Directly in front of you is a polished little kitchen, complete with a high-top island, marbled countertops, and appliances that look smarter than you. Behind you is a long leather couch, arranged to face toward an electric fireplace. Though it's obvious that the furnishings are way above that of an average man's pay grade, the overall setup is pretty modest; definitely not as extravagant as the place you built for him in your head. Where's the 300-inch flat-screen TV? Or the fish tank that makes you feel like you're in the middle of the Atlantic Sea?

Into Infinity | Satoru Gojo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now