Chapter 29

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Your plan. Once again. You don't have one.

The wind whips against your face as Samara pumps up the mountain, kicking up dust and debris. You cling to the tiger's fur. Her legs are strong, and she is fast. Faster even than she was when you fought her.

You feel the air getting colder the higher you get, the feeling of death more suffocating. But still, you hold on, knowing Satoru is up there.

A crazed wind blows around you. You protect yourself from the flying rubble with a shield of heart energy, which Samara amplifies with her own.

As you reach the ascent, you make out a deep vibrato voice that could only belong to the curse responsible for this mess. "Where is he?!" It hollers between bouts of thunder.

You barely manage to hold onto Samara, as the voice shakes the ancient mountain, sending rocks hurtling down around you.

As you gaze up, your heart catches in your throat at the sight of a bright, blazing star in the midst of it all. Satoru.

Your strongest sorcerer boyfriend is engaged with the curse. It's hard to tell who's winning through the swirling chaos of clouds, but from the glimpses you get of Satoru, he seems to be gaining the upper hand.

"Satoru!" you call. You slap your hand over your mouth, immediately realizing your fuck-up.

Your dazzling boyfriend looks down. Surprise registers on his face. It takes that one second of distraction for the curse to gain the advantage.

You watch Satoru go flying as a violent gust of wind catches him from behind.

In the same instant, the all-encompassing attention of the curse turns on you.

It's terrifying. Like being stared at by the very concept of divine justice just before lightning strikes. You gain all rights to the saying "being in the eye of the storm"—every surface of cloud, every drop of rain, every pellet of hail is looking at you. But not just looking, feeling.

A tornado arm reaches out for you.

You scream as you're pulled from Samara's back, the clouds engulfing you.

If you thought the outside of the storm looked bad, the inside is even more of a shitshow.

The curse's emotions flood you. Your brain feels like it's experiencing a psychotic breakdown, as emotions of all different temperatures different peak up and down. One minute you're plunging into the depths of sorrow, the next a flash of rage—then an emotion so strange amidst this darkened chaos, it takes on a creepy tune of its own. Like finding a strawberry lollipop in the depths of hell.

You focus on the emotion. A vision begins to form along with it—

A humanoid-like tree, tall and gangly and appearing to be rotting. Sitting next to it, a strange beast-like creature with prominent whiskers, floating on a makeshift pillow. Beside that one, a hunk of molten rock with a tongue.

Curses. A gang of them. You can tell by their dark hearts. But there is an improper feeling coating the vision, an impossible bond between them. It's a feeling of—

The vision changes. With a clap of thunder, a man enters the scene. The man is darker than the storm himself, with hair the colour of shadows.

A flash of lightning reveals his face, at the same time a name flashes across your consciousness. Kiyomo.

He looks not a day younger than the pristine man you met in your dreams, though the scene takes place centuries in the past.

Around his feet lay the corpses of those very curses, each surrounded by a subtle dying golden glow.

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