Chapter 14

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Yuuji's eyes lit up as soon as he heard of the possibility of seeing his friends again. There was not much Gojo could do to stop you after that. Once he figured out that he wouldn't be able to change your minds he agreed to help, rather, he insisted that he got to come up with the plan. And that plan was...

"I can't believe we agreed to this," you say.

You look at Yuuji. You and him are currently hiding behind a long shoji screen. The room you are in is dark. Only a few candles, and lamps adjusted to their lowest setting keep it lit. Well that, and the glow of Yuuji's heart, which only you can see. It dances in the dim light, alternating from a fiery red to a gentle orange. The features on his face glow just as brightly. He leans forward, bouncing on his toes with excitement, his eyes sparkling. He's clearly very much on board with this.

You smile. Well, this should be interesting at least.

Outside, you hear Gojo's voice as he enters the room. Through the shoji, you can see the white glow of his heart as it illuminates the space.

"Come in, don't be scared my kiddies!" he says.

Someone grumbles in response. A beautiful purple light enters the room. "What is this supposed to be? And why is it so dark in here?"

Your heart instantly lifts at the tone.


You nearly sprint out right then and there, but you hold yourself back for the sake of Gojo's plan.

"I told you," Gojo says. "Dinner. And a show. Aren't I the best?!"

Megumi groans. "This feels like a plot to get us to sign up for something."

"Hehe, maybe."

Just then, a ball of soft pink youthful light enters the room. "Well as long as there's food involved, I'm here," says a female voice.


Your heart pounds. You miss their voices so much. The subtle glow of their hearts through the shoji, in this dim lighting, is a warming sight. It's almost like your own small festival. You smile to yourself. If only everyone could see this.

Butterflies tingle in your stomach. You're feeling oddly nervous about this whole thing. You look at Yuuji. Seeing his face, which is filled with nothing but excitement, makes you feel a little bit better.

Come on Gojo, hurry up.

"Why are there five place settings?" Megumi asks on the other side.

Nobara huffs. "This better not be some type of blind double-date," and then quieter, "Actually, I wouldn't mind that so much..."

Gojo laughs. "Sit down or you'll spoil the show."


You can hear the concern in Megumi's voice. You don't blame him. You haven't really talked this next part out, so you have no clue what Gojo's going to do.

Once the two of them are presumably seated, Gojo raises his voice and begins his tale. "Once upon a time, there were four friends..."

Oh no, you have a bad feeling about this.

Gojo then proceeds to recount the tales of your adventures at Juju High, from the moment you arrived, to the present day. He says everything with added Gojo flair and never states that he is talking about the four of you, but the connection is obvious.

When he gets to the part about the cursed womb, you feel the energy tense in the room.

"...and then our poor little bean watched helplessly, as two of his loves were brutally taken from him."

Into Infinity | Satoru Gojo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now