They arrive

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It all started one Friday morning
      5 years ago, today to be exact and no one expected it. Everyone was getting ready for work and or school. As always Fridays marked the end of the week!! The weekend was almost here. Saturday and Sunday most people had off from work. It was a normal day. News was saying something about the double header between the Sox and the Yankees. The current weather was to be about 85 a bit warm for a day in June. But I will take it! And as I grab my cup from the Keurig and add a spoon of sugar the tv goes off. The thought of did I pay my bill goes through my mind, but I also know it gets taken out of my account automatically, so I quickly shove that thought out. Next thought is maybe it's just this room like a breaker or something and I need to flip the switch. Ugh I hate going into the cellar. I live away from most people I have about 5 miles from my nearest neighbor. I call them to see if it's just me and no dial tone.  Huh? Yes, I still have a landline suck it.

     It all started one Friday morning, 5 years ago today to be exact, and no one expected it. Everyone was getting ready for work or school. As always, Fridays marked the end of the week! The weekend was almost here, and most people had time off from work on Saturday and Sunday. It was a normal day. The news mentioned something about a doubleheader between the Sox and the Yankees. The current weather was expected to be about 85 degrees, a bit warm for a day in June, but I would take it!

      As I grabbed my cup from the Keurig and added a spoon of sugar, the TV went off. The thought crossed my mind: Did I pay my bill? However, I knew it gets deducted from my account automatically, so I quickly dismissed that thought. The next thought was maybe it's just this room, like a breaker or something, and I need to flip the switch. Ugh, I hate going into the cellar. I live away from most people, about 5 miles from my nearest neighbor. I called them to see if it's just me and got no dial tone. Huh? Yes, I still have a landline—suck it."

   I ignored this and got ready for work, knowing I would figure it out on my own. It was going to be a long day; I could feel it. I worked as an optician at a local eye doctor's office, the one who takes the prescription the doc gives you and makes sure you get what you need. I also assist the doc with the appointments. Today was my last day here before I moved far away. Traffic was horrible, even worse than usual. I put the radio on and heard that people all over had lost electricity, so now I knew it wasn't just me.

      I pulled into the parking lot and noticed the doc wasn't here yet; usually, he arrives an hour before me. I unlocked the door, went through the startup procedures, and got files ready for the day's appointments. I noticed a few appointments with patients I really hated dealing with, but alas, a job is a job. The doc texted me and said he'd be in shortly.

       The day went on as usual, with some power interruptions, but we had a backup generator, so no issues with patients. Even the ones that were usually nasty were much easier to deal with. I saw my former mother-in-law, and I cringed. Ever since her son and I divorced, she's been even more intolerable, saying I should have been a better wife, blah, blah, blah. The truth is he was cheating on me with someone she preferred over me, and even after over 20 years of marriage and two children, I was not good enough for her son. Anyway, I told her off this time, and she threatened to get me fired, which made me laugh as I let her know it was my last day here, and she could kiss my—before I could finish that statement, my ex walked in to get her. The look he gave me was not sweet; he was glaring at me, and I had no idea why. He was the one who messed up; all I did was file for the divorce, and he even signed it with a smug look on his face. I didn't get this family, and I was happy I was free of them. He looked like he had aged about 10 years, lol. And he looked old before that too.

       The day had been long, and the group of us, including the doc, were all going out to dinner. After that, the doc would go home, and the rest of us would head to the bar to play pool, drink, and sing badly at karaoke, or at least that was the plan. Dinner went as expected, and the doc paid for us. I received a few going-away gifts. First, we needed to change for the bar. The girls headed to a coworker's place that was close, and as we finished getting dressed, the lights went out again, and then nothing.

     We all stood up, realizing we were asleep, and we couldn't remember going to sleep. Well, at least we had light in this place now. We all received notifications on our phones—emergency-type ones telling us to turn on the TVs. Upon flicking on the news, there stood our president, looking worried but also resolute. And next to her was a guy with a determined look on his face. She started speaking, "As you all know, I am President Amber Reed. And standing next to me is a...' (she seemed to be searching for the proper words) 'noble of a different nationality. As you have all felt the power fluctuations today, I will let you know it was not planned but understandable. In the next few minutes, you will hear what he has to say. But first, I will tell you we have always heard of aliens and other conspiracy deals—abductions and such. That is not the case here. Aliens are real, and the individual next to me is one.' She waited a few minutes before continuing, 'Jared is here from his planet; they have a proposition for all Earth inhabitants, and they are in need of help that we can provide. There will be no pressure for any of us, but I would hope there will be open communications, and as a species, we hope to help. Jared will explain things!'

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