I'm fine and the real meaning

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         We head out for the dining hall, and she easily slides her hand into mine and it fits so perfectly. She looks up to me as if to ask if it's okay. I squeeze her hand and she smiles. I had read in the books and seen on movies this was customary for humans when dating or being together a show of affection, or ownership I don't need to do this but any excuse to touch my female I am fine with. As we walk there are a few warriors and males acting as servants but are more like helpers, so no one gets lost or otherwise. Some of the warriors are watching the interactions and 2 of the warriors are my personal warriors and are watching me. They know me on sight and are here for me and her.

       There are a few of our females here and one is an ex of mine. When I say ex, I mean a female I had intimate relations with. She is not my species she was one we picked up from another planet and she has not let it go we were together for 2yrs, but we decided it wasn't going to work out for us we were too different. I thought her and I would be a good fit but the feeling I have from Issabella is so much stronger I can't believe I felt that way for Abigail. Izzy stops short when she sees me staring at those few females and I glimpse a look of almost jealousy and anger. And I see those girls including Abigail giving her a glare and me what might have been a seductive stare, but I was not sure. As I looked at her, she batted her eyes and came over with her flunkies. She smiled at me and said in a whisper but loud enough for Izzy to hear 'Maybe we can get together again like before later tonight.' I was in shock almost not able to respond for a moment. I had to think of what to say. I did not want Izzy to think I was interested in Abigail. I was still thinking of an answer, but it wasn't coming quick enough I wanted to turn her down and leave nothing in question but also not too nasty that might make Kat dislike my reactions.

     Izzy slid her hand from mine which startled me, and she walked over to a table with drinks on it and saw something with an odd smile on her face grabbed it had a substance on the rim salt I think it had a lemon and lime and something else coming from it. She sipped it and nodded her head as if in agreement. Another female went to her and said 'Margaritas?' Issabella nodded and drank deeply from the glass. And walked to different tables and saw her name and sat down. Drinking the Margrita? And she would not look in my direction and I felt a pang of hurt hit me in my chest. I could almost see her eyes looking wet. She finished her drink and got up and grabbed another I wonder what's in those drinks. I got to the table and realized it was alcohol. I had learned from watching her videos and her social media accounts she does this to relax and also to help her when she is upset or hurt. Maybe she's just nervous?             

        We eat our food its almost silent during dinner? Maybe she doesn't talk much while eating?! She grabs another glass and that is when my communicator beeps, I need to see to this, and I let her know I have to go for a bit she barely responds. I hear 'Okay, fine.' For some reason I have a feeling it's not fine?!        

        I get to the control room and take my call it's my mom and she wants to know how things are going?! I tell her what happened up to the part where she started to act different like she did not care to be near me. She wouldn't say more than 2 or so words to me. My mom than inquired where Izzy was, and I told her sitting at the table with a drink in her hand. Mom said you just got up and left her by herself. I told her I had taken care of something, and she was fine with it. My mom quickly responds did she say okay or fine? I was a bit surprised my mom knew that so well. I told her the response was 'Okay, fine.' My mother responded with an insult at my intelligence and being male. 'When a female says okay or fine in response to anything it's never okay or fine and if both are the same answer you messed up badly. Like heading into the O'Krighton river naked during mating season of the Grallics. The Grallics similar to earths Gators only more humanoid and will try to mate with or eat other creatures that dare enter their water at that time. FUCK! My mother asked what happened right before and while telling her I got the idea of where I messed up. My mom said get your ass over there and fix this. Messing this up on the first night wow you're on par with your dad.        

         I went looking for her in the dining hall and nothing! I kept walking around and heard Earth music playing and found the bar area and heard the music playing. Man, those Earth girls can dance. I want to see more of this girl.   I walk in and a song about Pushing it? I see all the Earth females dancing I think its dancing.   Swaying hips and some are shoving their bodies into males. It looks like the beginning of an orgy.  Some are 2 guys and one girl. I see the one I am after males are staring at her dancing and it must be a different type of dance I have never seen. And one of them is heading over to her with a look that makes me angry. He puts his hands on her hips and she keeps swaying her hips her eyes are closed.  His hands start to move a bit and he pulls her closer I am about to step in when she turns with a sexy look on her face and sees him and then looks pissed and grabs his hands and pulls them off her and shakes her head as if telling him no. He walks off looking a bit upset but not angry.  I walk up to her, and she looks at me with a questioning look and a bit angry too. I just want to pull her close and tell her it was over between Abigail and I for a few years now. She doesn't seem sure about this. I know I need to prove it to her...

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