Space Station and Pets

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    The next morning, I awaken, and he's gone which immediately hurts and makes me think he left me. And I start to feel sad. I grab some clothes and take a shower as I come out, he is dressed and brings me breakfast and coffee. I quickly forget my thoughts and accept the food and drink. We sit there on the bed with our breakfast and lets me know about the station. I ask questions about how we should dress and if wearing or not wearing something might offend a species or race? He is laughing and says no they all understand people are all different. Don't stare or point its rude though just be sure to be dressed and don't speak too loudly. I decided a sundress might be too cold. I mean we're in freaking space, right?! So, I grab a sweater and jeans. Marrick says you might be too warm the station needs to be warm for the different species. Most females will be wearing something cooler. As I walk into the closet Marrick comes up and grabs a cute sundress and points to my sandals and then says a small sweater in case your arms get chilly. And then my bag. I like the idea of him helping me and making my decision for me. I would hate to be over or underdressed for this outing.

       As we make it to the doorway connecting this ship to the station we are standing in a short line, Marrick's entire body stiffens, and he seems to be puffing out like showing his full size and his eyes flash and hand grasps my waist and pulls me closer I love this possessiveness it makes me feel wanted. I look to where his eyes are trained, and I see a few males staring at me with big smiles and trying to show off their size. I lean into Marrick and put my head on his shoulder wrapping one hand around his head and pull his mouth down to me and kiss him hard and deep. He growls in approval and looks down at me with a smile. I was fine with reassuring him same as he did with me.

       We go to this restaurant like place, and we are looking at the menu and he is explaining what things are. I tell him what kind of food I am wanting. I want something similar to a medium rare steak, baked potato and a vegetable. Followed by cheesecake. I use what words I can in his language to explain it he smiles and when the waitress comes to take our order, she is staring at him and trying to show off her nonexistent breasts. I guess some races don't have much for breasts because so far all I have seen is women or females with barely anything on top. I order a glass of red wine. Marrick and I start talking about animals and pets. He informs me there is a pet store here and after lunch he will take me and show me the different pets they have. And maybe some shopping so I can get a feel for other clothing styles.

       The flavors are amazing on their potato like substitute. Similar to ours but the consistency seems to almost melt in your mouth. The steak is a bit more cooked than I like but still good. The vegetables remind me of carrots but they are red. The wine is perfect as wine is hard to mess up. We finish our meal, and he starts to get ready to pay I offer to pay my part he informed me when a male is courting a female he pays when they are together. It's an unwritten rule it also shows her he can take care of her anything that comes up. Okay, I can understand that but let him know as I was brought up women need to be able to do things for themselves and show they are no pushovers either. Marrick smiles and says 'You, my little one are definitely no 'pushover' you have dealt with much in your life and maybe it's time to let someone or one(s) take care of you.'

        We walk out of the dinner and head to a shop. There is a gate with bars around it I can hear animal like noises from inside I look at him as in how do we get in there? He laughs and the sound is sexy I need to hear him like this more often. And a small door opens at the side, and we walk in. The animal noises are much louder. I hear what I think is like a monkey, birds, maybe a cat or dog and skittering noises and some I cannot figure. We a first come to an area with birds. They have different colors and sizes. Some have long feathers with bright colors like peacocks, but the eyes are huge! Some stand on one leg like a flamingo. There is one set of birds that seem to be staring right at me. I feel like I am being interrogated. I shiver a bit and pull closer to Marrick he realizes the birds and chuckles whispering 'They are hoping for you to feed them they do this a lot they will take food right from your hand whether you want them to or not. Some feed them too much. They remind me of seagulls on the beach. I look at him and say, 'They are kinda creeping me out a bit.' He starts full on laughing and a few others are laughing too. I feel a bit embarrassed thinking they are laughing at me. Marrick informs me they are Shrulls, but we call them freeloaders and most of us are creeped out by them too.

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