Getting to know each other better

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       We seemed to have put the past as in yesterday and this morning behind us and we headed for our rooms. I want to spend more time with her. I know lunch is soon and I am getting a bit hungry. I go over and knock on her door. She opens it wide with a large smile on her face in a small tight dress. Rather low cut and to her mid-thigh. Its sexy as hell and I just want to touch her so badly. We have not known each other that long so I must not go too far. She wraps her arms around my neck and presses her lips to mine. I have heard about this kissing thing we don't do it in our culture no idea why. She starts kissing me deeply and not in a sweet way but more needy. As she is kissing me, she starts nibbling on my lips. Her tongue starts tracing my lips and it feels so good. I can't hold in a moan and at that time her tongue enters my mouth, and it feels hot. It's like she's searching for something. I hope to GOD, she doesn't find it. I don't want this to ever end. 

      Her hands are in my hair grabbing and tugging. Her lips leave mine and make it to my neck and to my collar leaving little kisses to be followed by more open mouth kisses to my chest and at that I feel hands trying to pull my shirt off as hands pull off my shirt they are on my abs and chest. I have no idea what is happening until I feel fingers on my belt yanking on it trying to release the clasp. I am about to help her when the button is popped, and my pants are being pulled off. I cannot think right it's like I know I should stop her, but my mouth and hands are not connecting with my head well the head that is supposed to think.

      She is still trailing her lips and tongue down my chest to my underclothes. Then I feel a cool breeze as I notice I am no longer covered. I see her mouth near my cock. Lips are on the head of my dick, and she licks the head and up my shaft and I feel a shudder through me. Izzy pulls me fully into her mouth her mouth feels so damn good. I am unable to hold back the noises as she works me in and out of her mouth. As her mouth takes me till I hit the back of her throat and then back up. At the same time, I feel a sucking feeling and then I feel her tongue on my member swirling an amazing feeling. Her hands are on my balls, and it feels better than anything I have ever felt. This needs to stop I look at her mouth on me and my hand goes to her mane, and I grip it she moans. Why is she moaning no female I have ever been with enjoyed doing this for me. I feel this pressure building up inside me. I am about to cum. I try to pull away, but she pulls me closer and holds on to my hips. As I hit my release, I expect her to pull me out of her mouth, but she just takes it all and swallows which is a first. Its amazing. I so want to return the favor.  

        I look at her she smiles, and I go for a kiss I can taste myself in her mouth and its a turn on for me. I follow the same course but spend time with each of her breasts. I grab each one and pull it into my mouth licking and sucking each. Even nipping on each one to see her reaction. She moans and shoves her breast deeper into my mouth. Her hands in my hair like begging me to not stop. I make each nipple red and swollen. Both breasts get the same treatment. They feel soft under my hands as I massage each one while sucking on them. My lips make it to the valley between her breasts to her stomach. Still nipping until I get to her shorts, and I pull them off until I get down to what my female calls a thong. I rip them off they look good on her but better off! I look at her and all she is baring, and I see the look in her eye. Almost like she's wondering what I am doing. Unlike the photos I saw that human females look like there's not much hair. Almost like it's been removed. I am so turned on to see the pink lips I know are supposed to be under the hair. Our women have hair here too but none of them cut theirs. And the lips are bigger and rough looking and to the touch. These look soft and I take a finger and just run it from the top of her slit to the bottom and find its soft and velvety. I am hard again just at the thought of being deep inside.

      I lick the top of her lips where the clit I heard was on a human and pull it into my mouth and suck on it I hear the moans as her hips buck forward to my mouth. I graze my teeth on it, and she moans so loud and deep. I want to fully taste her, so I plunge my tongue in and out of her core she is writhing under my tongue. I know she is enjoying this and can't be far from cumming so I stick a finger into her and the magical G spot I researched I think I found it because I hear one short phrase. 'Fuck right there GODDESS don't stop!' She is holding my head her fingers in my hair pulling me closer like I would want to move away. She tastes so amazing like a mix of a delectable sweet juicy fruit. She screams my name as her release hits my tongue and juice pour right into my mouth, I have never tasted anything this amazing. I want to do this again and again. I look up into her face and her eyes seem to be rolled back her head is back her mane is messy in a hot way. I can smell her in my room, and I know it will be difficult to sleep. But I can't wait to make it to dinner all of those males will smell me on her, and Abigail will smell her on me. A much nicer evening.                     

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