Reaching the planet

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     Targrill:      The next 2 weeks go as planned vitamins pill and shots. Sleep and eat. She has gone to the zoo area almost daily and the Braer seems to wait for her. The other day she fell asleep there and I walk in to see to her, and Blaine is sitting there watching her sleep. He is smiling a sad smile and I stand there watching. I know he cares for her so much. I know if she wakes and sees him it will stress her out and she doesn't need that right now. So, I walk in and look at him he seems conflicted. He stands and walks over to me. 'I want to come back to her I just think I have let too much time go by and she has forgotten me. Or hates me. And will not want me anywhere near her.' I tell him she does not hate him, and she does remember him and talks about him daily. She would love to have him come back. But he has to make sure he is ready because if he does it again, she will not forgive him again and neither will we. She starts to wake up and he takes his leave.

      I let her know we will be landing on the planet in a few hours and maybe a nap in a real bed would be better. She agrees as she starts to stand and loses her balance a bit. I help her up she is just more tired. Never has there been more than one kit to make it this far into a pregnancy let alone a third so we are not sure how much she needs of food, sleep or vitamins so I need to take her for blood work to be sure her levels are good. Certain vitamins for proper growth some she has never had or needed until now. A quick blood test and I take her back to our room and order her a small snack and she lies down with Marrick and me.

      We are leaving the ship and getting on a shuttle to bring us to our new home. We called and had our possessions brought to our new place and Issabella's things have arrived and some other items will be on the way from Earth it will be another 6 weeks or so. We arrive and we all walk in and look around seeing the kitchen has a cooler, cook top, hot box, food synthesizer even a dish washer. We see the table it's enough for eight it will be big enough for now. We keep walking through to the common room or as Izzy calls it a living room. Its huge plenty of seating. A big window with a seat in front of it. She looks at me and says a bay window perfect for reading on a sunny day. I can just imagine her sitting there with the kits all around her with blankets or a rainy day reading a book. Or outside in the garden playing while she hangs clothing on the line. We head to the master bedroom a huge bed bigger than I have seen. A bathroom attached with a hot tub and shower big enough for three people. She looks around with a small smile on her face she sees another bay window and looks out the forest can be seen. We all walk around seeing other rooms 4 more bedrooms and 2 more bathrooms. Marrick decides we should do some food shopping. He offers to go if we want to stay here. She wants to go too and get her first real sight of our planet and town.    

       She starts to put on her sundress and sandals I love this look for her as does Marrick. She is talking about painting things too. I drive my small vehicle and say I think I need a bigger vehicle with 3 kits on the way she giggles and its sexy and a grumble from Marrick as he says, 'This vehicle has always been too small this just helps push you into the right ideas.' As we arrive at the grocer Izzy is excited. We get out and she slides her hands into ours and we walk through the parking lot and some stares are shot towards us. Izzy's excitement is almost bubbling over she doesn't notice all the looks yet. Which is great. Our people know about the mate thing, and most are fine with it. This is the first set of humans, and it might be they are a bit wary of them. Izzy walks towards the produce area and is looking at the fruit citrus type she has been craving it. So definitely on the list. I grab a few things I know she will like and will be good for the little ones. I see a few kits with their parents, and it makes me more excited for our own. We head to the paint area and pick out a few gallons and Marrick walks off for a moment and back again with a fragrant smelling flower and says this will grow well in the kitchen. She bends over and smells it she says it smells like chocolate and wine. I know she loves both.      

  Issabella : There is so much at this store. The guys walk me over to the baby stuff and we walk through, and I see things I will want or need later. I see blankets, a crib, clothing a stroller I am so excited I just want these angels now. I see how excited the boys are looking at all the things. I want to allow them to get what they want to, but I cannot do that. Matter of fact even looking might be bad luck, but I doubt it. I am getting hungry and a bit tired. I look at them and they are so excited, and I don't want to let them down. Marrick can see how tired I am and says he thinks we should grab food and then make an early evening of it. Targrill is in agreement for my babysitters all think I need sleep. 

        Which I guess I do. We start heading for the checkout lane when a woman walks up to Marrick and throws her arms around him. His response is a big smile and hugs her back picking her up off the floor. Why would he do this in front of me?  I don't want to allow this to bother me I look at Targrill even he seems happy to see her? I guess all I am is a baby maker. Like is that all they are interested in and now that they have me in this condition, they are good to be themselves? I know when I am unwanted and ignored. I walk off towards a random area just to see this place.   I am thinking my quick emotional change might be due to hormones.   I pop my headphones in and play my music.

       I am a bit exhausted to say the least. I feel like I am about to collapse I look over and they are still chatting and smiling not even noticing I am not there. I sit down on a couch and relax thinking of how much fun I thought it would be they would introduce me to their friends and all, but it seems like I am not worth it. Just a trophy to be put away and dusted off when company comes by. My emotions are all over. I hear a voice and they ask if the other chair is reserved, I laugh and shake my head. 'Hi, my name is Jarod and I saw a sweet young female sitting all alone it seems like those idiots are ignoring you.' I look at him and give him a fake smile not wanting to cry. He leans over puts a hand on mine and whispers 'It's fine little girl they will hate themselves for this. When they see me talking to you, they will get all jealous. I have known them for years we all went to school together.' Another male comes and sits with me talking to me making feel good and important. 'You'd think her in this condition would have them more protective? Even the little one not being mine I'd still take you and the little one and treat you so much better than ignoring you. Spending time with someone else. He smiled down to me along with the other guy saying, 'You are obviously very tired we'll sit right here if you want to get some rest.' It sounded so good I was close to falling asleep. One of them pulled my head to his chest and I fell asleep.

        Next thing I know I hear loud voices and a rumbling under my head. I pretend to be asleep. 'What the hell is happening here? Why are you here with her? Back the fuck off I can hear Marrick's voice. I hear my savior's voice 'So, you can ignore her more while you talk to an old friend. She is possibly carrying my niece or nephew. Do you know anyone could have grabbed her? I saw a pregnant female on her own with no mark looking upset and tired. None of that is good for a woman in her condition. What do you think went through her mind when she saw her hug you and you her without an introduction? She looked about to pass out when I came upon her.' Marrick's reaction is I forgot she cannot smell or sense the family bond between Emilia and me. So, they are family and how close is Targrill to her? And why did they forget I was there? Or this bitch not even acknowledge me. 'You know even if she could feel the bond there isn't one to Emilia seeing she is not actually related to you more in name only! Plus, there is your past with her?!' Marrick exclaims 'We have not had anything in the way for over 15years when she became family.' That hurt family yet an old flame? I feel so unwanted even Blaine admitted he fucked up.

     I start to sit up and look at Jarod and smile and say, 'Thank you for shoulder I was tired, but I need to go.' Jarod says, 'You can stay here and rest some more my shoulder is not going anywhere.' 'It's a good shoulder but I need the restroom.' Before I can move Kurt, Jarod's friend is up and offering me a hand which I willingly take, and he offers to show me to the restroom. I look to Marrick and then Targrill and neither of them moves or says anything which hurts. I look to him and say 'Well, no one else seems to be offering so you are welcome to show me thank you.' And out of the cornered of my eye their eyes fall.  

    After I get back both of them are waiting for me. They have gone through the checkout and are standing there looking at me with looks of men that realized how bad they fucked up. Targrill opens the door and helps me in and helps me with my buckle. At this point I am too tired to be hungry and fall asleep in the car. I feel like I am floating in the air and smell Marrick, and I snuggle into him. He and Targrill help change my clothes I am already asleep. They both lay down with me and we all fall asleep.

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