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     We had 2 weeks left and I was feeling a bit off my stomach was feeling off. I had been really nervous about landing on the planet. Meeting all the new people and families. I was still unsure about Blaine. I mentioned my fears to Marrick and Targrill they told him their families were happy with the matching. They were excited about meeting me. And the boys couldn't wait to get me settled in the new place. I could choose colors and design in the house. If I wanted more rooms or something it could be done later. And Blaine? He was still on the ship but was not with the she bitch. He was watching me from afar. He still wanted me and messaged the boys daily. I wanted to believe this but from my point it hurt. I felt like crying just thinking about him and not having him here with me. The past few days I was sick to my stomach but not all the time. I wanted cuddles more and being emotional. I had run into Nikki and told her how I was feeling the boys were in listening range and when Nikki said, 'If it was home, I'd say stop by the pharmacy and pick up a pee stick because it sounds like your pregnant young lady.' Once those words left her lips more came to mind. Last week the smell of my fave food made me nauseous. And I had headaches, had to pee more often, and was more tired than usual. Marrick and Targrill walked up swiftly to me and said 'Let's go see the doc. You may have picked up a bug and your immune system doesn't know how to fight it off.'

       We got to the clinic and the doc walked out and saw me. He immediately smiled and looked at Targrill. They knew each other from school I guess and Targrill gave an explanation of what her noticed the nausea, tired and emotional part and the doc said 'I need to talk with her alone for a few minutes would you 2 mind stepping out for a minute?' He then asked me if there was anything else I noticed. 'One of my fave foods I cannot even look at, headaches, going to the bathroom more than usual. Even my breasts were sore. The last time I had these symptoms I was pregnant, but it can't be this quick right?' He asked the guys to come in and did a few tests and a scan of my stomach. Looking at blood test results more than once shock on his face. Maybe a parasite or something? He looked at me and the boys and smiled the smile was huge. 'Looks like this is the first human and Garnchul pregnancy. I looked at him 'But b.b.b..ut I thought I had to have the heat thing?' He laughed and said 'No, it just increases the chance. Seeing the semen from our species can survive for 4 weeks in the female's body it could be anyone you had sex within the last 4 weeks let's see how far along you are...about 6 weeks so within 2 weeks prior of that too.' It could be Blaine's or theirs? The guys knew where my mind was going.    I looked at the men and gave them a look then said 'Ya'll need to update the information we are given.  This is a happy surprise but knowing this could have happened would not be as shocking!'

      'When can we find out who is the father?' The doc looked at the results and said, 'I need to talk to Issabella first, okay?' The guys back out once more and the doc looks serious now. 'There are three fetuses. Most multiples don't last past 3 weeks. So, I am going to assume it's due to you being human. Also, I checked the DNA we have and all three have different fathers do they know about the third one you were with?' I nodded 'Another match that is not here right now.' He nodded 'Should I tell them, or do you want to? I will give you vitamins and you will need to get a vitamin shot every three days.' So once more my men came back in, and we told them the looks on their faces were pure happiness and excitement. Marrick pulls out his phone and I look at him and say 'He doesn't get to know until he comes back. He brought this upon himself.' I am scared to tell him I don't want him to think I am only coming to him with this news to pull him back or make him come back before he wants to or before he is ready. I just hope he comes back before I decide he won't be involved on my own.

     Targrill After hearing her issues and symptoms I would have assumed she was pregnant if it wasn't for the fact, that its almost impossible for that to happen without a heat and I knew she hadn't gone through that. It takes 6 months of being on the planet or near a male of our species. A bit over 2 months is in no way enough and when the doctor said what he did it took us all by surprise. Knowing Blaine is the father of one of them makes me happy but also hurts that she has requested him not to know. She doesn't want him to feel roped in, but he wouldn't he'd be happy and excited like Marrick and me. Blaine's mom and grandmother would be so happy too. I grew up next door to him. We were closer than he and his own brother. We had also enjoyed each other in a more intimate way and so had Marrick. We had all been interested in women but also each other and no other males. We had all shared females but sharing Issabella was a whole new situation. It felt so right, and it made me care more for the connection to my friends. Knowing we all matched so high with her. I am happy and excited and scared for my mate. Marrick and I had been talking about once Blaine comes back, we can make things finalized and have a ceremony. Our pregnancies last 6 1/2 months. Earth pregnancies last 9 months. The other doctor and I think she will have 7 1/2 months. At 6 weeks that's a month and a half. In 6 short months or so left. We need to get things handled she might start showing in a few weeks. My folks will be excited same as Marrick's and Blaine's no matter ceremony or not.

     Issabella is happy about it but also seems scared. I want to show her we are here for her and will support her no matter what. She will not have to work we make more than enough money for all of us kits included to be more than comfortable. I think we will look into hiring a nurse maid to help. She only has 2 breasts and three mouths. And 2 hands to care for them. Our govt is so supportive of kits for the first yr we can take off and just spend with the family and after that some of us might want to work from home. And we can work 2 weeks have the next one off. And the other one can work 2 weeks have one off and with three of us she will barely have to care for them on her own which will be good for her. This is all too soon to start planning. Izzy, is as she says superstitious and will not start planning or buying anything before 3 months. It's bad luck? She explained what she meant by this. I guess it's her grandmother's beliefs. I and Marrick will not speak negatively of this. But Marrick and I will wait until we get home to plan.

      We walk back to our room, and I draw my mate a bath and help her in put her bath bomb in she is relaxing that is when Marrick heads to the kitchens to get her hot tea which she requested for her pill. I hear nothing as I step into the bathroom, I see her almost asleep. I ask if she wants out, she shakes her head no. I don't want her to fall asleep in the tub by herself, so I strip and climb in behind her and pull her onto me and she is relaxing. She asks me if I would prefer male or female children? I want either one just a kit of my own well our own. If a male to carry on the name awesome if a girl that will help boost our numbers for more kits as she meets her mate. Although the idea of anyone with my little girl angers me greatly. Well, my imaginary daughter. Marrick comes in and suggests we get out and she can take her pill and then a nap before dinner. She smiles a tired yet relaxed smile. Marrick helps her stand and holds out a towel for her. We both dry her off and lay her down for some rest. I want to tell my folks and so does Marrick, but we will wait until we get home unless Blaine comes back before that.  

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