The Change and the Decision

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      After the past month getting calls from my ex saying we need to get together and he made a mistake etc. I am now living in central Florida, and I enjoy the weather difference its fucking hot, but I love it. Sunblock 80spf. I have heard the news about people unhappy over the Aliens coming and 'stealing women' so they attack the volunteers and the Aliens when possible. Those that have tried to attack the buildings the aliens have is the release a gas that makes them pass out and they are then picked up by the police and brought to a department until they awaken no charges placed. 

    The aliens have given lots of money to the police to help them with the increase of business. I have decided to start taking the meds they prescribed to me. I have been taking them for 2 weeks when I get a call from them asking how things are going? I have now learned much about their planet and their language. I am still working for a doctor I do not want to get a business of my own going and get patients if I decide to leave, I will leave all those patients without a doctor. I explain I am starting the meds and no unforeseen reactions to the meds and that I am also learning the language they are asking me to come see them in a few months. Maybe September.

        Well, it's been a few months I have noticed I have more energy lost some weight and stretch marks from having kids are fading, and some of the lines on my face from age I mean for being in my forties I look like 35 or so. I wonder how much more these meds will affect me. In the facility here it is a bit different and some of the scans and tests are different and they test my knowledge of their language and planet they seem impressed. One of them men look at me with a questioning stare, but I think nothing of this. Honestly, I am questioning my sanity for doing this daily but what's the worst thing about taking these meds, and learning about another culture? Not much, right?! They inform me some of the females didn't need to take the meds for a full year and might be leaving soon. I am still a bit scared to run off. I am trying to live by myself for the first time ever. I went from home with parents to moving in with my husband. Bing myself and realizing what I like and don't like has helped me greatly I feel better about myself, and the way things are I am happy and not having to answer to others or take care of anyone but me. It's very freeing.

      As time goes on month to month, I am taking the meds it has been 9months and my age seems to be closer to 26ish. I am back to a perfect weight the only scars I have are from like childhood chicken pox and stitches as a kid etc. I have gotten a tan that makes me look damn good. I have heard some of the females have gone over and communicated with their families are happy healthy and most are in love and have settled with their chosen mates. Yes, mates like multiples! So, a few females that they are required to take 2 or more.  At least 2 but no more than 4. I couldn't imagine having that many trying to please me. I have decided I want to go and next month I will head back to Maine and see my children and family and let them know I am leaving I am so freaking excited. I do hate flying but as I understand this flight will be smooth and I will be sleeping most of the time. It's easier for us to handle the trip asleep although we can stay awake it takes 2months to get there. I call my kids and let them know I am coming home for 2 months than leaving. I will pack what I want to bring so it's ready. I was told clothing, phones etc. I can take but furniture is not accepted. I can bring books, and pictures and keepsakes.

       I land at our airport and my kids, and their families are there. We spend the next few weeks just being with each other. My ex comes in staring at me I look like I did when we met, I was about 19. He is now 56. He has let himself go and it makes me chuckle. His new woman is a chick I hated when I lived here, and he knows it. I thought ironic I know she was always sleeping with someone new. And even the dog he and I had at the time is more interested in seeing me than listening to any of them. My daughter's husband is in the military and has been supporting the aliens and their mission. We talked and we shared our information, and he taught me a few swear words in their language he serves with a few of them men form their planet. My son's husband is more of a computer guy and says since the aliens came, they have been leaps and bounds in technology. My ex is all hating them, and his woman Tammy agrees with him. The rest of family want what's best for me. I love them trying to be supporting and caring just how I thought they should be. My dad is unsure about them but says as long as his baby is happy, he doesn't care.

     Spending the las few months with them has been great. Saying goodbye to all my friends and family. Meeting with the aliens a few times to set up things. My items I packed have arrived by truck and are awaiting my trip. I make sure to have my fave movies and dvd player, laptop, music, headphones fave foods. It has been awesome. The big day is tomorrow I think looking at the last pill in the bottle. I am a bit apprehensive about the trip but intrigued. I will be given a set number of males to choose from and it can take 2 or more years to choose your mates. I have seen videos of what some of them look like some have tails and or different colors. Some have horns, different eye colors etc. I am given a list of the names of the ones that I match with the amount of the match. Some are at 100% down to 75%. This is percentage is possibility of our mating producing offspring. I was told one I choose has to be of the 90 to 100% although numbers over 85 are rare I have 3 the others can be any other mixture. I saw many names first names only. None of them know the percentages they are to me. So, I will meet with one in the higher percentage and 2 in the lower and I am not to tell them. Even though they are in lower percent for me doesn't mean they are low for someone else.

      As I pop the last pill in my mouth and get dressed, I eat something light, and my family says goodbye one more time. I am shaking due to being nervous but it's fine I am excited! I get to the building, and I am told my things have been brought to my room. Other than my carryon lol sounds like an airline heading to your next vacation spot. I am introduced to a few of the aliens and one of them the name sounds familiar. I see he is a warrior who has huge muscles and amazing smile. I already know they can be yellow, blue, green, red and orange. Horns maybe, tusks, tails, extra eyes. Some of the males have more than one penis which is a major excitement for me. The tails are sentient and fully prehensile. Kinky maybe? Just like humans some have hang-ups like dominant personalities Doms and such. I shiver due to excitement I think to myself did I pack my toys? Will they have batteries or maybe a place to plug it in. I hope so because this medication has increased my libido. At least I think it's due to the meds.

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