A few Margaritas later

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    Blaine had been all sweet then watching him through the shower I saw him without his human cover and damn! The full works. Blue skin, green stripes on his body. Full muscles, the whole 8 pack! Even a tail, horns and scales on his back! And a huge thick cock!! I wish he'd drop the efing disguise. And with his hand on himself and eyes shut made me hornier than I could imagine. Fuck I am so turned on. I walk to my room and want to help myself when I remember dinner is soon. I quickly throw some clothes on. Cute shorts kind of tight but covers enough so I don't feel like a hooker. And we are walking there, and this woman starts eye fucking him definitely not a human but not his species either. She comes up glaring at me and talks to him about meeting up later and he doesn't say no immediately which leads me to believe he might just do that! I'd like to say it doesn't bother me but it sure the hell does. He looks to me and then her again and her smile says all I need to see.

     I walk away I don't need to feel like second choice. There are plenty of other males on my list. I wonder if they are as hot as this one? But maybe this is just a misunderstanding? I need a drink! I walk over to see drinks and see a margarita yup just what I needed. I sip it and it tastes like the good stuff. Another female sees it and drinks a bit of one. I quickly finish one and head to the next. I feel a bit relaxed and know I will not feel bad with 2 or so in my system. A comfortable numb. At my third and we eat.

     I expect him to say something about that slut who was eyeing him and talking about him that way. I don't care about his past cause guess what I have one too! But at least he could have said 'I am not interested in her or that was the past or something similar' but nothing. Then his phone things beeps, and he says he has to go. And I see a smile on that bitches' face and think he's going to be with her right? She gets up and walks out the same door.

      I continue my drinks and then we head to a dance area and as I am enjoying myself it's my music we are listening to. I have been dancing for some time dealing with guys trying to get my attention and I am ignoring it. Abigail and her friends finally walk in. Her and her pals walk up to me saying 'He's mine always has always will. Where do you think we were up to a few minutes ago?' She chuckles and walks off. Well, I had a feeling but maybe she is lying? A guy comes up and starts to dance with me I had hoped it was Blaine but when I turn to see someone else, I tell him no thank you that I am not interested. He leaves it's when I realize Blaine is walking in and makes eye contact with Abigail and she smiles and waves.

       He doesn't give her a response which makes me think she was either lying or he is trying to keep appearances up?! I want him to tell me the truth, but I don't want to hear it. Maybe sleep will help my mind? I start to head to the bar looking for water I know I will be dehydrated in the morning I am not walking very straight, and he says grasping my wrist 'Maybe hold off on drinking?' I glare at him shake my hand free and say 'You, don't have any say on what I do or don't drink!' I walk to the bar and ask for a large bottle of water the barkeep smiles and hands me one. I walk off glaring at Blaine I hope he sees that I am not to be pushed.

       I start to walk to my room while sipping from my bottle. Something is on my foot it feels like a bug I look down and there is a huge grasshopper thing staring at me it starts to climb my leg to the point it's on my crotch. I scream and that it when I see one on my shirt, I start to flip out by now there is a crowd I have no idea where they are coming from. I am scared of grasshoppers, but these are fucking huge like small squirrel size. And I see teeth on these things and it's like NOPE! I rip the shirt off and pull my shorts off screaming. I don't care I am in my thong and bra. Blaine's reaction is to growl and grab his shirt and put it over me but half the males on the ship are staring at me. He glares at Abigail and says 'I know this is you! If you continue any more of this bullshit, you will go back to your parents and can explain why!'

      I don't know what the hell is going on but now that the adrenaline is worn off, I am crying and not just a bit but full-on crying. He picks me up and carries me to my room and lays me down on my bed pulls my blanket on me and stands up. I grab him and ask him not to leave me he smiles and says he wants to get comfortable. He pulls his pants off under them is a pair of boxers. He lies down with me, and he just pulls me to him and wraps his arms around me and holds me whispering things like 'It's okay, they are gone, they are just pets of some evil cholen'. I think back to the swear words I have heard and it's the equivalent of calling them a psycho hose beast. I start to laugh some. Blaine than realizes I know what that means, and his face is concerned that he said something offensive. I stare at him and smile to let him know I am definitely not bothered.

     I have bit of trouble falling asleep at first.  I get out of bed and pick up book to start reading until I feel tired enough to actually sleep.  I realize the book I am reading is a book that is not for the younger ages.  It has all the makings for adult erotica.  It's really good.  The book is about finding your place and a woman that is out for a good time and has just that!   Making 'friends' with a stranger she finds in a bar.  And she brings him home and well it gets good.  Its about a were tiger and her mates.  Yeah, plural mates it's not bad and the scenes are well racy and kind of intriguing.  Blaine is asleep next to me, and I am thinking of all the things we could be doing together instead of sleeping.   Maybe trying out a position or two they do in this book but with just us two.  My imagination is just running wild with me, and I am unsure I can go to sleep and not wake him up.  I can always blame it on the alcohol.  I mean its been a very, very loooong time since I had sex with anything other than a toy!

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