Fun with 2?

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       Izzy whispers 'More please, Marrick please!' She just begged me for more?! What does she want more of my hands or mouth. She pulls my mouth up to hers and starts to kiss me and says, 'I need you!' At those words I know exactly what she wants more of. I thought it would take more time before she asked for me. I placed her down and removed the dress and looked at her panties. They matched with the dress like it was meant to be. I placed the dress on the back of the small couch I crouched low I needed to taste her. I looked up at her face to see if she was okay with this. Her eyes were on me a bit uncertainty in them. As I got on my knees, she seemed to realize what I was about to do, and her legs spread a bit more and she seemed a bit nervous. I licked her clit she moaned and moved her hips towards my mouth.

        I picked her up and laid her on the bed. I climbed between her legs and placed my lips on her and started to lick her from the bottom to the top before my tongue found its way into her. She was so wet and sweet. There was nothing I could imagine being this sweet. The deeper my tongue went the more she moaned taking my hair in her hands and pulling me closer and bringing her hips closer to my mouth looking for more friction. The noises she was making was making me hornier if possible. I pulled my mouth away and I heard a noise that sounded like a cry. I slid a finger into her core her lips were gripping me so tight I thought she might rip it off. I placed my mouth on her clit and started to lick and suck her. I bite down just a little to see how she reacts, and she moans loudly. Her hips are fucking my hand and mouth. I feel her legs and pussy tightening more which I didn't think possible she is on the brink a little more and she will cum and cum hard. I slide another finger into her as I finger fuck her harder and faster. Izzy says, 'Please God don't stop!' I grab her clit in my teeth and bite a bit harder than before and her legs start to shake I hear her yell 'Oh, fuck Marrick yes! ' And she explodes into my mouth and all over my face. Her face is all red and flushed. It's the most beautiful sight. The next words out of her mouth make me happy 'I need this.' She grabs my cock when she says that.      

         Issabella After coming back and deciding I should just go home maybe and forget this shit. But I also would miss these big sweet, dumb aliens. Then after his reassurance on the way I look in the dress and what he does for me. Damn I want more. I need him to fuck me senseless. When I tell him what I want and need he gets this amazing smile on his face. I stand up and pull his shirt off biting him and nipping at his chest and neck. He groans when I pull his pants off and I notice his dick is hard as it is. I stroke him through his boxers. He is pressed right up against my hand. I pull his boxers down looking at him in the eyes. I push him onto the couch and get on my knees I lick my lips as I see a drop of precum, and I lick the drop mmm tastes yummy. I lick from the base to the tip a few times before pulling him fully into my mouth I slide my head up and down his length. I can hear him moaning loudly. One of my hands is on his balls. I pull up and he pops out of my mouth I look up at him as I pull him deep again swirling my tongue around his shaft and head. His hands are in my hair fucking my mouth. He pulls out and says, 'I want to be in you I want to fuck you so hard you cannot walk!' I full on shake at the thought. I climb on top of his lap he is staring like he is waiting for me to change my mind or something. I straddle his lap as I slowly lower myself onto him. As I fully take him in, I sit there for a few moments to adjust to him. I then raise my hips slowly and slide back down taking him in again. I continue like this until I need more. That is when I start to really rock on him. His hands and mouth are on my chest. He whispers, 'These are perfect size for holding, licking and biting.' As he says each item, he does just that. He grabs my hips and starts to thrust up and he moans, and I start rotating my hips he is grunting.     

       As I am doing this the door behind us opens up and I see in the mirror its Targrill he is just standing there with a smile on his face. He is licking his lips watching me ride Marrick's dick. He grasps his own dick out of his pants and starts running his hand over it. I am watching him watch me. He doesn't know I can see him. It is turning me on so bad. Marrick licks my neck and bites me. I want him to spank my ass as we fuck like this. I whisper to Marrick 'We're being watched, aren't we? By Targrill?' He seems shocked to hear I know it. He nods in answer. 'Do you want to stop or have him take my place?' I quickly shake my head and smile and say out loud 'Instead of watching form that far you could get closer.' The look on his face is shock! 'I saw when you came in. That mirror is perfectly placed.' He looks up and sees my eyes and his face turns a bit red. Damn did I just embarrass a big green alien? I am so damn good. 'I want to see your face while you stroke yourself.'    I seriously have no idea where these ideas and even attitude from me are coming from but I am amazed and loving it.

        Targrill walks up behind the couch his eyes are huge as he looks at me. If he sees me like this, I can find out if he is turned off at all. And as makes eye contact with me I can tell he is more turned on. I am close so fricking close, and Marrick seems to know this. His mouth is on my nipple sucking and biting. He asks, 'Is my princess going to cum for daddy?' When he says daddy, it makes my body want to give up trying to hold off. And when I don't answer him, he spanks me, and I almost lose it as I moan 'Are going to cum for daddy? And it seems my princess likes to be spanked.' I am still a bit shocked, but I look at him and say, 'Yes to both!' And I hear Targrill say 'Yes, what?' 'Yes, daddy god I am so close and please spank me!!' I hear both groan loudly.       

      I put a hand out to Targrill and he steps closer as I pull him his cock is inches from my mouth. I look up at him and lick the crown of his dick and the rest of his length. Marrick starts to thrust harder into me which pushes me off the edge as I cum screaming his name well screaming the best I can with Targrill in my mouth which makes a vibration I know he can feel in my mouth. I can tell Marrick is close. His thrusts are getting more erratic, faster and not well controlled. Marrick pulls back like he wants to pull out and I slam back down hard on him, and his release is long and hard his body shaking like it's been a real long time for him. I feel each jerk of him and each spurt of him in me. My body feels exhausted, but I need Targrill to fuck me too. It's almost like my body needs him and will not take no for an answer. He and Marrick are sharing a look. I don't know what they are sending each other for thoughts. But I hope it's what I am thinking about. Targrill grabs me off Marrick's lap and Marrick seems fine with this. But his eyes were on me. Targrill puts me on the bed on my stomach as I get up to my hands and knees to get up, I feel the bed dip. I turn my head to look at him he has this glint in his eyes. And then asks, 'Is this, okay?' I look into his eyes and nod as I whisper a small, please.  

       He slowly pushes his head into me and slowly the rest of him. I feel him pushing through me. I feel his hands on my hips as he pulls back only to thrust back in. He is going slow and gentle I shove myself back on him hard. Targrill grunts in response. His pace and force increased but not enough. I started slamming myself back a bit harder and faster. I feel a hand slap my ass hard. I moan loudly and say, 'Please more, harder!' Targrill seems surprised I can see his reflection. He pulls his hand back to slap my ass again and I stiffen waiting for it but he just places his hand back down. I look at his reflection and he says, 'You have to ask nicely and address me properly princess, or you will get what I give you when I want to.' I moaned at the thought. He continues to move slow and gentle it's frustrating me and bad. 'Please...harder, I need you hard and now!' He chuckles and says ask daddy properly. So, he had a daddy kink too. I look into his eyes and say, 'Fuck me hard and fast please daddy.' He loses all control the look in his eyes as he slams me hard and fast which is what I needed. As he fucks me, and his hands slaps my ass randomly. My eyes find Marrick with a smile on his face. The reassuring look on his face means he is happy with this. I am close and Marrick gets closer and leans in and kisses me. he puts his mouth on my breasts again. He is a boob man. Targrill is an ass man. Blain he was all over. I scream Targrill's name and jam myself back into him as he jams himself deep in me and I feel Marrick's teeth on my nipples. I cum again and as I do Targrill shouts as he spills into me. I would be worried about pregnancy, but I know couples have sex for years before they get pregnant. They have to be in heat, and I am pretty sure I am not. I don't think I would know lol.   

      I am exhausted at this point and both of them lay down in bed with me and we sleep a few hours. I start to get hungry, and I need to pee. I am being held down by 2 big aliens well that sounds kinky. But I need to pee too bad to play around. I try to pry Targrill's paws from me, but he just pulls tighter which causes Marrick to pull me back to him. I decide that I can't get their arms up, so I need to escape by sliding out from their grasp. And that is what I do. I slide down the bed I am face level with their cocks and they are semihard. I clear my mind and head to the bathroom. I take a rinse off shower but not washing my hair. I get out and I see 2 men looking at me with hungry eyes. Well, maybe food can wait? As they both walk closer to me my stomach growls. They start to laugh and say well, food first than more fun? That is the way the rest of our time went. Food, sex, station and after we left the station, I would go to the zoo area or something. It seemed I would see what I thought was Blaine once and a while. One night for dinner the guys talked me into wearing the gossamer like outfit. I got a lot of stares. And that is when I was sure I saw Blaine. I wanted to reach out and touch him but nope he moved too fast.

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