Dinner and A show

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    When Issabella's stomach starts to yell. Its weird her stomach makes an odd noise when it needs food. Almost like telling the humans to eat in case they were not smart enough to eat. I laugh and say 'Well, it would seem there are some that are demanding food. And who would I be to deny nourishment to them. Where should we go? What type of food should we try?  She suggests Italian I have no idea what that is. But I know enough then to argue with a pregnant woman. Blaine says mostly its a flat long food similar to sponglie and a red sauce with balls of a meat from a herd animal. Izzy is laughing and pulls up a picture of it. It looks like a plate of a parasitic worm with blood on it. Not that appealing. 

       I suggest a human favorite we all got to know and love I take her to a place that serves pizza. As we arrive the smell of it hits us and she seems to love the smell. We enter and are quickly seated. She looks over the menu and her face lights up when she sees something on it. She closes the menu and has a smile on her face its huge. I ask her what it is, and she just smiles bigger. The waitress comes in and goes to take orders looks right at Izzy and then smiles big at Blaine leans over trying to show off her chest she hasn't got much and she's not really attractive. And says, 'Hey there big boy what can I get you?'

        I look at him and see him not even looking in her direction he is talking to Issabella and I hear the waitress say, 'I'm Nara and I'll be your server and get you sexy boys whatever you want.' This has Izzy's attention I can feel her emotion thru the bond. Her being pregnant connects us greatly. Normally it takes a yr or more to achieve this connection or a full claiming ceremony. Kat stares at her and raises her voice a bit 'Well, let's see a new waitress for starters and second a moment with the manager.' Our waitress looks at her and laughs 'I didn't ask some stupid little homely human female I was speaking to the men you know the ones who fucking matter!' Before I can say or do anything my mate in full pregnant hormones stands up slaps her and tells her something I know is not an alien language or her English one. My translator tells me it calls the waitress a female animal that's in heat and has no morals of who or what they bed. And also informs them to rot in a mythological place that is full of fire and meant to torture you after you die for an eternity. That scares me just the thought of such. And then demands loudly for a manager and a new waitress and then calmly sits down.

            A man quickly walks up and says something to the waitress and looks at her and us and then asks us as a whole how he can help, and I can feel how upset Izzy is and I take over I know this guy and it's not his complete control how his staff acts at all times. 'I inform him of the attitude and words of our waitress and that we would prefer a different one. He nods and assures us he can do just that he will take our order and be our new waiter. Izzy smiles and responds before I can, 'Thank you sir but I am sure you have many things to take care of running this place and I appreciate the offer, but a different waitress would be fine.' He nods and says he will send one over in just a minute. The next waitress Shella comes up and quickly takes our orders. Issabella orders cheese bread sticks, marinara sauce on the side. A plate of something called Spaghetti and meatballs with feta and a salad on the side. The waitress is all smiles at this and then us guys order pizza. I have no idea what these bread sticks or spa-gettee is or feeta. But must be good.

       The bread sticks are bread with cheese and a red sauce she shares it, but she looks like something is missing when the waitress brings the salad Izzy asks about Gahrlick? The waitress shakes her head and lets us know they are out of it.   She makes sure we see her 'pasta' and yes, it's good but ehhh. Dessert tiramisu for her and cannolis. All of which are amazing. We all had a great lunch maybe too much food.  We have 5 hours before needing to be at the dinner and Izzy looks about to fall asleep. I carry the angel who is fast asleep to the car and sit her on Blaine's lap and he pulls her close she nuzzles her head into the crook of his neck and sighs as she falls asleep again. Us men need to talk about this arrangement and the connection we had vs what it is like now.   

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