Jared explains/The offer

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     The man opened his mouth it was odd we could understand what he was saying even though he should have been speaking a different language right? 'As your leader has informed you my name is Jared and yes, I am an alien. I have altered my appearance as to not put you off.' He is staring at the screen, and he was attractive. His voice was calming and relaxing. He was wearing what looked like a jumpsuit and it was clinging to him like a second skin, and it looked good on him I am wondering if he made himself look more masculine or if that is his typical shape? 'Now the reason we are here is there was a sickness that wiped out over half our population mostly just our females. And we have found a common genetic marker between us and you.

         We as a race do not want to die out and it is seeming like it. We are asking for volunteers to join us and help us build up our population. Some will be matches and will be asked specifically to help us. Those that are married or have small children will not be accepted. This is open to all females your species ages of 18 to 60. Yes, 60 might be older for you but the medication we have to give you will help your body accept our planet will also help return you to a younger age physically. We will be contacting those that are direct matches for us, and you will be given a choice of many males of breeding ages. We are offering to help Earth with a few things that can help like technology, rebuilding your ozone, giving a renewable and completely clean form of energy. And the females that are willing to volunteer their families will be given big stipends to ease the burden of the transfer.'

        Well, that was odd, and we all looked at each other in disbelief and someone said 'How soon should we be getting these calls? Like today, 6mos or? and will it be a 1-800 number to contact and will be allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery? and what do they actually look like?' She kept asking questions and I was ignoring it I was a bit intrigued I think I might volunteer it might be fun but what kind of promise do we have of we will be treated? Will be like my marriage seemingly great for years just to be...I didn't get the thought out when I got a call come through. I stared at it I didn't recognize the number it was a 1-800 number and I chuckled and mumbled maybe that's them! Nervous laughter all over. Or it's my car's extended warranty! And even more laughter.

        I answered the phone and I hear this sexy ass voice asks if this is Issabella Jones. 'Yup, that's me what's up buttercup?' 'I do not understand calling me a plant that grows here but the reason I am in contact with you is you are a perfect match better than the others on our list and we are hoping you could come in for further testing?' Well, that was quick. Maybe it's just a joke like a scam already someone getting on this shit? Seriously? My first reaction was to ask, 'My extended warranty on my Jeep is just fine thank you!' Then I figured what the hell?! 'Uhhh, ummm...sure when and where should I be? there?' 'We have a vehicle outside of your friend's place please come this is not you agreeing to come to us but to testing. And we ask you do not tell your friends. We have no issues with you telling people but unless you know you can trust them not to call the media or other. We will be waiting for 20 minutes.' I turn to look at my coworkers. I mutter to myself 'I guess I could go for this testing.'

      I tell my coworkers I need to go and touch base with my children and make sure they are okay and seeing I am moving in the next few days I should get my stuff ready. I am currently Florida bound for vacation. They say we can get together before I leave hopefully. I call my bestie and say this doesn't go anywhere but us and I give her the lowdown she agrees to watch my GPS on my location we have GPS locators on our phones it was her idea in case I got in trouble lol. I pick up my stuff and walk out to say I had been nervous was an understatement.

         I climb into the car and there is a few of the males sitting across from me with smiles on their faces. They inform me I am the first of my planet to be contacted and that accepted. I get there at the facility I had never seen this building before, and I live in this town. It was an empty lot for 2yrs or more. The testing was mainly blood tests and scanning me made me sit in a small chamber with weightless situation and such. Asking me if I would agree to go, they are not leaving for some time and are not asking me to sign any lines just how I felt about it. Seeing I did have children they were older, and I would not be saying goodbye forever just for about 5yrs. The meds take a full year before I would be able to leave. It makes it so the human body could live on their planet and consume their foods.           

      I say I need time to think about all this. And to speak with my family. Maybe find out more about their planet and the way things are there for different types of people. They are intrigued about my willingness to at least try or even think about it. They give me a bottle of pills a one a day deal if I decide I can start taking the pills they will contact me once a month. The number of pills is 365 a full calendar year. I gather some information from them the types of side effects which are all positive, weight loss, age regression (physical only) helps with learning new things. Also, information on their language and videos of their language. Connection to learning about their planet. I leave a bit out of it but fine.          

        I head to the store and get some ingredients I need to bake it helps my nerves and a few bottles of wine. I eat some food and look at the pills wondering if I can take them with alcohol or not! Oh, well I don't have to take them yet or ever! I pop open the bottle and go right for the bottle not a glass uncouth I know. I make cookies and 2 pies some bread. And a phone call comes through its one of my kiddos and they are on a conference call with their brother, and we talk about the news I mention about being contacted but ask them to tell no one. My daughter says go for it! I need to step out of my comfort zone. My eldest says he thinks it's a bad idea and I need to stay near maybe moving is not smart. Even my ex calls me, and I guess he had a falling out with his new woman and is hoping we can reconnect...I of course tell him to fuck off.

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