The Reveal

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               About 15 minutes later we get our clothes on and situated so we can make it to her appointment. I am still unsure how Blaine will take to things. Will he be good with this? Will he decide to move in with us? There is something about us three well four of us including Kurt. Seeing women were so short in supply a lot of men ended up connecting and shacking up with each other. Us four had been together in more than just a friendly way. We were interested in one another and loved each other but had always dreamed of having an sharing a woman too. I hope Issabella isn't grossed out at what we used to do or still want to do. Marrick and I have talked about it and we were going to say something today perhaps but then Blaine came back into our circle and seeing Kurt reminded me of things. Issabella seems a bit tired probably due to last night and then the emotional turmoil of the last few days and activities today. I think after this appointment she will need to eat and sleep and not be kept up. 

       We walk into the office. Blaine doesn't seem t notice what type of office its like a human's OB/GYN the office is mainly made for pregnant women. I check Izzy in they want her to sign paperwork so I carry back with me to her. And she sits on my lap and we go over it. Blaine looks nervous like he is not sure about this. Issabella whispers 'Just a check-up I am not sick. Need to make sure all is in proper working order and all is good.'

      Her name is called and she is tired. Marrick looks at Blaine and says last night 'Izzy did not sleep well and has been through a lot the last few months and nothing is wrong she just needs some rest.' He still looks uncertain and concerned. Marrick is walking with her he leans over and picks her up she squeals and laughs whisper yelling 'I can walk numb nutz!' Blaine has a bit of a smile. We get into the room and Issabell grabs the dress thing and walks into the bathroom to change and Blaine says 'We have all seen that sexy body why hide it now?' Izzy laughs and says modesty and some hint towards decency we are in a doctor's office perv.' He is laughing.

      The bed is a bit high she is a bit above the average height for a human at 5'10" but to us she is tiny. Women are 6'2" to 6'7". Men are 6'7" to 7'3" Us three Blaine is 7'4", me 7'2" and Marrick 7'0". So Blaine picks her up and places her down. She mumbles there is a stepping stool. No idea if the kids will be taller like us or shorter like her? There is a knock on the door and the doc walks in he is a close friend of mine I have known him since elementary school. He smiles looking at us three. He knows about the situation between all of us and that Blaine has no idea why we are here. He has this odd grin.

         He looks at us and walks up to Kat and says 'Well, little lady it would seem you have the full attention of these brutes. And I will say these idiots here are lucky they have you. You seem quite the beautiful female if they ever upset you just let me know I am sure I could help you. My name is Dr. Juarvis' I had told Marrick and Katherine about Gorgie and his flirtatiousness although he is not at all interested in females at all other than babies. Blaine let out this deep growl and wrapped a hand around Issabella waist and pulled her to him away from Juarvis. Izzy had this smile and leaned into him and placed her head on his chest. That little move settled him some. His hand is on her stomach but he's not really paying attention to it other than being sure he is touching her. Gorgie laughs and says 'While she is attractive and seems perfect she is not of interest to me other than a patient and mate of a friend of mine. She seems well claimed and not at all interested in me.' Blaine still seems slightly unconvinced. Izzy looks at the doctor and smiles. 'Well, Doc what's the prognosis of my state? Will I go crazy or am I already there seeing I am keeping these three?' And the doc smiles and says 'Which three darling? The three brutes surrounding you or the three you are expecting?' Blaine is looking around at all of us trying to figure things out. He looks like his head might implode.

       I ask if a scan is possible he knows what I mean he nods and walks out and comes back in with the machine. The newer machines are here. Its just a wand like the normal ones but it sets up images like 3D hologram that can be turned and moved around to get a good view of everything. Helps with pregnancies and many other things. So I help her lie down and Blaine is next to her head just staring at her face and ours looking for some form of hint or answers to what the hell is going on. The wand touches her stomach and an image is floating around like a virtual reality deal. And I can see 3 a big dark area and hear all three heartbeats. I am looking at Blaine too he seems to be thinking. Gorgie walks over and moves one away from the others and moves the bundle a bit. The little bundle has a head, small body, arms legs and maybe a tail. Any horns or tusks don't grow until after they are born at about 6 mos old. Blaine goes from confused to intrigued to happiness. I don't know if he has noticed 3 of them yet. He gets closer and puts his hand on her belly and there is movement as one seems to move closer. Like the baby can feel his hand and knows who he is. He is staring at the picture around him and Issabella.

     MA Katherine as a mate is amazing. Everything about her is perfect even her imperfections seem perfect. After finding out I was going to be a father with my best friends there with me I knew nothing could happen that we couldn't handle. So when we messed up at the store I thought I'd be in what the Earthlings call "The Dog House." After watching a few movies and tv shows I realized it was not all that great. I knew some make their mates sleep on a couch or stay away for days. I could not handle staying away from her that long and also if something bad was to happen to her or the pups nope I couldn't let that happen and I have read about hormones and pregnant women I don't want to be on her bad side at all. When we all slept together that night I thought well its not too bad right? I pulled her close and she snuggled close it must be the hormones she needs to feel a connection to us. This must be hard for her with Blaine being away and must make things worse with how we ignored her.

      I was in deep asleep when I felt her move I figured she must be getting closer to Targrill. I woke up a bit later and found her not in bed and looked around the bedroom, bathroom and I couldn't find her. I wake Targrill and we both start looking for her. I smell the stuff she calls peanutsbutter. No idea the hell the name came from but I can attest its pretty good in flavor. I yell her name almost panic like and I hear her say outback. I am relieved but also a bit worried anything could have happened out there. We haven't been thorough about the critters she should be weary of. And we all know she needs her vitamins and such. As we get outside and sit with her and apologize or at least start to. We then have a friend of ours visit and he is angry at us and gives us hell. We are so stunned he already knows things. He lets us know after we explain things a bit about what's going on with Blaine in more detail and he says he will speak with him and speak with him he must have because the next thing we know we are getting a call from Blaine asking if he can come over. Targrill and I both think it will be a great idea and I think Kat needs this the stress can't be good for the little ones right?!!

     On the way to the docs it was fun and amazing for all of us to be together we had not been with her together and I know things will only get better in the next week or two. We are hoping she will be good with having him move in with us. I don't want to even imagine life without him. We cannot in anyway leave our amazing mate and pups but living without Blaine would be very hard. The appointment was fun until Blaine touches her stomach and realizes what exactly is going on. I think his head will explode soon. He whispers like hoping its not a dream 'Not just one? There are 3? How is that possible?' She starts to laugh and looks at us and says 'Well, someone needs to have the birds and bees conversation with him and I think you will be the perfect one...well one of you with the Dr. in front of their names.' She points to Targrill and Juarvis. There is laughter all around. Blaine stutters 'I....uhh I know how they are made but..umm..ahhh 3? And so quick?' Kat just starts to giggle and shakes her head. 

       The doctor says 'I need the nurse to come in and help me we need to take some measurements and some blood work.' And he walks out. Blaine looks at Kat and then us. Targrill informs him that seeing there are 3 of us and we each before he can continue Blaine asks the one question he needed to. 'So one of the pups is mine?' That is when Kat comes back in and says 'Well, duh numb nutz!'  I have figured out she uses that term more than others I think its her way of calling someone an idiot.   We get the blood work done and all is settled and next appointment set up.

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