Untitled Part 25

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Izzy and her mates are living day to day with the little imps.  The names Xanta'ra Anne, Ix'zaka Storm, and lastly Ta'rique Aaron.   Each one was perfect in their parents eyes.   blaine blue, marrick red,  tar green

It had been 4yrs since the little tykes had graced them with their presence.  And of course nothing was the same or relaxed!  And well lets look in on them from their parents view shall we?  Now to make things easier on all the fathers all Dada or Dad but followed with either and M,T,or B

First off let's see the fathers have decided to retire from their positions and work more as security for hire.  Where one of them is always staying back to help with any emergency or storm.

A  smallish red creature comes running in stumbling and whisper yelling "Don't tell them I'm here!"  Covered in what could only be chocolate!  Marrick knew immediately she was just like her mother after all!   And Xanta'ra had been given the name of Tara. Definitely a daddy's girl.  She is the shortest of all of them.  At 4yrs old she is the height of a 6 yr old human child.  Her horns are just starting to come in.  If you think teething is difficult its a whole other ballgame.  Getting head butted by one of these angels hurts like a police battering ram!    Hearing more feet running towards them Tara runs behind her father trying to not giggle.

Hearing the other 2 yelling "Where is she?  She took our cookies mom gave them to all of us and we didn't get any!  She at them all!"  Marrick is full on laughing saying "Cookies?  Chocolate cookies I am guessing with the way you are all running about for?!"  "Daddy M they were her special ones she only makes for special occasions!"  Marrick hearing this knows something special is happening but cannot fathom as to what.  He quickly chimes in to Blaine and Targrill something is up with Izzy.  Please report with any odd behaviors immediately.  The cookies were made repeat the cookies are made!"

The men have found when Izzy makes her famous chocolate cookies it means something is up.  She is either thinking too much or special occasions!  Once it was an anniversary another time it was her wanting to talk about a party for the kids, the parents adopting a new child that was found.  Izzy's family came for a surprise visit but the few times she was angry it was definitely not something you want to be near.  Nothing survives when she goes full anger mode.   Its more dangerous then as Izzy calls a rabid Wombat the size and temperament of a hippo!  When they had been to Earth they had seen a hippo and saw what damage they could do, however wombats alone are aggressive.  She is closer to a Dron'kal when she is angry.

Dron'kal have 4 feet and 2 tails one tail has a club the other spikes which is poisonous and deadly to all living creatures even themselves!  Which is why you will randomly find one  unconscious from its own venom.  They sometimes even die from it.  They get so violent when attacking their tails go wild and strike everything in the vicinity.  They are about 6 to 8 ft tall, and weigh similar to a hippo.  The colors should be an indication to stay away.  They are bright colors red, yellow and blue.  Pretty is what you might think but if you'd ever seen them in action.  If you have seen one know that they see you.  And just back away keeping eyes on them.  DO NOT turn around or run!   They consider this an insult as if you think you could outrun them or think they are not worthy of your respect.

The boys are walking around on eggshells just waiting for whatever might be the matter.  Assume the worst so when its a good thing its even better.  Izzy knows how the boys act when she makes her famous cookies.  She has overheard their plight.  She chuckles to herself knowing the only reason for the cookies was a request from the kids school for a bake sale.  She had given them the idea when a special trip for all the kids and their families for the summer to travel to Earth!   They were near the end of the year and had raised more than enough however the more they have raised the better the trip for the families.   She was actually surprised so many families were that excited and eager to go.  The governments had things set up and all was well.  With all the advancements and help this planet had given it allowed Earth to finally colonize and set an atmosphere on the Moon and allowed so many others to travel the universe to learn from more advanced beings.  And bringing home great ideas.  Many had found happiness and even settled down on other planets.  Earth was able to turn around so much of its failings from war, environment, medical research and even power.

The other families that included humans were doing well.  Many others have had children and some look more like their fathers while others look more human.  But acceptance was a bit rocky at first.  There had not been children for so long due to not many women of childbearing age or ability.  Having children on the planet again was hard to get used to at first but once the first 100 were born healthy things really changed.  The doctors and teachers have learned so much.  The humans were the perfect match for such.  There was a bit of a scare for a bit when a sickness seemed to affect them.  It was nothing but an adaption sickness that after 2 weeks went away with no long term effects.  Indicators that any additional generations probably will not be affected by this.

The kids are coming into their own.  As stated Xanta'ra is like her mother and a very opinionated.  Looks like her father but with the softness of her mother.  Wearing dresses wanting to be addressed as a princess!   However still plays in the mud and makes messes just like her brothers but in a cute frilly dress.

The boys are like their fathers other than their appreciation for Earth foods and music.  They cannot sit still always getting into things.  The trouble they get into is a bit more than stealing cookies!  More like sneaking out to explore when they should be sleeping which led to door locks to keep them in.   Known for getting dirty when no dirt is present.  Able to climb the highest trees and not get scared until they need to get down.  Built their own tree house with club rules and a ladder leading up.  Attempting to skip school to play.  But their mama is the one they run to when they make someone angry.  Mama will save them from anything.  They are much taller than their sister closer to an 8yr old.

The main difference between them other than the color is Ix'zaka Blaine's boy is a bit more quiet and calculating than his brother  Ta'rique Tar'grill's which is more ask for forgiveness than permission at least he gets to have the fun!  Together all three are perfect no matter what.  Each has a tail, horns and the boys have tusks.  It might be easy to tell the difference of who is who and who their fathers are but no special treatment well except for the girl.  The boys don't have any issue with the special treatment they automatically go to protecting her from anything!   The perfect big brothers!

 So it'll be off to Earth and the adventures await.  Maybe another story...

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