Reassurance needed and given

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     We had fun at lunch I love a woman who will eat and is not all worried about looking like a princess. Although I would appreciate her letting me do more for her. I want to take care of her she is human, and I had thought she was weak with how soft she is to the touch, but I was wrong. And the softness is what pulls me closer! I love when I touch her arm it's not all muscle or bone. Her round ass is perfect for grabbing I bet. Her thighs fill out her clothes and I can just imagine how they would feel wrapped around my waist. Her breasts are amazing. I love the size and I want to touch them and feel them and find out how those nipples feel in my mouth. When we were waiting to get into the station the males were staring at her she didn't even realize but when I pulled her close, she looked and saw what was bothering me and her reaction made me feel relaxed. She showed she was taken in a way that could not be mistaken. This female seems to read my mind so easily. At the restaurant the flirting from the waitress made her a bit angry and she looked at me for my response and smiled when I didn't even react.

      When we got to the animal zone her response to the animals was adorable. It's like watching a child only sexy. Izzy's reaction to the Shrulls was hilarious! She looked so scared of them and also embarrassed I let her know they creep us all out. She told me about a movie about birds getting even with humans it was a horror movie a movie made to scare humans I cannot understand why that would be sought over but all of us are different. The creatures we have she called cats are Chiats. They can sense your temperament and will only come to you if they can sense trustworthiness. All of them went straight to her. Which told me lots about her that even she cannot hide. You can read the chiats emotions and you could sense how calm they were. Then the dogs as she called them that made me laugh. Murks are friendly and accept all people sort of. There are murks that like all people but not all of them like everyone. There is a huge one with sharp teeth and violent when someone is rough, or they sense evil thoughts.         

       The more animals we saw the more childlike she seemed to be. Chirpy happy, almost bouncing from one pen to another to see all of them. Making sure to pet each one. I loved seeing her completely relaxed. I never want to see my mate stressed, sad or angry. She seems to have much on her in the past. She will never have to work if she lives with me. No, I don't want or expect her to have dinner ready or clean the house all the time they will be shared tasks for us to do together. She can work if she wants but I want her happy. Above all else and when we have kits it is expected she raise them with the help of her mate, nanny. No work until the kit goes to school. It's a planet law and as fathers we have decreased hours 4 hours a day so we can be home to help raise our young.       

      The shopping was fun until she came out with that one outfit, she was so unsure. My mother, and even cousins wore them without an issue so I could not understand he worry about how much they showed off. I never took into the size difference of her chest and hips. So, when she dropped her arms and I saw her chest barely contained I wanted to run over to her to either cover her up or just run my hands on them. I noticed my mouth was hanging open. The seamstress even seemed shocked. She went over and pulled something and pinned it and spoke to Izzy.  Izzy suddenly went from a big smile due to my stare to shock, and she looked down at herself and at other females in the shop her smile fell. I could see that childlike smile and happiness fall so quickly. She went to the changing room and put her clothes back on and pulled her sweater over her shoulders looking worn out and I could see her eyes a bit wet. I wonder if maybe she was allergic to something. I bought a few of them after the alterations were made. She did not look like she wanted to be out any longer. I had so much more to show her but maybe it was a bit overwhelming? So, we headed back to the ship, and she walked to her room and grabbed some clothes and changed. I was hoping she would model the new clothes for me with the alterations. But she laid down with tears in her eyes?! I laid down and pulled her to me and as I try to find out what's going on she starts to cry and full-on cry until she fell asleep. I still have no idea what to do.  

        I lay back down with Issabella and wake her up and say I need to know what happened or what is bothering you so I can fix it. Izzy looks at me with tears and a smile. She says, 'Thank you and I am sorry for all the trouble I am causing you.' I quickly grab her pick her up and sit on the bed pulling her into my lap. I say 'I would do anything for you whether it's calling a friend to help you or holding you here with me. You are no trouble for me.' She looks me in the eyes and lays her head on me. 'Do you really mean that? I don't want you to feel you have to help me.' I rub her back and say 'I want to be here for you. I don't do anything I don't want to. Now tell me what happened to make you so upset so I can make it all better!' Izzy closes her eye and sighs and shivers some. I decide to do some fishing. 'Well, let's see the restaurant was fine the food was good the drinks seemed okay.   

      The pet place got your attention all right and you seemed really happy other than the shrulls. So, the only place left was the seamstress shop.' At those words her body stiffened, and I saw new tears in her eyes. I cannot figure out anything about why she would be upset by it. I smile at her and say 'You looked amazing in that dress. Better than any other female I have seen. It was all I could to keep from walking up to you and well probably getting kicked out of the shop for life.' When I said that she looked up at me and asked 'Are you telling the truth after what the shop keeper said about how it fit me and how different I looked...' she just trailed off and tears came to her eyes again. So, the lady said something to her and that is what caused all this. Then her mind probably took it further. I had to contain my anger at this what could she had said?! Izzy then explained it to me in between sobs and some stuttering. She looked so sweet and innocent. I told her she was perfect, and I definitely want to be here with her.

    I talked her into trying on one of the outfits for me I picked out the one I liked the most the color was blue and green. The sleeves were billowy. The back was longer than the front. She went into the bathroom to change and came out as she did, I almost lost all control. Her hair was down just the way I like it long and with waves. Her big blue eyes just staring at me. Looking for acceptance like any negative reaction would cause her to run away and hide. A timid animal looking vulnerable as hell. When I don't react immediately her chin lowers and her eyes look down to her hands. I walk up I am speechless the alterations made it look perfect like it was made for her. Well, it's kind of was. I just stare and then my finger is on her chin I tilt her face up to me and I say one word 'Perfect!' It must have been what she was hoping for, and I did something right for her smile the one that I love to see spread over her face, and she launched herself at me.

     I now have her in my arms I pick her up the rest of the way her legs wrap around my waist and my mouth is on hers as we start to kiss. My mouth makes its way down her neck to her collar bone, and she lets out a small moan and the lower half of me reacts. I back her into the wall using it to help me hold her up as my hand pulls the fabric over her shoulder and I continue to plant kisses on her neck and shoulder to the top of her breast. I push her up higher, so my mouth is closer to her breasts. I pull the other side off her shoulder and those breasts are right in front of my mouth and I start to kiss them and run my hands all over her arms and breasts she is trying to hold back the moans. I look into those amazing eyes and say, 'I want to hear your approval to what I am doing please don't hold back.'

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