Full Storm

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Will be jumping between characters for a run. Marrick, Targrill, Blaine, Izzy

       Blaine: We all get up and start to get ready and get things ready for the dinner and get a call about a small issue with security and a possible storm coming now our storms are similar to a hurricane on Earth but can last 8 hrs or so. And the barriers that keep certain creatures at bay can be less effective. Marrick and I need to go. Being one of the main officials of our planet means I get to go and run things but also fight if need be and Marrick is a top warrior here, so he goes too. Until we are officially mated the ceremony which will be done next week we are expected to go. Once we are mated, we will let all know Issabella is pregnant and we are all expectant fathers and thus we will not be called to participate in such for out mate and young will need us. But Targrill will be with her, and all will be well. So, Marrick and I get our gear together and leave let's not wake her just yet. Our dinner party will have to be on a different day. Marrick feels we should wake her and tell her, but I really don't want to worry her for something we deal with easily.

      Marrick: I did want to wake her and talk to her also about the show she had earlier but let's not give her too much right? I might tell Blaine what she saw. The fact it had been us in our true forms all at once and she didn't freak out about any of it means a lot. We say goodbye to Targrill and head out the door. I can see clouds far away, but I know our storms can move quickly if the wind is just right. On our ride I tell Blaine about what our little mate seen and at first, he is a bit freaked out but when I tell him I saw her touching herself while she watched he was very surprised and got this gleam that said when we get home, we will have some fun for sure. I see people moving lawn chairs and tables into garages.  I know Targrill will do all the storm preparations that we have a step-by-step process for such. Including barriers for windows and doors to make sure the storm or creatures don't get in it was his step-by-step process.

      Targrill: A phone call from the hospital. A fire started and a few people were injured and one of them was one of the ER docs and seeing as they were not able to get a hold of them, I was called, and I need to go in. I tried to wake her, but she was sleeping so soundly with a smile on her face I couldn't imagine waking her. I contacted the others and Blaine said he would be back in about an hr so it couldn't be that bad. I get my stuff together and head to the hospital. I am right on time or so it looks like. I jump right in there are 20 people injured some superficial burns and cuts and some need surgery. I am working nonstop. 4-hour surgery for one. I will be here all night by the looks of it. I want so badly to head home to her. A few warriors are injured from keeping the barriers up and so the creatures brangles are like sabretooth tigers humans had but vicious and toxic. They are what hurt some of the warriors. I send Marrick a quick text and realize service is down. I know I had sent the message earlier and got the notification he had received the message.

    Izzy: It has been about an hour, and I can still hear the animals downstairs breaking things and snuffling. They can sense me, and they must know I am here. I hear shouting and what sounds like electricity but a bang as well. I hear people saying, 'Grab what you can before anyone else gets here!' Looters? But...I hear yelling some of the words come too quickly so I don't know what they are saying. I hear the word 'human' from a few of them. I am terrified maybe they will realize there is an attic up here. I am really tired and fall asleep to be awoken by a bang and a slam and the attic door being opened, and I stare at this man standing there on the ladder staring at me in confusion. 'I am with the recovery team ma'am, and I am here to take you to safety.' I have no idea if they are telling the truth or not. How can I trust a complete stranger? 'Kurt and Jason have sent me to check things out when he realized the house was not locked down right. There were looters and animals in here.' 'Just because you know them doesn't mean anything!' I am so scared I am trembling and frightened. The man nods and says 'Targrill was supposed to be here but was called away to the hospital and Blaine he thought would be here in a few minutes.' I decide I will go with him he says his name is Jericho and is one of the warriors that has also worked with Marrick.

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