One is gone one is here

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     So, I wake up and get ready for the day. Today is the day I get to see him as he really is. Although I have already seen him, he doesn't know this. He keeps saying he is not like everyone else he is more alien or different than most of the others. I wanted to tell him I have seen him, but it has to be his doing not my doing. I want to feel that tail on me. Find out if he has any major hang ups in the bedroom? I knock and hear nothing no noise at all not even his snoring. I up and walk right in and I see nothing! Just a bed made and a piece of paper. I look around a bit more and his stuff is all gone. I sit down on his bed and pick up the paper and it reads:

'Izzy, I have been called away for a work related emergency that I have to attend to. I apologize for leaving after last night. Me being in a leadership role for my planet I need to go. I will be back when I am done. Hopefully it won't be long. Blaine'

     Wow, so much emotion in that letter! Why does this happen to me just up and abandoning me? He promised he'd be there and wouldn't leave me! Not even I am sorry I have to go or anything. To say I am angry is an understatement. He could have woken me up and talked to me and it wouldn't have hurt this much. I am not worth spending a few moments to speak to. Not sure what will happen if he comes back will I even want them back? Will he do this again? I decide I will not let this bother me more than it has already. I go over my list of names and see the next 2 names in my list maybe things will be better with them and that is when I see 2 names I already have heard and I know. Targrill and Marrick the match numbers are 98.   The names I wonder if Marrick and Targrill are the same ones I have met before?  What are the chances those names are popular like Tiffany, or Heather?

     I go to breakfast without him its the first time in a long time. I get my coffee and grab a muffin and head to the animal terrarium. As I sit there and eat my muffin and have my coffee I hear a noise and look up and see Marrick he sits with me and doesn't say a word to me just wraps an arm around me to be there for me. And I lean into him I will not cry I will not show anything. Marrick tells me 'Blaine really didn't want to leave He had no choice. He felt sorry about it..' "Well, if he felt so bad about it he could have said so. No just I have been called away and will be back when I am done!'"  He says there is more that he is not telling you and has his reasons for it. I laughed and said "Not sure I want to hear about him or his reasons for now."  Marrick nods and says "We are stopping for supplies at a station we will be there for 2 weeks. I will be with you for the rest of the trip and Targrill will be meeting us there. We can leave this ship for the day but need to be back here before night."  Why would both be joining me, I thought one at a time? But I keep it to myself.      I am hoping we have the same kind of connection Blaine and I had. I want to see them in their real form. We will be stopping at the station tomorrow. And next week Targrill will be joining us. Targrill and Marrick will share Blaine's room. The room is big enough for a second bed to be added. I can just imagine if things go well for the 3 of us maybe pushing the 2 together. Marrick says he will move his stuff into the room in a bit. I offer to help, and he says he doesn't need it but will accept the help anyways.

     So, he offers his hand and I graciously take it. We walk by a kitchen area, and I drop off my cup and my plate. While we are walking a few guards that I have not seen before are there. His hand releases my hand and wraps around my waist Marrick then pulls me closer to him not in a rough controlling way more a sign of possessiveness and claiming which is nice and actually comforting. I ask him why I have not seen these guards before? He laughs and says this ship is much bigger than it seems. There are quadrants 5 actually the center which is the command area where the pilots and crew who operate this ship work, and the quadrants for apartments or rooms. I was in quadrant one because of Blaine's status and he is in quadrant 2 he is head warrior for him thus he needs to be close. And Targrill's position is a doctor, but he has his own practice and helps at the main hospital. As we walk, we talk more about their life growing up.       

        We get to his room, and he opens the door and leads me in. His room is smaller than quadrant 1 but not by much. He packs up his clothing and a few pictures he has on display. I see ones with him, Blaine and Targrill and a few others including females in their human forms. He points out who is who and gives me a few funny stories about them all. We talk about childhoods and family. I mention about how small my school was and my family. He is shocked to hear how families can break apart after all the promises we make. He is also surprised how easy it is for humans to have children. He is bent over doing something when I feel myself checking out his ass and muscles on his back. I want to reach out and grab his ass, but I resist. Why am I feeling so quick to touch him like that. Granted I have known him for as long as Blaine but just as a friend, but it seems more now. I want to ask him but refrain.

       He is packed up and the 2 bags seem really full and heavy I offer to help him carry he laughs their only about 60 pounds apiece. I stare at him and shake my head. And he slings them both over one shoulder and it seems like nothing. I need to know what is heavy to this man? He sees me watching him closely and says 'under 200 is nothing for one arm. Not to brag but benching 450 is not much for me.' I stare at him I can think all kinds of positions with him. I am almost drooling at the idea the images in my head makes me shiver and I feel a slight tingle and my panties now feel wet. I look up into his eyes and he seems to smell me his eyes go a dark green and wraps an arm around me and pulls me, so I am touching him, and his nose goes to the crook of my neck, and he inhales deeper. A few guards close to us seem to be staring harder and getting closer. I hear a deep guttural growl from him in their direction. He whispers, 'You seem to be in an excited mood and the others seem to be noticing too.' I realize he can smell my arousal which doesn't help the situation at all. But knowing the others can smell me makes me uncomfortable and helps to subside my feelings some. I can't really understand why I am so turned on and wanting after last night and all. Before that it had been over a year.

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