Dinner and Cuddles

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        It's getting close to dinner time. We had missed lunch and I was hungry. Izzy and I had decided enough lessons for today. She wanted to shower before dinner, and I did too. I wonder how she feels about saving water. I know we reuse water, and we have plenty of ways to clean the water and make it ready for use again without chemicals but maybe she will go for it. As we get back to our rooms she heads to the shower and sees me heading there too and smiles at me and says, '2 Shower heads and a big shower lets share.' It's almost like she can read my mind. She turns on her side and strips down to nothing and steps in and wets her hair down and I see a mirror on her side I can see a reflection of her breasts full on. Ugh they just beg to be touched and fondled. She puts shampoo in her hand and scrubs her hair I do the same to mine then I see her put something else on it and lets it stay as she grabs shower gel and lathers it on and rubs it on, I see the suds running off her body.

      I feel my cock get harder than it has been I think forever! She turns to face me rinsing herself off and God help me I am so damn lost. I cannot tear my eyes off her body. Her eyes open and she smiles looking me up and then her eyes slowly going down when they reach my cock her eyes stop, and she looks up into my eyes with a look that says she is very happy at what she sees. I notice the lack of hair on her I see a small strip of hair but that is it. She turns the water off on her side then walks closer to me and wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me fully on the lips and says, 'Thank you today was fun, and I had a lot of fun with you.' I see Izzy shake her head like she's trying to not think about something. She walks out of the shower, and I finish my shower with cold water.

     As I get out, I hear what I understand it a dryer for her hair that blows warm air. So, I get ready for dinner as I get dressed, I can't think of anything but how amazing she is and not just looks but sweetness I have never met anyone as perfect as if I am in Love with her but all I know is what I have heard from Blaine, the times I have been with her when she needed me and now today. I wonder how it will be after a week. How long will it take before we see what else happens between us. We walk out of our rooms, and I will not let anyone get an idea with her. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close. I have like Blaine had many relations with other females, but I want her to know she is the only one. If anyone of the females I have been with think they can come up to me it's going to have me saying not interested. I want Issabella to feel like the Goddess she is and not second guess anything. Like all of us the moment we found out we had a match we stopped seeing all other women even if just a fling. I want to concentrate on her and her alone.   

      A few people are staring, and one female looks angry. She marches up to us and is staring at Issabella and says 'Yo, bitch!' Izzy looks up and instead of being angry or upset she gets this huge smile on her face and throws her arms around her and hugs her! I definitely don't understand this. I ask 'Isn't bitch a dog thing? Or a derogatory thing women call others to be nasty?' Izzy and her friend look at me a giggle and that is probably the sexiest noise ever. She wraps and arm around me, leans her head on me should and smiles up at me. And looks at this girl and says 'This is Nikki she was my friend back when we were teenagers. She protected me from all the bullies her and her brothers meant business! Aarron, Carl and Brandon. I miss them all!! Our boys are about the same age, and she has 2 girls as well to my one.' I laugh as I realize this, and her friend's match is a close friend of mine from training. Izzy pulls me aside and says 'I used to have a crush on her and her and I had a thing. We spent lots of time together between men. I was more than shocked and could just imagine what it would look like and who's idea it was to do this or did it just happen. I look over and see the match with her friend and he looks over with the same thought I had. He looks over at me and I know he is imagining this happening between them. Maybe she will tell me about things and what they did together? Well, after food we all went to the bar and the girls had a few drinks and started to dance and fuck it was hot. They even did korokke the song Redneck woman and I got your country right here. Didn't know much about country music but not too bad.       

    After watching them dance and sing and she even gives a kiss to her friend and it's not a quick one it's an open mouth kiss with some heat as she waves to her and up to me. Her arms go around my neck and she pulls me down for a long drawn-out kiss and presses herself against and whispers 'Thank you for helping me handle today. It would have been almost unbearable today without you.' Izzy takes my hand and starts walking back. As we come around the corner, she sees a few planets and a planet that is purple and green. She is amazed at it and stops walking. I pull her closer and lean my chin on her head watching what she is. Issabella asks if I know what it is she says its beautiful. A guard that knows me laughs and says 'Beautifully dangerous! The plants will try to kill you if the air doesn't get you first!' She laughs and says 'Beauty can be dangerous. "Danger hides in Beauty and Beauty hides in danger." Admiration from afar is much safer for the body, soul and heart.' She turns back to the planet with a sad smile. I am talking to that guard when she wanders a bit off to look out the windows of the ship. Next thing I know I hear her yell and then I see what looks like she stumbles and falls hard on her ass and look over there is Abigail and her gang and a male or 2 with them. Abigail is laughing at her and kicks her in the side. Before I can do anything the guards rush Abigail and the others and start carting them off saying confinement and charges. I hear yelling from them about proof, but I know of the cameras everywhere.       

       Izzy leans into me as I pick her up there are big fat tears in her blue eyes. I see a few chairs and sit down with Izzy and I pull her into my lap and she lays her head on my chest grabbing my shirt and loud sobbing is coming from her. She claims not much pain physically. I ask her what happens she just shakes her head and hides her face in my chest. I rub her back in soothing circles and push her hair from her face. She looks like a small child crying like this. I start to get up while holding her and I hear a 'No, stay please.' I say to her that I can take her back right now. She shakes her head and says 'No, please.' I am still sitting there with her she must have fallen asleep in my arms her face still red and splotchy from crying. She's perfect even like this. So much going on for her just today. I wonder what was said to her and what Abigail said to her. I want to make her tell me what happened it's just my way. I and most of the males in the guard or leadership are doms of one type or another. 

        I carry her back to her room and start to remove her outer clothes trying not to stare at her exposed skin afraid I might upset her. I wait until I have an oversize shirt on her before I pull her under clothes off. She wakes a bit and whispers thank you. I know she doesn't like to sleep with clothes on if she can help it. As I am putting her in her bed about to pull the covers over her and she grips at my hand and says 'Please don't leave me. I smile and answer 'I need to get ready for bed too. I will come back after I am done if that's okay?' She mumbles 'Yes, please.' I know I need to release some tension in my shorts before I can sleep. I come back to bed after helping myself and then getting changed into a clean pair of boxers for bed. As I lay down, she moves her ass closer to me right into my lap. I grunt I will have trouble sleeping tonight. I know she isn't wearing panties. After seeing her panties, I realize even when she is wearing some there isn't much to them. They have a small triangle in the front and a thin scrap of fabric covering the crack of her ass. She calls them thongs. She grabs my arm and pulls it around her and yawns and then I can hear the small noises of sleep form her. I want more time tonight with her. By tomorrow afternoon we will be on the station, and I can show her everything there. I can't wait to see her react to all the other species and then the sights and foods. My folks want to do a live chat with her after Blaine's parents did with her, they want to see what she looks like and see if she is as sweet as what Blaine's parents think.

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