Swimming Lessons

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      We make it back to his new room and he decides to put things away as I decide to shower and put on clean panties and notice even my shorts are wet. I step into the shower and wash up. I let it turn into a cold shower. I plan on a bath tonight. I wonder why I never thought of it before, but I want to go swimming I heard there is a pool. As I get dressed again, I pull out my 2 pieces for swimming. I wonder what kind of water they use in the pool. Do they use chlorine or salt water or something different. I put on music and start to read while I am waiting for Marrick to finish what he is up to. After a bit I get bored and want to see him. I open the adjoining room and see he is on a video call with Targrill and due to knowing the language I listen in. I am not fluent, and they are talking fast so I am able to pick out things like 'Left a short note not much of anything on it...Mad and upset, she knows you are coming, odd connection and draw to...more drawing then 2 of same species. Might be due to humans' ability procreate? or like Blaine Antarrang? for me us too?' I decide to back out 2 steps and then knock on the door. He opens it with a big smile and says Targrill is on the call with me. I look at the screen he is standing without a shirt on, and the muscle thing must be a species thing I have not seen one male of their species wiry or scrawny. And I ask, 'Are all males on your planet built like you 2 or?' They start laughing my face is a bit red. 'All males are trained as warriors first then secondary jobs. Targrill says he had a natural affinity towards healing, Marrick is also an engineer and Blaine is more of the leader type.' 

       I tell them I am going to look for the pool I heard about and it sounds like fun. Marrick looks at me and says well if you get your swimsuit ready, I will get mine and we can go together, and I will show you. I feel this odd smirk on my face as I look at both of them the one on the screen and one right here and lift my shirt off to show my bikini top and say, 'Already on just awaiting you so don't take too long, or I'll be forced to leave without you.' The look both give me is not just a glimpse it's a stare mouths hanging open type which helps my self-confidence some. So, I head back to my room to wait. Less than 5 min later in walks Marrick with this huge shit eating grin. He informs me he was asked to take a photo of me in said outfit. I smile and give him a look of come and get it. We start to walk there when I think I see Blaine but he left right? He can't be here it must've been my hopefulness that he didn't just up and leave me here alone...well, not alone but yet. I sigh I am angry he left like that and will not easily just let him off that like that he will need to earn my trust after that. 

        Marrick informs me what the water in the pool is a natural water that fights off bad bacteria with a helpful bacterium. It's the type that can be just dumped back into the water source when the helpful bacteria get too much and needs to be diluted. And the bacteria can be siphoned out some and used to feed water animals that are used for food. We get to the pool and Marrick pulls his sweats down and I stare almost drooling. His shirt is off. I see a few females eyeing him, but he is not looking at any of them. I pull my shirt off and feel eyes on me including a few of the males. I then turn back to Marrick and pull my shorts off so he can see my ass with my bottoms that are a bit cheeky. I hear a low growl I turn still bent over and see the look on his face. I stand looking in his eyes with a look that says, 'I know what I am doing.' We both get into the water its warm and I do not head to the deeper part, and he comes up and asks why I am not going further?! I chuckle and say 'I am not very good at swimming I just like the water. And I wanted to see you in shorts and no shirt!' He smiles and walks up to me picks me up and whispers 'From a planet covered so much with water but you cannot swim? I will teach you.' I laugh and inform him 'Many people have tried but it's not gonna work.' 

      Well, I guess this is a challenge for him because he starts with a few things to teach me, and he says I am learning quick, but it will take many lessons, but he will not let up until I am proficient at swimming. I whisper someone seems to be going for brownie points. He stared at me in question. He has never heard that before and I laugh. I tell him 'The true information on Brownie Points was Merits and Demerits back in the 19th century for Canadian and US Railroads. From a specific group in New York RR. But it means doing something that puts one in good standing or earning favor in another's eyes. Imaginary points that can in some instances be turned in for things or when in trouble or when upsetting someone.' The smile on Marrick's face says so much like a kid that was told he could get a toy at the store for good behavior. The look is so cute and sweet, and I want to reinforce positive behavior, so I lean in and plant a short kiss on his lips. And as I am moving away from him, I am grabbed and pulled back into his arms and he plants a full kiss on my lips he wants more I can feel it the neediness of said kiss. I shudder at this amazing feeling that goes from where his lips touched me down to my toes. He pulls away just staring at my lips. I know he wants more.

     Marrick. I knew I had a match, and her name was Issabella so when I saw her with Blaine it was difficult. The smile on her face when she was introduced to me was beautiful everything about her seemed perfect except, she was with him. He is my best friend, and I knew me, and his best friend were also matches for her. And the more time I spent around her the more difficult it became to separate myself from her. I was making excuses to spend time with them. After she came to me with what happened with that Abbigail it took a lot of control to not pull her to me and if I did it would take an act of a god to get me to let go. As I saw them getting closer all I could think about was what I would do with my alone time with her. She was so adamant about wanting to see his true self because not only was she curious she had heard he was unsure about how she would see him. She assured him she knew all the differences had read the books. She even said three eyes or 2 heads it wouldn't scare her off I believed her. She just wanted him to be himself and feel secure like he made her feel. The more time that went on the more she felt he was keeping things from her. She even started to talk to me about it. I could see tears in her eyes when she felt he didn't trust her to show her. I could never imagine anyone better than her for him or I.

       Then when he came to me to tell me he was scared to show her. He was the strongest warrior ever and the head of our planet the other 2 leaders go to him for advice, but he had no confidence in himself. I tried to tell him she wasn't shallow enough to turn him down just because of his looks. She knew what to expect and to have more faith in her. And he was even thinking about it and was planning on showing her the next day until Abigail found him and told him she would never accept him as he is and would run screaming vowing to never see him again. He had everything we could possibly have to make us different. He called me when he had decided to leave and told me he was leaving in the morning. I hoped he would change his mind by morning. So, when I got the message, he was moving to quadrant 3 for a bit to have time to think and did not want any contact with anyone for that time. I did the only thing I could I sought her out and decided she would not be alone. I called our friend Targrill he was on his way. We were making a stop and he would join us. Just the thought of having about a week alone with her before Tar came made me the happiest I had been in years.

       Her helping me pack was nice it meant to me she wanted me to move into the other room. Her response to finding out I could easily carry that much weight was surprising what it made me think at first was does that mean men can't carry much on Earth? Then her arousal I wonder what was going through her head? the smell was enticing. I wanted to rip her clothes off and taste her to see if she tasted as good as she smelled.

       The swimsuit thing was hot. The dark green suit on her body well not much fabric. It covered her breasts about 80%. The sides and tops of her breasts were visible and damn I wanted to run my hands over them the exposed parts made me want to see so much more. Then at the pool when she bent over to remove her shorts, I could tell she knew what she was doing when she turned to look at me when I growled. Fuck she is going to be the death of me, and it will be worth it. When I found out she couldn't swim I took it as a personal mission to teach her and no matter how many times she messed up I would show her again and again. I promised her I wouldn't stop until I felt she could swim well enough to be safe and she did that thing I had seen her do to Blaine with her mouth I had thought it odd until I felt it. I pulled her to me and did my own version and wanted to take her right there in the pool in front of the audience we had. She kept staring at my chest and licking her lips and her hand would 'accidentally' brush my lower region and oh GOD it was tempting. My hand would 'accidentally' brush parts of her too. One of the times my hand was there for more than a split second I am sure I felt her push herself against my hand I wanted to run my fingers on her lips. I had seen photos just like the rest of the populous Blaine had said she trimmed her hair, and you could see the lips and it was soft and velvety. I wanted to touch her badly.

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