The future?

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       The last few months, weeks were like a blur.  The ceremony was cut short by the arrival of the little ones.  But that is fine.  There had been the ceremony words spoken candles lit.  No sooner than the last proclamation by the elder to finish to ceremony; She realized that nagging back pain and discomfort was labor pains!  That is where we start this chapter.

       "I now state before these friends and family that have come to support their loved ones that we and the Gods acknowledge them as mates and recognize them as bonded for life."  She doubled over clutching her abdomen with a yelp.  Everyone turned to look at her with questions.  That is when her water broke and started to drip down her inner thighs!  The mothers' of her mates jumped up quickly and told people the festivities would have to be on hold for a few weeks.  The surprise in the mates and guests faces were priceless.  Then Targrill noticed exactly what was going on and reacted by informing Blaine, and Marrick what was up.

      "Grab the bag."  Said Marrick picking up Izzy like one would a bride.  And informed Blaine to have the vehicle brought around.  As they stepped out of the cathedral Marrick was whispering encouraging and loving words.  Walking her out with everyone staring.  This was the first of the humans brought here to be pregnant so much was riding on this union.  Taking her to the hospital was a bit hectic.  

     Blaine: "I have called the hospital and the specialists that have Xeno-neonatal experience."  Targrill says "The only experience is they went to the human hospitals to learn about human births and the things they look out for.   No actual experience in the births of the two races as parents.  So it will be difficult."  Marrick is still holding onto Izzy it doesn't seem he will put her down or expect her to sit on her own.  He is running his hands over her back in a soothing manner humming some form of song it would seem.  That one act has her relaxing into his hold.  His face is where her shoulder and neck meet.  He is sniffing her and placing small sweet kisses on her neck and forehead.  

      The vehicle reaches the hospital very quickly.  They are met with nurses and doctors talking a mile a minute about how everything is ready and all that is set up.  Targrill and them are discussing certain things and how they wish to proceed.  People are so caught up with all of this they seem to forget the MVP in this situation (Most Valuable Patient/Parent) is feeling like things are moving along faster.  Her contractions are getting closer together.   They have brought her into the procedure room and have asked the mates to step out while she gets changed.  They argue some but step out.  

            By this point things are getting more uncomfortable for her and her contractions are every 3 minutes!  "Excuse me folks.."  The doctors "Just a minute, the men are talking."  Another doctor "We are discussing this further just hold on."  "We are busy please stop bothering us!"  Well, that was not good was it?  She tries again to get a glare from one of the doctors.  Well she might have to do this on her own huh?  Women have had babies on their own for years right?  But she wants her men with her and this will not do!  She yells "Shut the hell up and listen for Goddess sakes!"  The doctors turn to her and say "Ungrateful woman!  We are discussing how long before things move along so if you don't mind stop interrupting!"  

      Marrick, Blaine and Targrill hear her yell and do to the bond feel her pain, anger, and how upset she is.  They barge in at the last second to hear the doctor yell at her and heard them call her ungrateful!  She tries to stand up and walk out when one grabs her arm and pushes her down saying "Stupid humans always trying to run things!  This situation is very important and needs to go right.  You need to sit down and shut the mouth human!"  Before the men can react she pulls back her hand and smacks this doctor with a clipboard sitting next to her and yells "Get the fuck out of my room or else!"  Laughter from the doctors "You can't do anything to us little human!"  I looked into their eyes and said "Not just human I am part witch and I curse you!  May your dick rot and fall off if you are not out of this room NOW!"  They stared at me in disbelief.  And walked out quickly at the same time the the boys walked in. 

          Marrick had been standing calmly and assuredly waiting to go into her room when he felt her anger and pain almost started barging in when he was told by Targrill "She can handle herself and the doctors are specialists they know what they are doing."  At that point the doctor's came walking out quickly looking pale and scared not making eye contact with anyone.  "Sorry she scares us we will not go back in there without you three!"  Blaine starts laughing "I guess you are right she can take care of herself."   They all headed in with the doctors.  And Marrick goes to his angel and takes her hand she smiles softly and whispers but loud enough the entire room hears "I think its time and if those doctors don't stop arguing and start to listen to me I'll do this without them!"

        The labor and birth went without a hitch after that.  The boys kept changing positions.  One would be by her head talking to her reminding her to breathe through it.  The other would be rubbing her back and watching the video of the way things were going on inside her.  This new table showed a picture/video, her vitals and the babies vitals all at once.  And one was giving a play by play to their parents on a call.  Once the first little one was born he looked like Blaine almost to the letter even the blue/green colors.  The horns and wings would come later but a little tail was on him.    The second looked quite a bit like Marrick all the way to his color.  Probably the biggest one and definitely male.  And then there was a smaller one that had the red coloring like Targrill.  Much softer more feminine features.  And hair on her head not much but she would be like her mother maybe?  The green color was a bit muted.   So, 2 boys and a girl.  The parents would be excessively happy.

      There were pictures taken of them and sent to the parents.  The parents had been in the waiting room.  They were on their way in.  Izzy was all smiles her arms full of babies.  Looking down at each one smiling she felt the happiest she had in a long time.  Sore everywhere but happy and glowing.  She asked for a few photos to be taken so they could be sent to her family as well.  She asked her men to have photos with them alone so she could send them as well.  They had a few names thought of but unsure.  

       Marrick had seen his little one the one like him and had almost wished for a girl but also knowing his father would have been angry about having a girl.   His father was right outside about to come in with his mother.  He was nervous about him coming in and upsetting Issabell.  He had wanted to head out and warn him to not be himself or upset Izzy.  Blaine having seen Marrick's feelings knew what the issue was and was ready to protect everyone from Marrick's father if needed.  However, unknown to them all Izzy had heard Marrick talking about how his father had felt about the whole human thing and multiple mates idea and set to work things out before they got to this point.

      Blaine headed out to talk to Marrick's father and instead of heading to his folks which they expected he walked over to him and asked to have a word with him.  "Look I know how you feel about everything with us and Izzy but..."  Before he could finish Ja'soon smiled and said "Blaine all is well Issabell wonderful young lady came to speak to me and I found out so much after a talk.  She will continue with our customs and traditions.  But I will have to accept some of hers.  The names she has been working on are similar to ours with a middle name which is odd but its closer to what it would be in her culture.  We talked religion, language and many other things we are all good."   This man was never known for changing his mind on anything!  This would make things so much easier. 

       Each family had a chance to see all of them and hold each baby.  They were going to have all these grandparents.  Izzy and her mates would in a few months once all were given the okay medically would take the little ones to visit her family and Izzy could show her mates her home and family.   The names Xanta'ra  Anne, Ix'zaka Storm, and lastly Ta'rique Aaron.   Each one was perfect in their parents eyes and grandparents as well.  Now comes the real challenge.  Being the first born so much will be expected from them.  Will they grow up thinking they are all great and expecting to be treated like celebrities or will they have humility.  How will the world take to them will they be accepted by other children?  And when they all head to Earth for a visit will they be accepted there?  Will any of them end up with horns or wings or just tails when older?  

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