Scared and in the dark

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     When I wake up, I find myself all alone. It seems I go to sleep on my own and wake on my own. I get up and walk into the bathroom and shower and shave my legs. We still have 2 hours before dinner I get out and get dressed in a simple pair of shorts and a tank top. Brushing out my hair as I walk through the house looking for my men. I look in all the rooms from kitchen to entertainment room and nothing. They must have gotten up and left? Maybe they went outside or something? I wander out and look for them the sun is still up, and I see no one?! Well, I see a few vehicles drive by but that's about it. They left me all alone here. Where could or did they go? 

         Did Marrick tell them what I saw, and they left? But why would he leave now and not before? I am getting spooked and a bit scared. The sky has theses dark clouds rolling in. No storm was mentioned. I know storms can get nasty here but if one was coming would they really leave me here alone? And there is no one but them that I can call right? Maybe they had to run out to grab a few things and I am just worrying over nothing? That must be it. I will wait a bit more. Maybe they left me a note. But why wouldn't at least one of them would have stayed? Did they all start thinking maybe they didn't want kids this soon? But they had all seemed so excited...That is the problem with me being alone I start thinking worst case scenario?! Nothing bad will happen. I will read a book.

            Well, I have been reading for about an hour now. I haven't been able to completely relax and get into the book. My communicator has no messages, and neither is there a paper note or anything?! I hear the wind picking up and not just a bit it sounds like a hurricane outside. I peek out there and I see a small chair being blown around. And then the lights go out like pitch black. Inside and outside in about an hour it went from sun shining to black and stormy outside. That is when the rain started to fall. I want to enjoy the storm, so I sit at the big bay like window and watch with a blanket. It has gotten chilly in here. I head to the closet to grab sweatpants and a t-shirt. It's been about 2 ish hours since I started to read. It would be time to leave for the dinner party soon, but they are not here. I guess they got busy doing something?! 

       I hear a banging on the backdoor. I look out a side window and there is a large creature out there. It has a head big like a bull but sharp teeth that remind me of a sabertooth tiger and I can hear its claws on the door it's trying to get in. I am now officially scared. I back up from the door. I need to be where it cannot get me if it gets in. Any door it could break through and outside isn't safe where there's one there might be more or something worse. I know there's the basement, but I think the attic has a small ladder and I can pull that up and be safe right?

        I grab water bottles and a few snack things and my blanket. I start heading up I know what you are thinking pregnant and a ladder stoopid yes, I know but a chance of falling or if that creature gets in here, it could be worse. And being a klutz, I should be more careful but alas. I head up the ladder safely mind you and pull the ladder up just in time. No sooner than that I hear the door fall in and claws against the floor. And what seems like the front door too. I am shaking I am too scared now. I try my communicator and no signal, so I send a message hopefully they get it. I also have Jarod and Kurt's contact info. I am weighing the necessity of bothering them. I then hear a siren like loud. It reminds me of an air raid one they would sound in tornado and hurricane seasons. I can hear the growling and claw noises downstairs. I know they can sense me up here. Tears are streaming down my face. I am not a warrior so staying downstairs and fighting them off would have been stupid, but I also feel like I just let them in. Moving a table in front of the door would have been impossible it is too heavy I understand it took 3 full grown men to move it into the kitchen.

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