Explanation and forgiveness

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          I feel awakened slightly by Blaine staring at me with a look of lust and I lean over and kiss him. He seems surprised and pulls his mouth back and touches his lips. Stares at me like he is confused and never had been kissed before. So, I put my hands behind his neck and pull him closer and press my lips to his again and try again. He responds moving his lips some and soon he seems to be pushing harder and deeper. It feels so good. My hands are in his hair he moans which sends a shiver down my back. I swing my leg over his waist his hands go for my hips. I place my lips on his again and his hands are at the back of my head pulling me for a deeper kiss. I lick his bottom lip he opens his mouth more of an automatic response. I put my tongue in his mouth and on his tongue, he groans grabbing my hips and shoving himself against me. I start to grind against him the friction seems to help some. With each of my movements he pushes up. His hands go to my breasts over my shirt like he isn't wanting to push too fast. I like he is doing this, but I need him to touch me. I grab those hand and they are big and rough skin I put them under my/his shirt and his hands begin to rub and massage my breasts through my bra.

       He takes a nipple into his fingers and pinches and twists just a bit. I moan and feel wetness soaking my panties. I know he can feel it through his shorts. His hands go for the band in the back, and he seems to be struggling. I reach back and undo it and pull it off my shoulders and he pulls the shirt off and just stares at my breast. I take his hands and put them on my breasts, and he just holds them. I am frustrated he isn't doing anything I hover over him a breast above his mouth and nothing. I reach down and grab at his erection, and he stops me I need this so bad. And I feel something behind me warm and hard. I wake up with a start realizing I was dreaming DAMMIT. He is out like a light. I reach over and he is hard as a rock. I want to put him in my mouth and taste him. I feel his hands on my breasts and my top and bra are gone. That dream was amazing. 

       The next morning, I try to get up and I can't he has a death grip around my waist and a leg over mine. I need to pee, and I need to go bad. I wiggle to get up try to pry his arm off me which makes him pull me tighter and nuzzle his face into my hair and grumble. I feel his length at my ass, and I move my ass around a bit and feel him twitch. I try again to pull his arm away and he grunts about staying still. I let him know if he doesn't let go there will be a mess I need to pee. He laughs and lets me up. I run for the bathroom. After relieving myself I brush my teeth before I get in the shower, I hear the door open and close, so I know he left. I go to my room and grab my phone for music. I put speakers on and the song I Touch myself is on as I jump back in the shower and wash all my bits. I use the shower head to help me relieve other tensions. As the song says When I think about you! I hit my climax and it's not a full orgasm, but it will hold me off. 

       As I finally come out of the shower, I remember I didn't grab clothes but at least I have a towel. So, I get out of the shower and wrap the towel around me. It's a bit short and tight but WTH. As I make it to my room it is still a bit dark no lights on. I head to my dresser and as I am bending over pulling my underclothes on my towel falls off me. Its then I hear a growl like noise, and I turn to see Blaine right there behind me. He is staring like I am grade A beef. I look at him pulling on my undies and say, 'Take a picture it'll last longer!' He smiles and takes out his communicator and does just that! A side view and when I notice this, I turn to face him to wring his neck and click! He did it again!! I yell 'The Fuck? What made you think that was a good idea?!' He looks lost for a second and then a big grin and answers 'I was just listening to you!' I stare at him as I finish getting dressed bra and summer dress. I walk up and say in a calm firm tone 'OUT!!' He stands there a moment unsure I place my hands on my hips and point to the door and repeat 'OUT!' His smile falls and he looks upset and confused and leaves. 

        As soon as he's out I blow dry my hair and straighten it. I put some eyeliner on and mascara and a touch of lipstick. And walk out of my room. There are a few people out there staring at my door. I walk to the place where I hope breakfast is. I grab a coffee and muffin and sit out by the windows watching the sky fly by. One of the guards from the other night come a sit down not far from me with food and so do a few others. And it's obvious 2 are staring at me with interest and the other is sitting with me not interested in me. He waits until the others get the hint I am not in the mood. He smiles and stretches out his hand offers it in a way to shake. I take the offer and he say Marrick which I get must be his name and I introduce myself.  

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