Will he come back?

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         I head over to Blaine's place which is his parents house. We all live at home until we take a mate and even then we sometimes still stay there for a bit. On the left side of his house is Marrick's on right side is Targrill's. I am down the road from them. Blaine's mom answers the door and she smiles at me. She asks me to go see Blaine and get him to pull his head out of his ass. I agree to try. I walk into his room and its dark, curtains pulled and he is still in bed I know he's not asleep. I grab a glass of water near him and yell 'Get your lazy , sorry for nothing ass up and out of bed!' Blaine 'Why? So I can fuck something up again? Nope staying right here now fuck off and who the hell let you in here?' I dump the water on him and he growls at me. 'I went and saw them this morning.' His head perks up a bit. 'They were outside sitting in the garden. She is definitely beautiful. Her long hair was down and she had this smile on her face that made her look so much better and sexier than the photos you had of her. Made me want to get to know her better. Did you know Marrick's brother and his friend met her last night? And they are very fond of her too.' I hear Blaine growl and sit up with eyes that could make me even a bit scared he has always been strong and fierce. He is looking at me like he wants to rip my head off. 'Leave her the fuck alone, Kat is not fucking yours!' I laugh 'Well, is she yours? No, wait she can't be or else you'd be there right?' I force myself to laugh again and say 'They are heading to Targrill's for dinner tonight and you know his brother, Jason and Smolch are going to be there most likely and they are those guys that can capture any female's eyes. And she needs at least one more and if you step out after being out of her life for more than 3 months can be replaced YOU are over a month out maybe she will just let you go? You have major work to make her happy again.'

     Blaine seems to be interested in what I am saying. He stands up and says 'I think I have messed up too much for her to even think of considering me I bet she has just about forgotten me and wouldn't want me back after all that I put her through.' I tell him 'I spoke with her and she mentioned she misses someone and would like to have him with her too. So unless there is someone else I am unaware of its probably you. And how are you going to know unless you talk to her? At least show up and give her the chance to see you and maybe you two could talk about it? You could open a video call with her and talk.' I know the guys wouldn't mind a visit either. But I need to go and get ready tomorrow is the festival and I have last minute things to work on.' I bid him and his family goodbye. I have a gift for the newly matched I am working on. It was a table set and chairs now that I know three pups I need to make chairs for the little ones. I hope that dumb ass pulls his head out of it and heads back.

     Blaine Since leaving her I have been in a bad spot mentally, physically and emotionally. I kept seeing her on the ship I kept hiding I know a few times she was pretty sure she saw me. And one time I know she saw me. I heard on the last few weeks she was feeling ill and I wanted to see her but I kept my distance. Each time I saw her with Marrcik or Targrill it made me happy for them but also jealous and angry with myself. I couldn't and still can't imagine life without her now that I have been with her and its not just the sex or idea of a pup. I know she is safe with them and if she is sick Targrill being one of the top doctors even with Xenos makes things better. I want to reach out to her and just pull her close again. I saw her at the pool with Marrick and it made me angry to see all those others looking at her. And when I saw her do that kiss thing to Marrick I got angry too. When I came home without her my mom was angry with me and my brother and my grandparents wouldn't even talk with me. I didn't want to be outside and take the chance of seeing anyone and hear them ask me questions. I need to see her again but ugh why did I do that and couldn't just do it.

          Its been a few days since I last saw her. I woke up not wanting to eat or get out of my room. My mom informed me they are going to Targrils folks house tonight for dinner and Marrick's family is heading over too. Even my folks are heading over for dinner I am not sure about that. Then Kurt comes by and talks to me telling me I need to smarten the fuck up and either do something about it or shut the fuck up. So, I get up and shower and grab food. My family is still not even acknowledging me. I am so nervous about this. I connect with Marrick and Targrill and ask them how things are going. How she is doing. If they would give me a chance or not. The only way they will give me a chance is if I come back and see her and she agrees to give me another chance. And the perfect time might be tonight before the festival tomorrow. I should go and get something for her a sorry I messed up and want another chance with you but I am unsure on what to get for her maybe my mother can help me or my cousin Drickan he is always pissing off his mate. I will ask my mom first she knows females better than that idiot.

       I find my mom in the garden she looks up to see me and grumbles about something to the idea of thinking her children were not stupid and that she brought me up better than that. I tell her I plan on going to the dinner to talk to her but want to go with a gift. I am unsure what to get her or how to do this. She gives me some advice but she suggests not waiting until tonight but start a line of communication now so she is not surprised. Flowers, favorite foods ask if she reads a lot? Maybe into art? I know foods and flowers are good for all females and jewelry but she is more into reading maybe a book on the history or even better she has been having issues with learning to read our language maybe a few simple more child type books for learning. And they can be used for any kits in the future. And with her liking cooking as she does a cook book in my language too. And some flowers I know she hates cut flowers she prefers living flowers. I tell my mom I have some shopping to do. I get ready and head to the store and grab a cookbook with simple recipes and some recipes for the more advanced, books to help her learn reading a few fairy tale books that are ones I remember. The flower shop is full of people and flowers. As I am walking around I am hit on by a few women but I ignore them completely not my deal. I check with the florist and he helps me pick out a few types. I know Kat loves wildflowers he favorite one is a black eyed susan, lupines and something called a poppy. So I find ones that look similar. And walk out thinking she might be happy?!

       I call Marrick and targrill and ask them if he thinks she would be okay with a visit I don't want her to have a chance to say no before I get there but I also don't want to make her uncomfortable. He assures me she would like to see me he will let her know she is having a visitor but not who is coming. So I wait 30 or so minutes he told me she will be outside getting some sun. I am hoping to see her in a bikini thing like I did when she was at the pool with Marrick and Targrill but alas she is wearing a dress like the ones our race wears and it is spectacular on her. I don't want to overwhelm her with gifts so I bring the plants and leave the books in my vehicle. I ring the bell and hear her complain about the horrible noise. I can't control my laugh I miss her voice so much. I hear her say something about being laughed at and whoever it is better be ready to get apologize and get their ass kicked. Then I hear her laugh as she mumbles 'Yeah, as if I could get my foot that high to kick anyone on this planet's ass!' I round the building Marrick sees me and smiles and waves me on. He says loudly 'If you want to head outback be right there.' I look through a window and see her looking around almost searching for whoever the visitor is and her eyes finally see me and a huge smile on her lips as her face lights up for a second and then drops as she probably remembers what happened. It hurts to see that look but I know I deserve that and worse.

      I round the corner with the potted plants and her smile comes back again falters some but not fully like a moment ago. I walk over and ask 'Can I sit down with you?' She nods and I place the flowers near her and she looks to me and I tell her holding the plants out saying 'They are the closest to your favorites I could find.' She looks at them and asks their names thank goodness they are on the plants along with care instructions. I point them out one by one. The black eyed susan is called Markel, lupine is Lupinus and poppy is troopil. Kat says 'You remembered potted plants and these look so much like my favorites!!' And when a few tears come to her eyes I start to second guess myself. I walk to her and wrap my arms around her and apologize if I or the flowers made her that upset. She is full on crying and hugging me. Its then I apologize for my actions and wish we could try this again. If needed from step one. She lays her head in the crook of my neck she is smelling me. I mean I have been breathing in her scent and I can smell Marrick and Targrill. But a different smell as well I have no idea where it is coming from or why.

         She says 'No.' I immediately go to thinking she means no to mending things or trying this again. And I am about to pull away when I hear her whisper 'Not from the beginning I cannot go back to that we can pick up from here.' I sigh and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. And as she says 'We need you here where you belong.' I look over and see Targrill and Marrick standing behind her with huge smiles looking down at us. Izzy notices the direction of my stare and looks at them and waves her finger at them like they are in trouble and says 'You knew he was coming but didn't tell me huh?! Well, it was worth the surprise now get your asses over here for a group hug!' Then looking at me she says 'That doesn't mean I will forget all that has gone on lately (she looks up at the other 2 as well as me they look like they are being scolded for messing up too) but I am big on forgiveness. So, I forgive all of your actions and lets just move on and take this as a lesson learned!' I have no idea how bad they fucked up. She looks at me and says 'You are on probation mister. Don't give me a reason to second guess this. Show me you are for real and prove I can trust you cause you won't like the results old man!' Old? I thought we were close in age physically maybe not chronologically but?

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