Chapter 2

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The hospital was quiet. The only sounds that assured me that I wasn't alone were the chatter of the sleepless admitted patients and the muttering of the on-duty doctors. Brian had left hours ago and I was working the night shift. Since I was a teenager, I had been a workaholic. I believed in pushing my drive further to achieve all the things I wanted to. You would think I would want to be more than a nurse, but I loved my job and more than anything, I was happy and I felt accomplished, even though there was a lot of things I still wanted to do.

 I was the only nurse working tonight as well. In a small town like ours, not many patients came around during the late hours and if they did, then the doctors and merely one or two nurses could handle them, pretty darn well.

I leaned against the front counter that faced the sliding doors of the hospital complex. The tick tock's of the clock mesmerized me, but scared me as well. I had never liked being alone. Now this can be thought of both spiritually and physically. The answer to which one I referred to, was both. The usual paranoia of ghosts and such as well as just not wanting to be alone and have someone by my side. I picked up the book I had brought with me today and turned to the page that I had left off at. 

Within a few minutes of absorbing the words, the hospital door slide open and a gust of wind whirled into the area in which I was standing. The papers behind the counter went flying and I turned around immediately to pick them up. After a few moments of clean up, I felt a presence behind me and I stiffened.

A ticklish but extremely uncomfortable feeling ran down my spine. I reminded myself that spirits didn't exist and that it was probably just a late night patient.  I whirled around only to be met one. The doors had slid close, but that's not what frightened me. It was the trail of blood that presented itself in a curved line, leading right to me. Now I know I am a nurse and all, but when I see drops of  blood forming a trail towards me, I tend to panic. Wouldn't you?

My heart beats became more rapid and my breath caught in my throat as I felt another presence behind me. My hands curled up into fists and I stood in an awkward stance. I wasn't weak or inexperienced in self-defense but I wouldn't call myself very good either.  I was about to scream when an arm wrapped around my waist, pulled me against a warm being and a hand was placed forcefully on my mouth. I continued trying to scream, but they were muffled. I shook my body trying to find whoever's foot, or any body part for that matter, to hit. My foot stomped on their foot and they yelped. "Gemma, calm down." A husky and unrecognizable voice spoke.

After hearing my name I calmed down a bit, but nevertheless continued squirming and trying to scream.  There was a logical explanation for this. There were many creepy stalkers in this world and one of them just happened to know my name, simple. I stomped on their foot again. "Jesus, Gemma calm the f*** down, will you?"

I stopped squirming and tried to calm my breathing. Opening the sexual assault folder in my brain and working through the possibilities and explanations. I worked out sometimes, I had self- defense training in high school, maybe, with some godly powers, I could find a smart way to escape. The being restraining me, waited a few moments to see if I would scream or squirm again and when I didn't the beautiful voice sighed."Okay....I'm going to take my hand off of your mouth and will you scream?"I hesitantly shook my head. "Promise?" he spoke again.

I nodded slowly, my thoughts rushing and adrenaline seeping through my veins. The minute the unnamed creature took his hand off my mouth, my actions were as follows. "RAPE! RAPE! HELP!AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I yelled with all my might.

The unnamed creature who held me captive, slapped my mouth shut, a little painfully might I add, and dragged me into the narrow (extremely narrow) supplies closet that was behind the counter. Tears lined my eyes, and I tried screaming again, but nothing seemed to be working. It felt as if my cries of despair filled the halls but all the insomniac patients suddenly found the best night's rest and the doctor's vacated the hospital. He turned me against him and I was face to chest. Truth be told, he smelt really good, and I put blame to my female hormones for the bodily reactions that made me relax for a couple of minutes. "Say another word Gemma, and I swear to god I'll have to find a very unpleasant way to shut you up." The guy whispered into my ear.

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