Chapter 7

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The next week passed by Wyatt free, forget seeing him, I didn't even hear from him. If it weren't for the paid hospital bill that came in from him a couple days back, I would've thought that he walked off the face of the earth. It was silly for me to think that he would come back to even say a word to me, I was just Gemma and I was use to being used by now. Wyatt got rid of his troubles and now he was gone again. It was hard not to think about what happened, only because it was my only form of excitement in a long time.

"'re not listening are you, Gem?" Brian's husky voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" My eyes flickered to Brian's and I gave him an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Bri. I've been out of it lately."

Brian's grimace faded and he smiled brightly. "That's okay, I understand. Anyways, I was saying that this new club opened in the next town and we should visit. What do you think?"

"Clubbing?" I voiced my hesitation. "I don't know, Brian....I'm do I put this?....I just don't know." I ended, after several attempts at making an excuse not to go. I wasn't exactly a club kind of person, so you can see why I was so hesitant on answering.

"Oh come on, pleaseeeeeee." Brian begged loudly.

I looked around, suddenly self-conscious that someone might see his childish behaviour. Fortunately the only voices that were heard were from the cafeteria and those were of our elderly patients and hospital staff. "Brian," I sighed and was about to speak again when he widened his eyes and made a cute pouty face. Now I don't know about you, but when a cute guy (With the same relationship preferences as me or not) makes a cute face, I tend to give in. "Fine."

"Yes!" He threw his hands into the air and cheered.

"Yah, Yah." I spoke blandly and turned around to complete my paper work.

"So are you working late tonight?" He asked, casually.

I didn't bother looking up but just nodded my head, "Yup" For some reason my stomach did a flip and a pit formed. It was an anxious feeling and suddenly I knew that it would be a long night.


Sometimes I really hated my life. Late shifts, an annoying mother and no more than one friend, tended to get a little lonely. But then again, I shouldn't complain because someone somewhere had it worse. Being in a quiet hospital all night gave you a lot of time to think and reflect on life, and during these hours I happened to become a philosopher and try to understand the dustiest corners of my messed up soul...see? How deep was that?

I shook my head and took a seat at the reception desk. The revolving chair fascinated me, and I had time to kill. So it was just a matter of time before I hopped on and did what I was currently doing. Start spinning.

"Woo there Gemma," I slowed myself down as I started to pick up speed. My vision became blurred real quick and being the intelligent person I am, I decided to stand up that very moment. To say the least, I struggled to walk.

"Woops, that's the desk," I spoke as my side jammed into a sharp corner. "Okay, just feel your way around Gem. Okay that's a...stapler and oh! Here's the exit from the reception area and this....this feels sticky," I made an 'eww' face as my hand touched a sticky substance. But it wasn't on the desk it was on a wall...I think.

"That's because it's blood, sweetheart." An amused voice spoke.

I froze in my tracks and suddenly I didn't know the definition of words like 'talk' and 'breathe'. All my limbs suddenly stopped working and my vision started to become less blurry. A face came into view, it was a guy, he had dark hair and a really sculpted face, but it wasn't until my vision cleared from my spin session that I realized I was standing at a very close proximity to a very familiar person.

"Uh...oops?" I gulped.

"Yah, oops is right. Now if you could please remove your hand from my flesh wound? That'd be great." He leaned down to whisper the words into my ear. I didn't understand why though because we were the only ones in the front area of the hospital.

I looked down to see that my hand was resting on his chest and there was a gushing stab wound under my fingers. Again the 'eww' face made an appearance.

He chuckled, "You act like you've never fixed me up before."

My eyes snapped up to meet his beautiful ones. "Well, it's been a while so I've fallen out of step."

"Oh," He nodded his head, mocking an understanding face. "I see you missed me, pumpkin."

My stomach flipped but I ignored it and put on my best confident glare. "Not at the very least."

"Really?" He inquired. "Did you happen to find a new midnight patient?"

I scoffed at him playing around the bush and making small chat rather than asking for assistance in a straightforward manner. "Can't you just say you need help, Wyatt?"

He raised his eyebrows and smirked. "Fine . Gemma, could you please help me?...again?"

I nodded mutely. The words he had said that last night played in my head. Had he not promised to leave me out of his business from now on? Told me clearly that he would stop asking for help? But I didn't bother asking questions and quietly led him out of the entrance way and into the emergency area.

"I don't get you," Wyatt mumbled from behind me.

"Why?" I asked, only half listening because I was too busy searching for supplies.

"Any normal person would have pelted me with questions by now. Yet, every time I come to you, you don't. Why is that?"

I have more questions than you can imagine, I thought to myself, but in response to Wyatt I just shrugged. "It's none of my business and besides you just come to me because I'm a nurse, it's my job to help you."

Wyatt studied me for a second, but then nodded. I got him to sit on a bed and remove the shirt through which he had bled through. He had several minor stab wounds on his upper chest and a deep one near his abdomen. I gasped as I saw his injuries but calmed myself down a few minutes prior. "Oh lord," I muttered under my breath.

"Sorry to inconvenience you." Wyatt spoke darkly.

I looked up to meet his eyes and saw that they had turned emotionless and cold. "Uh..." I spoke carefully. "It's no inconvenience."

Both of us stayed silent as I bandaged his wounds, but I could feel his gaze on me. It was a different matter why I hadn't looked up. "Don't you ever wonder how I get hurt?" Wyatt asked as I finished dressing his wounds.

"Of course I do." I spoke, before I could stop myself. "But then I think that if it was of my concern, you would have told me by now." This of course both surprised me and shut Wyatt up.

I cleaned up all the supplies and leaned against a cart, facing Wyatt. He bore his eyes into mine and we had a stare down for a couple minutes or so. I wondered what ran through his head when he looked at me. What did he think of me? Was he just using me? All questions remained unanswered, but something unexpected did happen. Wyatt spoke.

"Let's make a deal."

I knit my eyebrows in confusion and tilted my head to the side. "What kind of deal?"

"Look, I know I promised that I wouldn't bring you into my business. But it turns out I need you more than I thought – to fix me up that is – So, how about you help to aid me, no questions asked and I promise to keep you safe?" Wyatt spoke slowly and steadily, like he was stepping on a mine field.

I thought about this for a long time. After what felt like hours I had made up my mind and spoke. "You keeping me safe is nothing to me. I would be safe even if I didn't help you, so that doesn't really affect me. However, you do need my help and I am sure that that is of value to you. So as long as you promise that I won't be involved in whatever you are in, I will help you, no conditions."

Wyatt looked shocked, stunned even, clearly he hadn't thought that it would be very easy to get me to help him. I surprised myself, quite frankly. But I was a nurse and he did need my help, so I would give it to him, no questions asked. However, my response did get me to thinking was I really doing this for Wyatt? And was what I said just an excuse? 


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