Part 27

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"Here we are." Grayson called from the driver's seat. 

My eyes fluttered open and I groaned sleepily. The sunlight hit my eyes and I squinted to look at the building before me. It was my apartment building. I don't know why, but I smiled. "Home." 

Jake looked at me from the passenger seat and smiled too. "Yup, home." 

Then I realized something. "Uh, guys. Wyatt and I got attacked here a few weeks ago. Are you sure it's safe?" 

"Crap." Grayson sighed and ran a hand through his hair. 

None of us spoke for a minute or so and just looked at the building. Jake looked down at his phone and fumbled with it for a second. "Why don't we take you to Wyatt's house?" 

Grayson and I whipped our heads to face him and both of us held a surprised expression. "I-I mean, you know Leah and Mrs. Evans, you'll be comfortable with them." Jake stumbled. 

I narrowed my eyes at my younger brother. "I don't want to be a bother. Besides, it's not like they offered ya know. Just showing up at their door, won't be kind." 

Jake stuttered again, and I knew something was up. "No-no, I don't think they'll mind, and right now we have no where else so, I think we're fresh out of options, don't you think?" Jake looked at Grayson sternly. 

Grayson met Jake's stare and then oddly enough, agreed. "Uh, yah. Gemma, I think we should go." 

"Guys, look at this logically-" I started, but I didn't get to finish because Grayson jolted the car forward. Looks like I lost this argument.  I huffed and crossed my arms. Boys. On the drive to Wyatt's house, I looked out at my pretty town. I missed home more than I realized and I was tired of running. I wanted to stop. 

Wyatt's house didn't take long to reach. As I stepped out of the car, Grayson and Jake grabbed my bag. All I did was stare at the house with remembrance of that first night when I stayed here, and then of all those other nights that I spent. I wondered how Wyatt was doing and it didn't take long until my stomach churned and I started missing him again. "You coming?" Grayson called, snapping me out of my trance. 

I looked down at the gravel driveway and nodded. Slowly, I followed them up the walk way and up to the door. "Oh um, Gemma. I forgot my phone in the car, could you please grab it for me?" Grayson asked, innocently. Too, innocently. 

"Uh sure?" I responded, suspiciously. I turned my back to the door and walked back down the driveway. Grayson and Jake had been let into the house already, by Mrs. Evans I presumed, so I took my time in walking to the car and grabbing Grayson's phone. I was in no hurry. When I walked back to the house and got to the door, it was already open. 

I walked into the familiar house slowly and looked around. I passed the pictures of Wyatt and his family and turned into the living room. No one was there and I squinted my eyes in confusion. "Jake?!" I called, only to receive no response. I sighed, and walked out of the living room and up the stairs. "Grayson ?!" I called, my other brother, still to receive no response. I called, again no response. Where was everyone? I walked into Wyatt's room and smiled. It was just the way we had left it. "Leah? Mrs. Evans?" 

"They're all gone, pumpkin." A voice spoke quietly, from behind me. "Mom and Leah went to England, Jake and Grayson left your stuff here and are probably just roaming the town now. It's just me and you."

I froze instantly, the smile on my face disappeared and my breath got caught. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe. Don't turn around, don't turn around, don't turn around. I stood in place and didn't even move one bit. I heard footsteps approaching me and before I knew it a pair of arms was around my waist and a head was sitting on my shoulder. "I missed you." he whispered. 

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