Part 26

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I felt like shit. She didn't deserve to feel like that and yet, because of me she did. I figured that enough was enough and it was time for  me to leave and finish this thing once and for all. Over the past few years, the gang had hurt my family, me and now Gemma too. I couldn't end it then because I thought it would blow over, but clearly they wouldn't let this end until I gave them what they wanted. 

My car weaved through the other cars on the highway and I made a sharp turn as soon as the motel, where June was hiding out, came into sight. That b***h was going to die. 

I didn't even bother locking my car and jumped out as soon as I turned off the engine. I ran inside and into the staff room. June's dark hair instantly came into sight and she looked up from her desk as soon as I walked in. A smirk played at her lips and she stood up slowly. 

I didn't have any control over my anger at this point. "You b***h"I growled and grabbed her neck, backing her up onto a wall. My grip wasn't choking her but I think I made my point when her smirk turned into a shocked expression. 

"Well that's not what I expected from you at all." June taunted. 

I narrowed my eyes at her and tightened my grip around her throat. "What do you want, June?" 

Her smirk made a reappearance. "Well since you asked...I want you." 

I rolled my eyes at her bluntness. We had dated for a while when I was apart of the gang but that was only because she was the leader's daughter. I needed to be on his good side so I did what I had to, but regardless things didn't get better. "This whole situation hasn't been going on for six years because you 'want me'. Now tell me what you really want!" I gritted my teeth together. 

"Wyatt, Wyatt. Poor, oh so ignorant Wyatt, Daddy just wants from you what he always has. Either you pay off your father's debt or you join the gang again-" June pouted her lips and frankly it didn't suit her. 

"I'm not-" I started, angrily. 

"Wyatt you already know too much! We can't have a member of our gang running around like this." June turned serious. 

"God dammit, June. You and everybody else need to get into your head that I won't do shit. Half of the crimes that I could accuse you for, I was a part of! And if you need to get my attention, the best way to do that is to call me, NOT TO F***ING SHOOT ME! What in the god damn hell is your problem?!" My tone rose and my grip tightened on her. 

"Uh uh uh, I wouldn't do that if I were you." June taunted slowly. I was cutting off her air supply and if I had my way I would probably cut it off completely, but I was already in too deep and I couldn't afford anymore trouble. 

"Go to hell." I spat at her as I let go of her neck. 

"Only with you," She smirked after she had taken a gulp of well-needed air. 

We were silent for a moment. I contemplated shooting June, running away and everything in between, but nothing seemed proper. I couldn't make a rash decision right now, especially since the gang knew about Gemma and they could get to her. "I'll come back." 

June's head whipped up to me and she looked like a deer in front of headlights. "You're serious?" 

I narrowed my eyes at her. "I'm serious. Just....Nothing and I mean nothing, June, should hurt Gemma because I swear to god if one of you even gets within a ten mile radius of her I will personally put you in hell." I spat at her. 

She took in my words and nodded. "Fine." She spoke in a clipped tone. "Let's go find Daddy and tell him." 

I nodded and followed June out of the motel. She slipped into her car and I slipped into mine. My biggest worry at this point was my family and Gemma. I knew Jake and Grayson would keep her safe, but I wasn't so sure that what I was doing was right, or going to get me killed. 

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