Chapter 12

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"So where are we gonna go?" I asked Wyatt for the hundreth time.

He looked at me tiredly and sighed. "That is what I am trying to figure out, Gemma."

I sighed and sprawled on the bed. I was still at Wyatt's house, I had been for the past two days and no one knew where I was. I had called in to the hospital and taken a two month leave, but that was going to bite me hard. As long as my loved or partially loved ones were safe though, I would deal with everything.

When Mrs. Evans told me that Wyatt was coming with me, I argued against it firmly. Wyatt should be the person I should be staying away from. The people after me were only after me because they thought I knew something about Wyatt that would be of value to them. If I don't get away from Wyatt they will keep coming back to see what I know. However regardless of my valid point, Mrs. Evans insisted that Wyatt would keep me safe and this 'trip' would give him a chance to escape as well, so the gang would be tipped off.

I shook my head as I thought of the conversation. "Do you know of a place where we could go and it doesn't look like we've fallen off the face of the earth?" Wyatt asked.

I sat up and ran a hand through my waves. I didn't really know anybody. Just my mom and Brian and they both lived in this town...But I did have my father. I didn't think it was such a good idea to pay an uncalled for visit to the man who broke up my family over 16 years ago. Hell I would have to track him down and then demand that he give us a place to stay, no questions asked. However reagrdless of this, my mouth had other plans. "I know a place." I whispered.

Wyatt's head shot up and he closed his laptop. "Where, Gemma?"

My eyes wandered to the floor and I shut them. Would I do it? Would I actually leave this town and go back to my old one because there may or may not be a threat to my life? I didn't have any other choice, so I guess I would. "Wyatt I....uh....well......I haven't always lived in this town. We could go to my old city, Granted it is in another state but I guess if that's the only option we have..." I trailed off, leaving out major parts of the story.

Wyatt huffed, in what I guessed was relief and I looked up. He looked exhausted to say the least. Wyatt's blue eyes drooped and there were bags under his eyes. His styled hair was now messily sprawled on his head (Which somehow still did him justice) and his previous injuries gave him a rugged look that I would have swooned over if it weren't for the fact that we were planning an escape. Yes, I thought Wyatt was a gorgeous human being and yes so far he had turned out not to be the person who I thought he was, but remember that I said so far. There were many things that I didn't know about Wyatt, I mean I couldn't be attracted to someone who could be dangerous....could I?

"What are you thinking about?" Wyatt's sleepy voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I smiled, "About Colorado" I fibbed, "That's where I am from."

Wyatt processed the information and stood up from the work table at which he sat. "Hmm....That would be a good place."

"Why do we need to find a place to hide but make it look like we are not hiding?" I asked Wyatt as he plopped down beside me on the bed.

"Gemma, these people we are dealing with are smart and they will stop at nothing to get what they want. If they realize that we are running away from them, things will get even more difficult for us...Trust me I know." Wyatt trailed off but caught onto thought again quickly. "If we make it look like something casual, it'll be better in the long run."

I truly did wonder what had happened or was happening to him and his family. I could tell that Wyatt was so deep into the water that he couldn't swim back to surface, not now and maybe not ever. I wanted to know, but I decided to leave it alone. Of course, I just had to say something. "Wyatt....I don't know what you are into, but if it's so dangerous then why didn't you do this before? Why didn't you run away?"

The easy going, I don't care about anything demeanor vanished instantly. I could tell that he had a mouthful to say, but he wouldn't. "It's not easy to run away from your reality, Gemma. You know that."

Wyatt's voice was barely audible but it drove daggers into my chest. I did know that. Sometimes no matter how much you wanted to escape, you just couldn't. Why? Because it was your life. I understood, but one question still remained. "So why are you doing it now?" I whispered.

"To keep you safe."

Wyatt felt an obligation to protect me. Why? It's simple, because I was innocent. Of course hulk one and hulk two didn't know that, they were just chasing me.

I hated that though, Wyatt shouldn't feel an obligation towards me, no one should. I had been alone practically my whole life and I took care of myself and my mother just fine. I could do that now too. I needed to leave town? Fine I would do it, but I would do it without a body gaurd. Unfortunately, my car was totaled. Fortunately, Wyatt's mom had been super kind and gotten it fixed for me, even after my constant arguing.

My eyes fluttered open and I squinted at the sun rays. Wyatt's house was nice and all but I preferred waking up in my bedroom setting. Don't get me wrong, I liked it here. Wyatt was decent and Mrs. Evans and Leah (Wyatt's 14 year old sister) were truly wonderful but I missed home. I suddenly became aware of the fact that I wasn't in the guest room and I wasn't exactly lying down, I was leaning against the back board. Oh and one more tiny detail? I wasn't alone. Wyatt slumped beside me. His arm was around my shoulders and his head rested on my head as my head was pressed against his chest.

I didn't panic, in fact I smiled and sighed, but I felt my heart beat quicken. Oh get over yourself, Gemma. My brain taunted me. As sweet and comfortable as this moment felt, I had to be real. What did I really know about Wyatt and what did he know about me? Besides he never showed any signs of having feelings for me and why would he? We had just met a little over two weeks ago, and as far as I knew, I wasn't even his type. Wyatt was only in my life right now because he needed to get me to safety and then everything would return to normal. It is probably a natural thing to be attracted to a gorgeous human being who is of the opposite gender, right? Please say right.

"You think way too much." A sleepy voice muttered. I moved my head to look up and was met with Wyatt's eyes looking down at me. Our faces were only inches away which gave me more anxiety than the fact that we were cuddling throughout the night."Uh....yah, I guess I do, is it that obvious?" I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

Wyatt smirked, "Yup." Did I mention that we were an inch away? Wyatt's smirk slowly disipated and his eyes travelled from my eyes to my lips. My heart beat quickened and I wished that I could lean in to kiss him again.

Neither of us moved and I knew neither of us was going to. Wyatt was just caught up in the moment and wouldn't remember this in two minutes and I was too chicken. I cleared my throat. "I should go get ready." I muttered.

Wyatt looked dazed as I spoke but nodded, nevertheless. "Yah, we're leaving today.

I slipped out of Wyatt's grip and stood up. My body still ached because of the bruises, but I figured a warm shower would do the trick. My bullet graze was starting to heal so I didn't feel the pain anymore. "My old house is in Aurora, Colorado. If you want to feed it into the GPS or something. I won't be much help because I suck at navigation." I spoke, averting my gaze from Wyatt's and walking towards the door.

Wyatt smile, "I'll get on that. Meet me downstairs in 30 minutes. We'll drop by your apartment so you can get a few belongings and then we'll head out. It's going to be a long trip."

I nodded and grimaced, but turned around before Wyatt could catch it. Walking to the guest room, I ran through some of the events of the past few days.

1. I was tailed by creepy men who almost killed me

2. I got shot at

3. I was staying at the so called "bad boy's" house

4. I had to leave town for a while

5. I was going to see my father

6. I was going home-my real home

Number six really stuck with me.

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