Part 20--Bonds Made--

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(A/N: WARNING; UNEDITED, I hope you guys like this chapter. It's not much but it is the beginning to something ;) Also, I hope you all know that I read each and everyone of your comments and they make me smile. I try to respond to as many as possible, but I am not always able to. Thanks for your love. Enjoy this chapter <3 )

It didn't take long for the news of mine and Rosaline's patch up to hit the rest of the family. My dad was especially quick about it. I hadn't spoken to my father in the past three days that we had been her, but I figured it was time to now.

"Dad....." I spoke slowly, as I walked into the living area.

My father looked up from the plasma television and instantly fumbled. "Oh, Gemma." He grabbed the remote and switched off the T.V. "Uh, what's up?"

I cautiously walked over to my father and sat down beside him on the couch. "I just wanted to talk...."

He nodded and a small smile made its way onto his face. "I heard you and Rosaline talked as well."

I nodded and played with my fingers. "Yah, we worked things out. I thought it was our turn now."

"Gemma, I wanted to work things out for the past 20 years." My dad sighed.

"I know, but I'm ready now." I looked up and met my dad's gaze.

His eyes smiled. "I'm glad."

We spent the next hour or so working out every complicated detail of our relationship. We went back to my childhood and everything that had happened till now. I was a wreck by the end of it, as was my father. All in all though, it felt nice to be able to speak to him again. It was not easy to move past everything, in fact I can safely say that I have not in any way completely moved past everything, but things were better and for that I was grateful.

"How about, Rosaline and I and you and Wyatt go out for dinner tonight. You know, as a way to seal the deal?" My father laughed.

Although his offer was completely out of context, I smiled and nodded, only to remember that Wyatt and I were not on speaking terms. "Uh, yah I suppose that's a good idea."

My dad's smile slowly faded. "What's wrong? Are you not comfortable with going out with us yet? If not, we understand we could arrange something else-" My dad rambled, concernedly.

"Oh no," I halted him. "I am completely content about the idea, it's know what, never mind. Tonight sounds good."

My dad didn't seem convinced. "Is this about you and Wyatt because..."

My eyes widened and I proceeded to deny the fact but Rosaline entered just then. "What happened with Wyatt?"

"Gemmy's having boyfriend troubles." Dad grimaced.

"Guys! He's not my boyfriend." I spoke quickly.

Rosaline tried, but failed, to hide the smirk inching onto her face. "Oh yah, no of course not. Um...yah okay so if tonight suits us well, Gemma you and I should get ready because its already 4pm and the restaurant opens at 6pm. And honey?" Rosaline spoke to my father. "Speak to Wyatt, please?"

Rosaline and my father exchanged devious smiles and my father responded. "Oh yah, of course." My father dashed out of the room and it was just Rosaline and I.

"So..." Rosaline stretched as she made her way to the couch. "If and only if you feel comfortable with sharing, why don't you tell me what's going on with Wyatt and you."

I hesitated. Then I didn't speak for a while. Did I really feel comfortable with sharing? After a lot of pondering I came to the conclusion of yes. Only because I wanted someone to tell. I needed someone to help me and I wanted wise advice. Although, Rosaline and I had only made patches yesterday. It was just something I felt could bring us closer. "Yah." But I didn't say anything. It was hard.

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