Part 30--Painless Nights and Ruining Lives--

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It had been almost a week since I had come back and sought shelter with Brian and may I just say, it was the most peaceful week I have hand in a long time. I had returned to work and was still living with Brian and he wasn't planning on letting me leave anytime soon, which I was completely okay with too. However, no matter how hard I tried or how many distractions I looked for, nothing seemed to help me forget about Wyatt. I hope he was okay. 

"Nurse Reynolds, pick up line 2." Nurse Kayla paged me. I looked around the hospital and it wasn't to busy so I decided to pick up. 

"Hello?" I spoke, but received no answer. I knit my eyebrows together in confusion. "Hello?" I heard someone sigh from the other side of the line, but no one spoke. "Who is it?" 

"Well, I have many names but you can call me Riot." The hoarse voice responded. 

My blood went cold. Who in the world? "Uh...I think you have the wrong person-" 

"Is this Gemma Reynolds? Nurse at Northfield hospital, previous address 705 White Lane Apartments? Step-sister or Jake and Grayson Reynolds and potential lady friend of Wyatt Evans?" 

Oh biscuits. My heart fell and I felt like it stopped beating. SOMEONE GET ME A DEFIBRILLATOR, MY HEART'S NOT BEATING!  "I...I think you have the wrong person." And before the person on the other line could respond, I hung up. Maybe Wyatt was right, I wasn't safe, where ever I was. I looked around the hospital self-consciously, I didn't know who that person was or what they wanted from me, probably something about Wyatt and that's what I was worried about. My stomach churned uncomfortably and I swallowed hard, whatever was happening, wouldn't be pretty. 

The rest of the day went by quickly, but that phone call stayed on my mind. I was working the night shift again and may I just say, being the only person in the entire right wing of the hospital scared me, especially after everything that had happened. It had been a long time since I'd worked a night shift, but the only memory I had of it was patching up Wyatt. Thinking about those days put a smile on my face but it didn't make me forget about the stupid phone call from this morning. 

Maybe it was a prank,  my brain tried to convince itself. But maybe it wasn't, the other side of my brain thought. I was so caught up in my thoughts I almost didn't notice the hospital doors slide open...almost. I decided to ignore the opening of the doors thinking that it was probably just one of the doctors or the other nurse working with me tonight, but when I felt a presence behind me, I stiffened and looked up.

No one was there, no one was behind me. I sighed shakily, "Memories, Gemma...Let it go." I tried to calm myself down. 

For a few minutes everything was normal and I even relaxed, forgetting about what had happened, but it didn't last long. The lights went out and I squealed. "BISCUITS!" 

A deep voice chuckled from behind me and wrapped their arms around my waist, pulling my back to their chest. My first thought? Wyatt, oh my god Wyatt you're back and  for a moment I believed it too, it was only when the person spoke again, I realized that it wasn't who I thought it was."Now I understand why Wyatt's a sucker for you. You a cutie, eh princess?" 

My blood went cold, but I knew I didn't have time to be a scared little girl, so I brought out the violent side of me. "Oh f**k no! Get off me!" I screeched. I also realized that I swore, and I never swear. This wouldn't end pretty.

The guy didn't let go, but instead tightened his grip. "Damn, you're feisty." He whispered into my ear before slapping his hand over my mouth. My mouth may have been covered and I may have been pinned against his chest, but I still had my arms and legs. 

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