Part 14

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Dedicated to Candyapple98 for making my day and being a fan of NTBB, I appreciate it :)

"Out of all the things in the world it had to be glass? I don't even know how to treat your wounds. Shit! Okay, alright, okay this is just another bump in the goddammed road. We'll be okay-"

"Wyatt-" I tried to interrupt.

"No I mean I've dealt with much worse stuff before and I've been fine. So what's wrong now? Nothing. Yah we'll be totally fine-"


"Yah, phstt why am I freaking out so much? We'll be totally-"

"WYATT!" I snapped.

"What do you want woman?!" Wyatt snapped back. He had wild eyes and his hair was sticking up all over the place, but with his looks that wasn't of much concern.

"Calm down," I spoke soothingly which, quite frankly, was become harder and harder for me when I had bleeding glass wounds in my back.

"Gemma don't you f***king tell me to-"

"Please," I pleaded. "Wyatt my cuts hurt and you're really not helping."

Wyatt's anger disipated as he looked at my blood soaked t-shirt. Currently, we had locked ourselves in the public washroom of a highway service station. The minute Wyatt saw that I was bleeding he threatened to take me back to his house, which I argued against. So while I bled away, Wyatt found a service station only a town away and he was now freaking out as such. "Sorry....." He spoke quietly. "I'm just not used to having an innocent's life in my hands." He explained, interwining his fingers nervously.

I chuckled despite the pain that my wounds brought me. "I noticed that you said 'an innocent's life'" I was most definetly freaking out, but in a situation like this someone had to be calm. I think we established that that person would not be Wyatt. "Does that mean that you have been responsible for someone's life before?"

I knew the answer but I wanted to hear it from Wyatt. "Yah....not as in keeping them safe but as know?"

I pressed my lips together and nodded. I swore to always stay away from his type of people, I always wanted to keep my life simple, yet here I sat. "Anyways," Wyatt waved off. "Why don't you tell me how to treat you before you bleed to death?"

I nodded mutely and walked over to the sink. Knowing what I had to do, despite whether I was comfortable or not, I tried to take off my shirt. Unfortunately, that's not a very easy task with an injured back.

"Here, let me." Wyatt stepped forward and placed his hands on my shirt. "Uh, are you sure you want to take your shirt off?" Wyatt muttered.

"Then you tell me how to treat my gushing wounds with an infected cloth in between." I suggested, annoyed at his hesitation. I wasn't keen on taking my clothes off for some guy, if that's the type of girl he pinned me down as, it was a necessity in this situation, so if would be nice if he could rip my shirt already and I meant that in the most innocent way possible.

"I was just making sure." Wyatt grumbled. He grabbed the neck line of my shirt as gently as he could with both hands and quickly tore the thin peice of fabric. Fortunately this wasn't my shirt, unfortunately I owed Carla a new shirt.

I sat on the sink with nothing but my black bra and jeans, trying to act casual about the uncomfortable situation I was in. I turned around slowly and met Wyatt's eyes. Not once did he gave me an onceover. He held my gaze intently and I appreciated that. For a bad boy he wasn't very bad.

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