Part 17

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(A/N: Hello again :) Sorry I haven't updated for a long time, school had me super busy. As an apology for that I wrote an extra long chapter. I hope you like it. Enjoy :) EDITED)

To say that I was in denial would have been an understatement. 8 hours of driving gave you a lot of thinking time and currently I was trying to convince my brain that I did not have any traceable feelings towards Wyatt. It wasn't working.

"I don't know how you tricked me into driving this long, but just know that I hate you for it." Wyatt muttered sleepily.

I looked over at him and smirked. "It's only been 8 hours. Stop being such a baby."

"We still have another hour of driving, Gemma. Maybe, even more."

I could tell he was tired and I sighed. Wyatt and I had gotten so caught up in talking to one another, that we lost track of time and I eventually convinced Wyatt that we might as well keep going.

As odd as it may have been for us to open up to one another so quickly, we did. I even told him about my relationship with my mother. "That must be harsh." He had said.

Opening up to someone after so long gave me sense of comfort. Even Brian didn't know as much about me as Wyatt had found out in the last few days. As much as I tried to convince myself otherwise, I liked talking to Wyatt. He made me feel comfortable and free, something that I hadn't been in a while.

"Okay. I'm sure we can do this." Wyatt said to no one in particular. A guilt feeling came over me, Wyatt was tired but he was still determined to drive the full distance, when we clearly should have stopped. Then again we only had an hour left, so we might as well finish the journey. As much as I wanted to, I didn't say anything. I was too tired to speak and I guessed Wyatt was as well.

An hour flew by quicker than I thought. I kept my eyes out the window and Wyatt kept his eyes on the road. As we pulled into the neighbourhood, where my dad's house supposedly was, I inhaled sharply.

This couldn't be happening. How was this happening? Why was this happening? I can't do this. Oh my god, I can't do this. Maybe I could just lock myself in the car and refuse to come out until I am taken home-

"What was the house number again?"

", um....42." I stuttered.

Wyatt looked over at me and raised his eyebrows. I wanted him to comfort me and I knew he would but for some reason my stomach fell and I just looked away quickly. As Wyatt pulled into the driveway, my nerves began to get even jittery.


I looked over at Wyatt and forced a smile. "Yah?"

"I know you're scared..." Wyatt started. I nodded in affirmation but couldn't bring myself to say anything."But...This is for the best and I know we can do it." Wyatt flashed a small smile and a funny feeling erupted in my stomach.

I didn't trust what I would say at that point, so I just nodded and again and looked at the house. The lights were dim and the darkness of the sky illuminated the lights. The house was relatively average, with a narrow wooden porch and double doors. It was hard to imagine that my father, the one who had fallen out of my life years back, rested in this house with his new family.

"Wyatt I-" I started, but was cut off.

"I don't want to hear it. Trust me, you will be fine."And with that, Wyatt grabbed my hand and yanked me out of the car.

"Wyatt...It's late. Maybe we should come back tomorrow." I suggested, hopeful to the fact that he might listen because I was asking desperately.

"Not going to happen, Gemma." Wyatt sighed and then proceeded to yank me towards the doorway.

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