Part 29--Once and for All--

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Wyatt's POV

"Well done my boy," Riot patted me on the back. "You're adjusting much better than any of us anticipated. And good thing to eh? Otherwise someone would have died."

I didn't react to his words, but it took a lot to keep my cool. He was getting on my last nerve and I swear to God I would have drowned him if Gemma's life wasn't on the line. Watching Gemma leave that day hurt, in fact I wanted to run after her and tell her how much I loved her too and how badly I wanted to stay, but I didn't because that would hurt both me and her more. Besides, it would be easier for me to keep my feelings in if I wanted her alive.

I had set Grayson and Jake after her again and hopefully they were doing their job. They said she was living with some guy but that's all I knew. Unfortunately that news wasn't music to my ears. I wanted to see Gemma again soon but for now I would have to live off of what Grayson and Jake told me every so often.

"I need you to do an import export job with some men of mine in Chicago. You have a big job, Wyatt, sneaking the drugs onto that plane you'll be on." Riot smiled deviously.

I narrowed my eyes. "Why can't I take our plane?" I asked confusedly, the old man was just setting me up for failure.

"Where's the fun in that?" He laughed and sat down on the leather couch beside his desk.

His lounge was tiny and cramped but he seemed pretty proud of it, which is why he flaunted it every once in a while and invited us in to tell us about our next job. "I'm not doing that." I rolled my eyes annoyingly. "You and I both know that if I go down, you go down."

"Oh but that can't be the case now can it, Wyatt. Because if I go down, I take your precious lady friend down with me."

My expression turned stone cold. "You promised-"

"Eh!" He waved off. "I know what I said, but don't you let yourself think for even one second that she's safe. Until you're living her life will forever be on the line."

Riot loved taunting us and blackmailing us to no end and that's why people listened to him, that's why I listened to him. "What do you mean?" I gritted my teeth.

"My men are watching her constantly, Wyatt. I track her every move. You better not pull anything behind my back because it won't end nicely."

My blood was boiling and I'm pretty sure he could see me shaking with anger. Regardless, I brought out my fakest smile and spoke. "Of course not."

"Good," He waved me off absentmindedly.

I walked out of his lounge and into the hallway of our meeting place. All in all, I knew what I had to do. Leah and mom were safe, Gemma, Grayson and Jake weren't. In addition, I couldn't stand Riot and I needed him dead.

"WHAT?" Jake yelled.

I leaned against Grayson's car and ran a hand through my hair. "Jake I need this done. I can't deal with it anymore."

"Jakey, come on. We can do this." Grayson spoke to his brother and encouraged him to follow suit with my plan.

Jake looked at us like we belonged in a mental asylum and we probably did but I needed to do this."You two realize how dangerous this will be right?" Jake pondered out loud.

"Of course we do." I looked over at Grayson and nodded. "But Jay, if I had any other way out I would take it, unfortunately I don't." I spoke calmingly becausr I knew Jake needed assurance.

Jake sighed and sat on the hood of Grayson's sleek car. "If Gemma find out-"

"She won't." Grayson and I spoke in unison and with fear. We knew what might happen and there would be a lot of explaining involved that might get us in trouble.

"Fine, fine." Jake spoke defensively. "I was just saying."

I nodded hesitantly. "Okay so you guys are clear on the plan right?"

"Crystal clear." Grayson's dark eyes met mine and he nodded in confirmation. I looked over at Jake and he looked uneasy.

"Not exactly." Jake exhaled.

I chuckled and Grayson groaned. "It's not that complicated of a plan."

"It's fine," I waved off and started to explain. "The only way I could possibly get to Riot is through his daughter. You following Jake?" He nodded so I continued. "She's agreed to help me, but I don't know if I can trust her sorry arse considering she basically agreed to help me kill her father. Then again, she's had enough of his disgusting tactics too. So, basically me and June will pretend to be a couple. I'm not going to do the Chicago job but I'll tell someone else to. When Riot finds out he won't get mad because June will cover for me and the knowing him, he'll instantly have more trust for me because me and June will be together again...I'll go out for drinks with him and one of the guys working will be will slip something into Riot's drink and before you know it, everything will be over."

"Won't June be pissed that you killed her father?" Jake asked, seriously.

I chuckled. "No, besides Riot's not her real dad, he's her uncle. He killed her father when June was only 10, it was over some stupid import export job and since then Riot has been her guardian. June's always had it out for him, but she tends to get caught up into his tactics. She's at war with herself."

"Like you." Jake responded understandingly.

I opened my mouth to speak and felt my stomach drop. "Yah like me. But uh.....yah so basically that's the plan. I don't know how accurate it will end up being."

"Man, you guys have it hard." Jake put his face in his hands and groaned.

"Yah," I smiled sadly. "I guess so. So, any news on Gemma?"

Grayson shoved his hands into his pocket and shook his head. "Same old, same old. She's living with some next guy."

"You know anything about him?" I asked, quickly. I wasn't jealous...just curious.

Grayson smirked. "No, nothing much. He's a friend of her's from before, though. Works at the hospital with her."

I knit my eyebrows together. "I know who you're talking about. When Gemma got shot once, we called him to fix her up. Damn...why's she living with him?" I asked myself. My stomach felt weird and I wanted nothing more to have her with me, right here, right now.

Grayson and Jake looked at each other and smirked. "You jealous, Wyatt?" Jake asked, tauntingly.

"Nah." I denied, trying to laugh it off. "I just want to make sure she's in good hands ya know."

"Alright. Sure." Grayson crossed his arms and his smirk deepened. "Whatever you say."

I scowled at both of them. I wasn't a big revealer of emotions, unless it came to someone I was very close to or someone who I wanted to show my emotions too. "Whatever, lets go. I gotta get back to the gang." Jake and Grayson nodded and we all slipped into Gray's car.

Jake sat in the back seat, I was in the passenger's seat and Grayson drove. We all fell into a comfortable silence and everyone was lost in their thoughts.

I missed Gemma and I wasn't afraid to admit it. I missed everything about her, and everything she made me feel. See, as teenagers us guys don't want to be so called "softies" and admit anything, we don't want to show anyone our weak side because we want to be oh so macho. Honestly, though? We feel a lot more than we get credit for and now that I'm older, I get that. If everything that's happening now, happened when I was a teenager, things may have been different. I may have been different. But regardless of the circumstances, I'm glad the tough times were now, at a time where I was more mature, and I'm glad that they were with Gemma because she was worth it. She kept me going and just for her sake and my family's sake I would fix this. Once and for all.

(A/N: WARNING;UNEDITED. I wrote this chapter on my phone so there may be a few mistakes, please kindly point them out :) Also I hope you enjoy this chapter from Wyatt's POV. I got mixed responses when I asked y'all for your opinion so I decided to put in one or two more chapters from Wyatt, just so you guys can get a feel of what's going on with him :) ENJOY)

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