Part 21

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Breathe Gemma, breathe. He's just another specimen on the face of this earth, there is nothing special about him, you shouldn't care about him. In fact, he should bother you in no way possible because he is just another living organism. Okay....That is the biggest lie I have ever told. 

Wyatt and I sat next to one another in the back seat of my father's car. Rosaline and dad didn't tell us where we were going or when we would be back, but Wyatt and I hadn't asked any questions. It took me the utmost effort not to speak to Wyatt, but I didn't want to give in. 

Within minutes we had reached the restaurant. It seemed fancy, with lights illuminating the outside of the restaurant and parking that stretched almost a block.  I was a simple person, so I wasn't a fan of such restaurant, but I appreciated the effort. 

Wyatt and  my dad slipped out of the car and Rosaline turned to me. "Try to let go tonight, love."  

Her advice didn't sink in until Wyatt opened my door and looked at me for the first time in two days. His eyes didn't hold the same darkness, in fact he looked at ease and that made me smile. Wyatt smiled back at me and it gave me a sense of comfort. 

"Ready, beautiful?" Wyatt asked leaning down and putting his hand out to me. 

He was a dream. A dream that was too good to be true. But we only live once right? So although there will be problems and not all good things last, we should make the best of it. So I decided to. "Yes, handsome." And with that I placed my hand in his. 

Wyatt gently pulled me out of the car and he intertwined his fingers in mines. "You look very beautiful." 

I tried to hide my smile, but the more I tried, the harder it became. "Thank you." 

Rosaline and my father dazed at us and smiled, but looked away quickly when we caught there gaze. "We'll meet you inside." Called my father as he turned and started walking away. 

I awkwardly looked up at Wyatt and he smiled again, "Let's go." He spoke quietly. 

Wyatt and I walked hand in hand inside the restaurant but before we stepped inside, I pulled Wyatt back. He looked taken aback but stepped aside regardless. "I'm sorry..." I sighed, looking down. It had been killing me not to speak to him and if I had to be the bigger person and apologize for not responding to his confession, then I would. 

Wyatt looked at me intently and without expression. "You shouldn't be apologizing." Wyatt mumbled. 

I shook my head. "Wyatt, I'm not apologizing because I did something wrong. I know I didn't because that's just how I am. I'm apologizing because...." I trailed off, thinking about what I was about to say. 

"Because...." Wyatt encouraged. 

"Because...I value our conversations more than I value my ego and it hurt not to talk to you....Oh god, you probably think I'm just being cheesy and weird-" I shook my head as soon as I spoke the words. What was I thinking? Being honest lifts a weight off of me, but afterwards it makes me feel stupid. 

Wyatt chuckled throatily and grabbed my hand. He pulled me close and whispered. "I missed you too, pumpkin." 

My stomach was going to explode because of the butterflies. It was a weird analysis but that's just how I felt. "Let's go inside," I chuckled and let go of his hand. In that moment, I didn't know what to say to Wyatt, he was being so sweet and I didn't want to ruin it with my awkwardness so I just ended it and turned around swiftly, I was happy that we had made up though.  

Wyatt nodded and followed me in. Rosaline and Dad had already went inside, and I didn't know what to say to Wyatt, right there and then. I'm glad he caught onto what I was trying to say, without me having to say it. The restaurant was beautiful and dimly lit, with ancient paintings covering the walls and dark wooden tables scattered throughout the large area. Wyatt reached our table before me and came around to pull out my chair for me. 

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