Chapter 5

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Fortunately, I had quick reflexes and was able to catch Wyatt's muscular build in the nick of time. Unfortunately I was not very strong, so I had a hell of a time dragging limp Wyatt to the couch. I dropped him on the blue couch and rushed to my closet to grab some necessary supplies. Instantly, I injected him with the strong liquid that would support his body for the next hour or so, until he received the energy that he needed.

I felt a pang on guilt build up inside me. I knew he needed my help, but I pushed him away. What was I thinking? Sure he was a bad influence and clearly not in a very pleasant life situation at the moment, but he needed help. Yes, it was weird how he knew me before I introduced myself to him, but I guess some things would be kept a secret.

My thoughts bugged me as I bandaged Wyatt's wounds. Every time my fingers brushed against his skin, butterflies would erupt in my stomach. I was being such a teenage girl, but wouldn't you be if one of the most handsome guys you knew or encountered showed up at your door for the past few days because he needed assistance?

I smiled to myself as I cleaned the last of his wounds. The colour of his skin had darkened a bit which gave me comfort because it indicated his health. His breathing had also returned to normal and I made a mental note to give him iron pills once he awoke because of the major blood loss he had experienced.

"Mom," Wyatt groaned in his sleep. My heart fell as I looked at him. The blood was gone but the sad expression remained. He squirmed and squeezed his eyes tighter. "I'm sorry,"

His mom? What did she have to do with anything? Was she okay? Sure I had many questions, but when he groaned I hastily got up and wrapped up the medical supplies. He needed sound sleep and besides, evening was nearing. I had to prep dinner - for two this time.

I slowly walked to my closet and placed all the supplies in their rightful place. I had never wanted to be a nurse. In fact, I never knew what I wanted to be, but it had to be in the line of assisting those in need. Helping others gave me joy. I watched my mom struggle to keep a stable job and support herself and I. Some nights I went to sleep hungry because we didn't have much money, I wouldn't have the most clothes, or the nicest shoes, and we didn't live in a nice place either. However, something was better than nothing, and I always counted my blessing. When I reached high school, we were to explore career options, I found out that those in the medical field made a lot of money, money that my mother and I needed. So, I decided to become a nurse. It was not something I was passionate about, but at least now we have a better life.

I didn't realize that, while being tangled in my thoughts, I had walked into the kitchen and started prepping for dinner. I had grabbed a box of spaghetti and without anymore hesitation, I started cooking. The next 30 minutes were spent cooking the pasta in an Alfredo sauce and gulping down two cups of coffee to keep my drooping eyes open.

Wyatt wouldn't be awake for the next hour or so, so I decided to eat my dinner in peace. However, my dinner was quite the opposite. The questions circling my mind and the tangled thoughts made it hard for me to even concentrate on what was going into my mouth. My eyes were fixated on Wyatt the entire time.

By the time I finished dinner and cleaned everything up, Wyatt had started showing movement and before I knew it, his eyes fluttered open.

"Where...where am I?" Wyatt moaned as his eyes adjusted to the light.

I quickly rushed to his side and crouched down, examining his wounds. In all honesty, examining his wounds was just a way to distract my brain from pelting the poor, injured guy with questions. "You're at my apartment," I muttered.

"Oh...." He trailed off, and looked around, analyzing everything closely. "What time is it?"

I looked over at the clock and answered softly. "7pm, you've been out for almost three hours now."

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