Part 31--River of Tears--

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Pain jolted through my body and I didn't feel like opening my eyes. The pain in my head made it hard for me to even think, so I didn't bother. I didn't care where I was, who I was with, all I wanted right here, right now was the pain to subside. I groaned in annoyance and I even let a tear escape because of the pain.

"Does it hurt, sweetheart?" A familiar voice spoke.

Involuntarily my eyes opened and I came face to face with who looked like the guy from the hospital who had tried to capture me. "Just a little." I growled at him.

He looked taken a back but just gave a devious smile when he recovered. "Well I'm sorry we couldn't make it hurt more."

My eyes narrowed at the disgusting excuse of a human and I cringed. "Go to hell."

"Not without you." He smirked and leaned in close. His black hair and dark brown eyes were captivating and he was easy of the eyes, but that wasn't the point, any man with that kind of a personality was ugly in my books.

I tried to bring my hand forward to shove him away, but that was when I realized that they were tied. Both my hands and feet were tied with rope and I was placed on the ground of a dingy and dark room. "You're despicable." I spat at him.

He smirked. "So is Wyatt, but you seem to like him."

My mouth instantly fell and my stomach churned at the mention of his name. ' up!" Oh, stupendous comeback, Gemma.

"Make me." He smiled and I cringed.

"Devlin, stop making chit chat with the hostage." Someone walked through the door. He was the tall kind, with greying hair and a rigid jaw line. All in all, although he was aged and looked a few days over 50, he was still handsome. I squinted my eyes, trying to recognize him, but to no avail. I had never seen this man before.

The man stopped at looked at me with a smirk. "Oh, poor girl. You must be confused. I'm the one who hit you with the car and called you? You recall? My name's....well it doesn't can call me Riot." He ended.

My head hurt, so I closed my eyes and lay down on the floor. "Hmm," Riot spoke, thoughtfully. "She must be tired...Oh honey, wake up, Wyatt's about to come."

My eyes jolted open and regardless of the pain I sat up once again. "What do you mean by-" I started, but was cut off.

"Shhh, little one. Listen." Riot pointed at nothing in particular.

I scowled at him but listened, very faintly, I heard a familiar voice. "Why the hell does he want to see us now?"

"I don't know," responded someone else. "Just keep your cool and we'll be out before you know it."

I gasped as the voices got closer to the door and someone grasped my arm and pull my head back by pulling my hair. I winced and cried out in pain. "Not the head you idiot, you hurt me there!" I yelled at the handsome man who was identified as Devlin.

"My apologies," He spoke, and then pulled harder on my hair.

The two people got closer to the door and I closed my eyes. "Wyatt, my boy!" Riot called. "And my darling June."

My eyes were closed but that didn't mean that my heart didn't feel the pain of being in the same room as Wyatt again. No one spoke for a few seconds, so naturally I presumed that everyone had left the room except for the beast holding back my hair. Slowly, I opened my light eyes, but unfortunately I came face to face with the reality that my presumption was incorrect. Wyatt stood before me with his blue eyes widened in shock and he looked ready to kill. June, whom I recognized from the motel, held his arm in desperation and her eyes looked terrified. Riot stood with a million dollar smile on his face and looked in between us three.

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